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I’m Thinking of a Number Game
Simple Maths game to help students use the inverse. Can be easily adapted and expanded upon.
Halloween themed Pixel Art
This presentation provides step-by-step instructions for students to create Halloween-themed pixel art. Includes example art work.
My Friend Walter Comprehension Questions
Comprehension questions for all chapters of My Friend Walter by Michael Morpurgo.
United Nations Day Presentation
This PowerPoint presentation on United Nations Day covers what it is, why it is important, how it is celebrated and includes a short quiz and follow-up research activity.
When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit Comprehension Questions
Comprehension Questions for each chapter of When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit by Judith Kerr.
All About Bonfire Night
A simple presentation exploring the history of Bonfire Night, the Gunpowder Plot, safety guidelines and creative, research-based art activities for students.
Writing a Firework Poem
A step-by-step guide for students to create and perform a vibrant, sensory-rich firework poem inspired by Bonfire Night.
Marie Curie Presentation
This presentation introduces Marie Curie’s life, achievements and legacy, with a discussion question, key terms and a quick quiz.
The Fall of the Berlin Wall
A presentation about the fall of the Berlin Wall. Includes background information and a research task for students to find out more detail.
Create an Evacuee Character
A simple writing task for students to create an evacuee character. It also includes an extension task to write a diary entry from the character’s point of view, with a quick recap of diary features and an example.