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Happyedugator's Shop

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(based on 140 reviews)

I have a total of 27 years teaching experience . After I received my M.Ed. from the University of Florida (hence the name "HappyEdugator"), I began teaching in elementary school, where I taught pull-out remedial classes for grades 2-5 and a section of K-1. Then I taught Pre-K for 5 years, before I went up to Middle School, where I have been in 6th, 7th, and 8th grade. Last year, I went back to 1st grade in a private setting. I have traveled worldwide and am also fluent in Spanish.




I have a total of 27 years teaching experience . After I received my M.Ed. from the University of Florida (hence the name "HappyEdugator"), I began teaching in elementary school, where I taught pull-out remedial classes for grades 2-5 and a section of K-1. Then I taught Pre-K for 5 years, before I went up to Middle School, where I have been in 6th, 7th, and 8th grade. Last year, I went back to 1st grade in a private setting. I have traveled worldwide and am also fluent in Spanish.
Holidays Around the World - Christmas Around the World Poetry Activity

Holidays Around the World - Christmas Around the World Poetry Activity

Have your students learn about holidays around the world and write acrostic poems about how people celebrate Christmas around the world. Includes informational text about ten different countries around the world and how they celebrate Christmas. You may wish to have students do additional research to write their poems. These are fun and easy to use for differentiation. You can choose longer or shorter poems for students, or you can give them choice. You can also require either words, phrases, or complete sentences on the lines. You can decide to rhyme or not. They do require some critical thinking and creativity. They make a great display, too. - HappyEdugator ©2016 HappyEdugator.
Parts of Speech

Parts of Speech

Parts of Speech. Students identify parts of speech in context in this quick print and go activity. Can be used for practice or assessment. Student identify the the part of speech of the 25 underlined words in the passages, and write the answers on their own paper. Key included. Enjoy! - HappyEdugator
Award Certificates

Award Certificates

Award certificates for your classroom or school needs. A pack of 8 awards...type in the name of student, subject, dates or other information, print, sign, and award! Includes a most improved award, a certificate of achievement, student of the month, attendance award, essay contest award, certificate for excellence, award for excellence, and certificate of merit. Enjoy! - HappyEdugator
Rubrics - Middle School Writing Rubric

Rubrics - Middle School Writing Rubric

Middle School Writing Rubric. This rubric has four categories...ideas, organization, style, and conventions. There are five possible points in each category, and students and teachers can easily understand what is required. A 20 point scale is easy to translate into a percentage. The rubric can be used for both creative and expository writing. There is a place for students to write their name and teacher's name, and then students can evaluate themselves and turn in the rubric with their work. The bottom of the rubric has room for comments and teacher feedback and grade. Left in editable format for you to adapt to your classroom needs. - HappyEdugator
Valentine's Day Math Counting Numbers

Valentine's Day Math Counting Numbers

Valentines Day Math - Counting Numbers 1 - 10. Hearts math and literacy sheet. Numbers 1 - 10. Students have to count the hearts, draw a line to match them to the number word, then write the number in the box provided. Use Valentine heart shaped candy; have your kids count them out as they complete the sheet. Fun math activity for Valentine's Day. Supports math, reading, and writing skills. Supports common core state standards! CCSS.Math.Content.K.CC.A.3 Write numbers from 0 to 20. Represent a number of objects with a written numeral 0-20 (with 0 representing a count of no objects). CCSS.Math.Content.K.CC.B.4 Understand the relationship between numbers and quantities; connect counting to cardinality. CCSS.Math.Content.K.CC.B.4a When counting objects, say the number names in the standard order, pairing each object with one and only one number name and each number name with one and only one object. CCSS.Math.Content.K.CC.B.4b Understand that the last number name said tells the number of objects counted. The number of objects is the same regardless of their arrangement or the order in which they were counted. CCSS.Math.Content.K.CC.B.4c Understand that each successive number name refers to a quantity that is one larger. CCSS.Math.Content.K.CC.B.5 Count to answer “how many?” questions about as many as 20 things arranged in a line, a rectangular array, or a circle, or as many as 10 things in a scattered configuration; given a number from 1–20, count out that many objects.
Classroom Management Warning Cards

Classroom Management Warning Cards

Behavior Management Warning Cards. Classroom management tool.. Slip quietly on a desk and don't stop teaching! Be prepared for the beginning of the year or anytime you need a behavior plan. Explain to your students when they come back to school at the beginning of the year that you will expect them to follow your classroom expectations. Give them examples of positive and negative behaviors Tell them that once you give a verbal warning, you expect the behavior to stop. If it does not, and you have to address the issue again, they will quietly, without disrupting instruction, be given a behavior warning card. Just put it on their desk and don't stop teaching! They must sign it, date it, and write the behavior they are being warned about on the back and return it to you. You keep the card for documentation, which is useful for parent conferences or in the event of an office referral. Includes a plain set without name and date if you wish to use repeatedly without documentation. Includes cards with place for name and date, blank cards with a line to write on that you can customize, Last Chance cards, Stop! cards, and Oops! cards...which you can use as you choose. Enjoy! - HappyEdugator
Frayer Model

Frayer Model

Frayer Model. Blank Frayer Model Graphic Organizer. Build vocabulary by having students use this graphic organizer to define the term in their own words, provide relevant characteristics and pictures, and give examples and non-examples from their own experience. Includes two versions for differentiation, and two formats...one larger for projecting on a screen, and one smaller with a place for student name and date for printing. Thanks!
Parent Contact Log

Parent Contact Log

Keep all your parent contacts in one place on this easy to use spreadsheet. Includes a separate sheet for each month of the school year, a field for last name, first name, date, and a field with a drop down menu for type of contact (phone, email, etc.) Editable for your classroom needs. - HappyEdugator
Hearts - Gingham - Clip Art

Hearts - Gingham - Clip Art

Hearts - Gingham - Clip Art. 37 different colored hearts for your creations. Png format. Commercial use and personal use. Enjoy! - HappyEdugator ©2016 HappyEdugator.
Memorial Day and Flag Day Coloring Activity

Memorial Day and Flag Day Coloring Activity

Memorial Day and Flag Day Coloring Activity. This print and go sheet for Memorial Day and Flag Day explains why we celebrate and what the colors of the flag symbolize. Students then follow the color codes to color the flag. Have them cut out and attach to a craft stick or paint stirrer to wave. - HappyEdugator
Candy Bar Fraction Hunt - A Fun Fraction Activity

Candy Bar Fraction Hunt - A Fun Fraction Activity

Fraction Hunt. This is a fun way to practice fractions. First, hide a candy bar (or any individually wrapped candy) somewhere in the room under a map, atlas, globe, or drawing of the earth. Then give students the sheet to decode the message and find the candy. They will have lots of fun trying to be the first one done to get the prize. - HappyEdugator
Editable Labels - Black and White Chevron

Editable Labels - Black and White Chevron

Back to school Editable labels will help you get organized! Three different sizes. Just insert a text box and write what you want. Great for name tags, desk plates, signs, posters, supply labels, and more. - HappyEdugator
Words to Avoid in Writing

Words to Avoid in Writing

Words to Avoid When You Write. This is a handout for students on formal academic and professional writing which explains the importance of avoiding certain words in order to have a credible style. Also includes a list of words and common phrases that should not be used or limited when writing. - HappyEdugator
EDITABLE Teacher Binder Covers - School Supplies

EDITABLE Teacher Binder Covers - School Supplies

EDITABLE Teacher Binder Covers - 63 Different Ready Made Binder Covers and Spines for back to school. Choose which ones you wish to use, print out and slip into your binder front and spine. Also includes an editable cover and an editable spine, so you can add your own words if you need to! These can also be used as dividers in a larger teacher binder (cover for that included) and the spines can double as page tabs. Just print out the pages you need and put in page protectors. Print out the tabs on card stock, laminate if desired, and attach with clear packing tape to protect and make durable. Back to School background. Enjoy! - HappyEdugator With the EDITABLE BLANK covers and spines, you can create your own binders for anything you wish. Also includes ready made covers for: 504's Art Assessments Benchmarks Calendar Class Rosters Common Core Standards Conferences Curriculum Maps Cursive Data Department Duties ELL English Language Arts Evaluations Extracurricular Activities Field Trip Information Foreign Language Geography Gradebook HIstory IEP's Lesson Plans Mathematics Meeting Notes Modifications Music Newsletters Parent Guardian Contacts Passwords/Tech Information Professional Development Reading Schedule Science Social Studies Spelling Standards STEM STEAM Student Information Substitute Syllabus Teacher Binder Transportation Website Information Work Samples Writing AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY HOLIDAYS TESTING
Editing Activity - What I Did on Spring Break

Editing Activity - What I Did on Spring Break

Editing Activity - What I Did on Spring Break! Great test prep! Find the mistakes in the sentences and make corrections in spelling, punctuation, and grammar. 25 sentences with common errors. Students have to become the "teacher" and correct the poorly written sentences they have found in their students' writing about their Spring Break vacation. These came from actual student mistakes. Enjoy! - HappyEdugator
Nouns - All About Nouns PowerPoint

Nouns - All About Nouns PowerPoint

Nouns PowerPoint - all about Nouns. Defines nouns. Information, notes, and practice slides on Common Nouns, Proper Nouns, Concrete Nouns, Abstract Nouns, Mass or Collective Nouns, Properties of Nouns, Noun Case (Nominative Noun Case, Objective Noun Case, and Possessive Noun Case), Gender, Number, and Person. Each section has a practice slide and an answer slide. Use each section as you need it. Great for review of a parts of speech unit at the beginning of the year. Also use for warm ups, or for notes in interactive notebooks. - HappyEdugator ©2016 HappyEdugator.
Bell Ringers - Tier Two Vocabulary in Context 3

Bell Ringers - Tier Two Vocabulary in Context 3

Bell Ringers - Tier Two Vocabulary in Context - Grade 10 Set 3. TEST PREP. Tenth grade tier II vocabulary words set in context in informational paragraphs. Students should use context clues or contextual hints to figure out the meaning of unknown words. Third of three sets. Designed for Tenth grade, and as a review for 11th and 12th grade. - HappyEdugator
Bell Ringers - Common Core - Sentence Structure

Bell Ringers - Common Core - Sentence Structure

Bell Ringers - Common Core - Sentence Structure. Thirty ways to practice identifying simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences. Quick 5-7 minutes of practice that will help students build writing skill using sentence structure. Includes a couple of slides with information on what sentence structure is and why it is important. Each slide has an activity and an answer slide so they can quickly check themselves. These can also be printed out on index cards and turned into fun task cards. Supports Common Core. - HappyEdugator
TEST PREP: Reading and Language Arts Academic Vocabulary Grades 1 - 3

TEST PREP: Reading and Language Arts Academic Vocabulary Grades 1 - 3

TEST PREP: Reading - English Language Arts. Key terms and academic vocabulary. List of terms and flashcards. Standardized test terminology. A list of vocabulary and terminology often seen on standardized tests for Grade 1 - 3. Includes the words on flashcards that can be used for word walls, pocket charts, sorting activities, and centers. These words may be found on state tests or common core assessments. Make sure your students are familiar with the terminology before testing begins. - HappyEdugator
Confusing Words - Beat the Clock Game

Confusing Words - Beat the Clock Game

Confusing Words Beat the Clock PowerPoint game. A fun interactive way to practice identifying commonly confused words. (there, their, they're) Students are given two sentences and have thirty seconds each to identify the correct confusing words that go in each sentence. They can work with a partner and use wipe-off white boards or write the answers down on paper. After time is up, the answers will disappear. (Timer is built in) Click again to check answers. Advance slide with another click to start with a new set of sentences. Grades 4 and up. Supports common core for frequently confused words! 36 sentences in all. - HappyEdugator