PowerPoint lessons for AQA AS Spanish Unit 2: El Ciberespacio
2.1 La influencia de Internet
2.2 Los móviles inteligentes en nuestra sociedad
2.3 Las redes sociales: beneficios y peligros
This lesson is an interactive speaking based lesson incorporating a virtual tour of an area of the Spanish-speaking world. This resource is designed for Y10/11 and can be used for online teaching.
This lesson is an interactive speaking based lesson incorporating a virtual tour of an area of the Spanish-speaking world. This resource is designed for Y10/11 and can be used for online teaching.
Bundle of A2 Spanish PowerPoint lesson on AQA Unit 5 Monarquías y dictaduras
Sound files for listening activities embedded in PowerPoints and Kerboodle access may be required
A bundle of PowerPoint lessons covering AQA AS Spanish Unit 1:
1.1 Los cambios en la familia
1.2 Actitudes hacia el matrimonio y el divorcio
1.3 La Influencia de la Iglesia Católica
Within this bundle you will find many lessons covering the key aspects of the book Como Agua Para Chocolate.
Chapter Summaries
Literary techniques
Social and Historical context