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Plantation life - Slavery

Plantation life - Slavery

This lesson aims to allow students to understand several of the key parts of life as an enslaved African on the plantations. In this lesson there are: Powerpoint with guided instructions and pictures Information sheets to use as information about plantation life
Abolition of the Slave Trade

Abolition of the Slave Trade

This lesson explores the reasons for the ending of the Slave Trade. The lesson contains the following :- Powerpoint with guided tasks Information sheet with activities
Harriet Tubman - Resistance to slavery

Harriet Tubman - Resistance to slavery

This lesson provides a detailed narrative of the work of Harriet Tubman, and aims to explain how she resisted slavery. This lesson contains the following: Powerpoint with guided tasks Guided reading sheet about the work of Harriet Tubman
American West - Lawlessness retreival

American West - Lawlessness retreival

This resource aims to recap knowledge on the lawlessness theme of the American West. A simple do now activity for students to recap their own knowledge and engage students. -Points for higher answers -Coloured based on challenge -Differentiated for ability