Junior Maths Leaflet
A leaflet for parents outlining the Maths being taught at Key Stage 2.
Infant Maths Leaflet
A leaflet for parents which outlines the type of Maths being taught in Key Stage 1 classrooms.
Mental Oral Starters :Y6 Aut Sequence S1
Mental and oral starters for Year 6 Autumn Teaching Sequence S1.
Mental Oral Starters :Y4 Sequence 4
Mental and oral starters for Year 4 Spring Teaching Sequence 4.
Mental Oral Starters :Y3 Aut Sequence 3
Mental and oral starters for Year 3 Autumn Teaching Sequence 3.
Make A Box
Moving on from the last session, children explore how boxes are made from nets by taking apart packaging boxes. Then using a pre-prepared net, children make and design their own boxes.
Weather In The Future
Discuss extreme weather events from present and past. Using data they have been given about England’s weather over the past 30 years, some children draw a climate graph and predict what will happen in the future. Other children create a weather forecast for 2050.
Shopping Basket
Look at products that would be on weekly shopping list, consider the different ways in which these were sold – less packaging. Discuss equivalents between imperial and metric measurements and money. Children convert prices or sort foods into then and now.
Rising Population
Explain that the population in Britain has been rising steadily since World War 2. This is not only due to immigration, but also to improved health services. Discuss the birth of the National Health Service. Children draw graphs to show population growth.
Eye On The Ball
With the World Cup in full swing both in school and in South Africa it’s time to become a statistician mathematician! Children use real data collected on their World Cup wall charts to find answers to their own questions.
World United
260 million people can’t be wrong! In this session children discover that there are few differences between the sports they like and participate in and those that children in Africa enjoy, before experiencing some traditional African games.
The True Value of Water
The global well is in trouble – not enough water to go around. Take action to conserve water! Children use ‘clue stations’ to discover water-saving tips, working out how much water they would save. They are set homework to log water use at home over 3 days.
Suitable for years 5 and 6.
Can You Carry It?
How hard can it be to carry water? Children find out the facts and discuss images of different ways of carrying water before trying themselves. Through activities on the playground children experience that water is heavy and challenging to carry over distances.
Suitable for years 5 and 6.
No Magic Tap
Find out about children’s experience of water all around the world using Oxfam’s Our World Of Water and compare with life in the UK. In a similar style to the book, children create a ‘scrapbook’ page comparing their lives with Khadija or Gamuchu from Africa.
Suitable for years 5 and 6.
Maths Y5 Spring Teaching Sequence 5
Fractions, Decimals, Percentages, Ratio and proportion (five days).
Maths Y4 Autumn Teaching Sequence D2
Handling data (two days).
Maths Y3 Autumn, ICT Support
Guidance on using ICT software to aid Y3 teaching sequence.
Maths Y2 Autumn Teaching Sequence 3
Number facts to 20, equality [3 days].
Children revise partitioning pairs up to and including ten, then 20, recording the corresponding addition and subtraction sentences. They use images such as the 20 bead frame and ‘slidy’ box’ cards to reinforce the idea of an empty box in number sentences. They use the idea of equality and the image of the number balance to help them to write number sentences such as 7 + 3 = 6 + 4.
Maths Y1 Spring Teaching Sequence Answers
Answers for all the Resources for Year 1 Spring Term.