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Geography and Sociology resource and lesson shop

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(based on 37 reviews)

I am a secondary school Head of department and I love to teach engaging, vibrant and interesting lessons. I try to inspire students with what greets them when they come into my classroom and try to move away from the chalk and talk teacher at the front lessons and make learning interactive and fun!




I am a secondary school Head of department and I love to teach engaging, vibrant and interesting lessons. I try to inspire students with what greets them when they come into my classroom and try to move away from the chalk and talk teacher at the front lessons and make learning interactive and fun!
China Olympics globalisation (differentiated lessons, assessment, resources)

China Olympics globalisation (differentiated lessons, assessment, resources)

3 Resources
These lessons can be purchased individually but work well as completed one after the other so that students can compare and contrast the different impacts of being a host nation. All resources and lessons are contained in the bundle and it is discounted to buy as a bundle. This also includes the scheme of work and there end of unit assessments.
Urban homework sheets for 8 homework's!

Urban homework sheets for 8 homework's!

Homework bundle for 8 urban homework tasks for Key Stage 3 students or for low ability KS4 students. They involve several geographical skills such as photograph interpretation and field sketches. All sheets are stand alone and therefore do not need any additional planning.
Geography Christmas quiz (Rivers, Map and Location Skills)

Geography Christmas quiz (Rivers, Map and Location Skills)

This resource is a good end of year quiz that can be adapted as it is aimed at mid level KS4 as there are core elements that are covered in examinations for Rivers for rounds one (hydrographs, causes of flooding, long profile) and then Round 2 is the use of map skills including grid references and location knowledge, round 3 is a guess the location by making inferences from the clues in the locations and then Round 4 and a bonus round of problem solving. All with a Christmas theme and then the slides are duplicated for peer marking as shown on the preview. Works best with small teams in a class (3-4 in a team, answers and any activities that are not on the power point are attached!
Flooding in Bangladesh, cause and effect with consolidation exam question! (Part 1) Eduqas and AQA

Flooding in Bangladesh, cause and effect with consolidation exam question! (Part 1) Eduqas and AQA

This lesson follows a typical examination structure of looking at causes and effects of flooding in a less developed country, Bangladesh. There are a variety of tasks and skills that are all planned and need to be printed directly from the power point or are attached. Students have to categorize, make decisions, evaluate and write an exam response using the information in the lesson. This lesson works really well as a comparison lesson for students after completing the River Severn Part 1 and 2.
Living world (Ecosystems) Q&A Revision pack

Living world (Ecosystems) Q&A Revision pack

Students and parents can test themselves using the question and answer activities to learn and retain the content needed for the examination. The questions are largely focused around the AQA specification but can be applied to both EdExcel and OCR. My students have RAG these and put them onto flash cards for the questions that they find the most difficult.
Water on the Land (Rivers) Q&A revision pack

Water on the Land (Rivers) Q&A revision pack

Students and parents can test themselves using the question and answer activities to learn and retain the content needed for the examination. The questions are largely focused around the AQA specification but can be applied to both EdExcel and OCR. My students have RAG these and put them onto flash cards for the questions that they find the most difficult.
Globalisation revision work book for student completion Geography AQA and Ed-Excel

Globalisation revision work book for student completion Geography AQA and Ed-Excel

Students have a work book to complete that has a series of tasks and information sections covering the full topic including TNC's, Global Energy, changes in demands and supplies of labour, etc. This work book matches others available in my shop and can be used as a standalone revision activity or it is also ideal as cover work as a self contained booklet.
Urban environments learning checklist

Urban environments learning checklist

Students can use this checklist with key examination terms to check their revision and learning, this resource works really well with the revision booklet and the Q&A pack. Students can monitor their own learning to monitor the progress of their revision until they are in a position where all students have completed all areas and are confident in the first column.
Population change AQA and Ed-Edxcel Q&A Revision pack

Population change AQA and Ed-Edxcel Q&A Revision pack

Students and parents can test themselves using the question and answer activities to learn and retain the content needed for the examination. The questions are largely focused around the AQA specification but can be applied to both EdExcel and OCR. My students have RAG these and put them onto flash cards for the questions that they find the most difficult.
Development Gap Q&A revision pack AQA and Ed-Excel

Development Gap Q&A revision pack AQA and Ed-Excel

Students and parents can test themselves using the question and answer activities to learn and retain the content needed for the examination. The questions are largely focused around the AQA specification but can be applied to both EdExcel and OCR. My students have RAG these and put them onto flash cards for the questions that they find the most difficult.
Development gap learning revision checklist

Development gap learning revision checklist

Students can use this checklist with key examination terms to check their revision and learning, this resource works really well with the revision booklet and the Q&A pack. Students can monitor their own learning to monitor the progress of their revision until they are in a position where all students have completed all areas and are confident in the first column.
Urban and rural links Lesson 1 and 2 with homework - Theme 2 Eduqas and AQA

Urban and rural links Lesson 1 and 2 with homework - Theme 2 Eduqas and AQA

The starting point for the topic of urban and rural. Students complete a range of activities and skills in addition to examination questions. There is also a homework task. Students complete a key terms for the unit, population distribution, statistical skills and analysis, the urban-rural continuum, sphere of influence and the challenges of rural life. High ability students 2 lessons although middle to lower this will be three lessons worth of material. Resources are in the power point to print or attached as a separate document. Scheme of work to follow and the other lessons.
Case study revision task sheets with accompanying notes - Water on the Land/ Rivers - AQA & EdExcel

Case study revision task sheets with accompanying notes - Water on the Land/ Rivers - AQA & EdExcel

Students have to complete the grids using their own information and the case study booklets provided. For AQA course these are all of the case studies needed for the Water on the Land section of the course. Flooding in a MEDC (Tewkesbury), Flooding in a LEDC (Bangladesh), Hard Engineering (Three Gorges Dam) and Water management in the UK (Kielder Water). The case study booklet has all of materials to support students to complete the grids however it is best that they attempt them without the support in the first instance for higher levels of challenge.
Water security and management- Double lesson with case studies, homework (Development AQA , Eduqas)

Water security and management- Double lesson with case studies, homework (Development AQA , Eduqas)

This is a double lesson with homework for both lessons that embeds content and exam practice. This lesson covers the following: Water security and scarcity Water footprints Case study on water management in South Africa (Lesotho Highlands) Rain harvesting Over abstraction in India There are task sheets and work sheets throughout and I have provided notes for any case study materials.
Ecosystem for energy production - wind and tidal energy Wales (AQA and Eduqas)

Ecosystem for energy production - wind and tidal energy Wales (AQA and Eduqas)

This lesson covers the use of wave and tidal energy and is largely case study based to consolidate learning on a task sheet. Students need to understand the key terms associated with energy production at the coast in addition to the positive and negative issues associated with the production. Assessment objectives are prompted on the case study resource.
MNC's - Nike and Tata steel, growth, location, advantages and disadvantages. AQA and Eduqas

MNC's - Nike and Tata steel, growth, location, advantages and disadvantages. AQA and Eduqas

Students learn about the key terms associated with MNC's (TNC's) and where they are distributed globally and the reasons why. Students apply their knowledge to Nike as a case study using the large task sheets and the information hand out. Then students complete the information on Tata steel for homework and how MNC's can also impact on the UK. Questions on the homework sheet are structured from AO1-3.
Regional inequality and development - Brazil and UK North South divide - AQA & Eduqas

Regional inequality and development - Brazil and UK North South divide - AQA & Eduqas

This is a full lesson with homework covering regional inequality and links on from the previous lesson about water resources and inequality. The first part of the lesson looks at the differences across Brazil in terms of the climate, wealth and infant mortality. Students have to make links between the maps and there are prompts on the board in the form of questions to look at the differences and draw conclusions. The second part of the lesson looks at the differences in the UK and compares the North and the South of the UK. Students have a map to annotate with AO1 sentence starters before looking at what is being done to reduce the gap in the form of HS2. My students completed the HS2 for homework but we structured the extended examination question together.
Social development - Malaria and HIV, Malawi, sub-Saharan Africa with case studies and exam homework

Social development - Malaria and HIV, Malawi, sub-Saharan Africa with case studies and exam homework

This lesson considers the issues associated with malaria ad HIV/AIDS in Malawi sub-Saharan Africa, both case studies are delivered separately and there are materials for both. Students examine the reasons for the patterns in the health, the issues with the spread of the diseases and management at local and global scales. Students then complete an examination question for homework and link in other information that they completed about Malawi as part of their response. See shop for previous lessons in this sequence or to purchase as a bundle.