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Plantation life - Slavery

Plantation life - Slavery

This lesson aims to allow students to understand several of the key parts of life as an enslaved African on the plantations. In this lesson there are: Powerpoint with guided instructions and pictures Information sheets to use as information about plantation life
Harriet Tubman - Resistance to slavery

Harriet Tubman - Resistance to slavery

This lesson provides a detailed narrative of the work of Harriet Tubman, and aims to explain how she resisted slavery. This lesson contains the following: Powerpoint with guided tasks Guided reading sheet about the work of Harriet Tubman
Events of the 1600s

Events of the 1600s

2 Resources
This bundle contains a collection of resource that explains the changes to England after the death of Charles I. It included the following lessons:- Life in Cromwell’s England Charles II’s reign
Islamic Civilisations - Bundle

Islamic Civilisations - Bundle

3 Resources
This bundle contains 3 lessons worth of information about the growth of the Islamic Civilisation. It included information about the importance of Baghdad as a capital to a Civilisation and shows how important the Silk Road was to the growth of the Empire. It finally examines the differences/similarities to Britain at the same period.