Physical education

Edexcel GCSE PE - Planes and Axes - Movement Analysis
An engaging way to teach a very tricky subject, Jelly Babies!
Movement Analysis exam included!

L3 BTEC Sport Unit 22 - Business in Sport Industry - COMPLETE A-F
A1 - Features and organisation
A2 - Aims and objectives
A3 - Provision of sports facilities
A4 - Customer groups
A5 - Stakeholders
A6 - Laws and legislation
50+ Page Workbook included for pupils to complete as the unit progresses!

PE Display - Benefits of Physical Education
Over 40 benefits of PE to make your display boards look awesome!
Take a look at the example display in the preview! :)
Editable PowerPoint and PDF file included. Can also be shared via Google Slides.

Edexcel GCSE PE - Lever Systems
Edexcel GCSE PE - Lever Systems
Understanding Levers in Sport. Great for Kinaesthetic learners!

Edexcel GCSE PE - Skill Classification
Edexcel GCSE PE - Skill Classification
A range of continua to engage pupils through discussion!

Non Participant Report (PE/Basketball)
This is a worksheet to provide activity for pupils that are not participating in a PE lesson. This worksheet can be easily adapted to suit any core lesson.

Athletics - 100M Sprint Start resource card
Give your pupils the perfect sprint start with this resource card!
Use pupils to coach others to reinforce learning!

Cricket - Fortnite Cards
Serious levels of engagement when using these cards in your lessons.
Cut / Fold / Laminate - Every time someone catches a player out / bowls someone out, they get the chance to chose a card to implement in their small sided game!

Olympics / Circuit cards
Olympic circuit cards ideal for a wet weather lesson!
Worksheet included for pupils to complete as they go along.

Athletics - Shot-Put Resource Card
Pupils can work through each technique discovering each aspect of the throw. Questions to complete can inform plenaries to get pupils to understand why certain techniques are used!

Basketball - Non participant / Non doer sheet
Ideal to keep your pupils engaged with this sheet. Word doc to included for you to be able to change it to a different sport!

Football / Futsal - Formation Cards
Engage your pupils with extra tactics and formations in their games! Cut out and laminate and distribute to pupils for them to lead!

Football - FIFA tactic cards
FIFA tactic for your small sided games. Cards could be distributed to certain players to take on a leadership role and could inform plenaries on the level of success!