This PPT lesson covers content for the NEW BTEC TECH AWARD in Health and Social Care and Level 1/2 BTEC First.
It includes teaching content, activities/ tasks and homework based on the influence of physical factors on an individuals development (PIES).
This PPT covers the Marxist and Feminist view of the Family. This supports the chapter/ topic 'Family' in Sociology. It includes essential content, a range of activities/ tasks, research tasks, exam style questions and homework.
Supports the New AQA GCSE Sociology.
This PPT lesson covers content for the NEW BTEC TECH AWARD in Health and Social Care and Level 1/2 BTEC First.
Focus is on Health and Social Care Services and Values (supports old spec- Unit 2 and new spec- Component 2)
This PPT looks at confidentiality and includes teaching content, activities/ tasks and homework.
This PPT covers 2 lessons looking at trends in marriage and divorce. This supports the chapter/ topic 'Family' in Sociology. It includes essential content, a range of activities/ tasks, research tasks, exam style questions and homework.
Supports the New AQA GCSE Sociology.
This PPT lesson covers content for the NEW BTEC TECH AWARD in Health and Social Care and Level 1/2 BTEC First.
It includes teaching content, activities/ tasks and homework based on the Middle Adulthood life stage- looking at the physical, intellectual, emotional and social development of individuals in Middle Adulthood.
This PPT lesson covers content for the NEW BTEC TECH AWARD in Health and Social Care and Level 1/2 BTEC First.
It includes teaching content, activities/ tasks and homework based on the Later Adulthood life stage- looking at the physical, intellectual, emotional and social development of individuals in Later Adulthood.
This PPT lesson covers content for the NEW BTEC TECH AWARD in Health and Social Care and Level 1/2 BTEC First.
Focus is on Health and Social Care Services and Values (supports old spec- Unit 2 and new spec- Component 2)
This PPT looks at dignity and respect and includes teaching content, activities/ tasks and homework.
Norms, Values and Culture- includes pictures, videos, essay style questions and homework. Fun lesson to get lots of discussion going.
Supports the New AQA GCSE Sociology.
2 lessons based on power and authority- include a range of tasks (e.g. articles, statements to discuss, key questions to answer) and essay style homework questions.
Supports the New AQA GCSE Sociology.
This PPT covers 2 lessons looking at arranged and forced marriage. This supports the chapter/ topic 'Family' in Sociology. It includes essential content, a range of activities/ tasks, research tasks, exam style questions and homework.
Supports the New AQA GCSE Sociology.
This PPT lesson covers content for the NEW BTEC TECH AWARD in Health and Social Care and Level 1/2 BTEC First.
It includes teaching content, activities/ tasks and homework based on the expected life events and how the events influence an individuals development (PIES).
This PPT covers the New Right view of the Family. This supports the chapter/ topic 'Family' in Sociology. It includes essential content, a range of activities/ tasks, research tasks, exam style questions and homework.
Supports the New AQA GCSE Sociology.
This PPT lesson covers content for the NEW BTEC TECH AWARD in Health and Social Care and Level 1/2 BTEC First.
It includes teaching content, activities/ tasks and homework based on the unexpected life events and how the events influence an individuals development (PIES).
2 lessons based on social stratification- includes activities, essay style questions, differentiated questions, discussions and homeworks.
Supports the New AQA GCSE Sociology.
This PPT covers the topic Education: How can gender affect achievement? It includes essential content, a range of activities/ tasks, research tasks, exam style questions and homework.
Supports the New AQA GCSE Sociology.
This PPT covers the topic Education: Education system in Contemporary Britain. It includes essential content, a range of activities/ tasks, research tasks, exam style questions and homework.
Supports the New AQA GCSE Sociology.
This PPT covers 2 lessons looking at power in relationships/ domestic violence; 'the dark side'. This supports the chapter/ topic 'Family' in Sociology. It includes essential content, a range of activities/ tasks, research tasks, exam style questions and homework.
Supports the New AQA GCSE Sociology.
This PowerPoint supports Unit 1- Human Lifespan Development.
Learning Objectives:
1.Identify the key intellectual changes in the six life stages
2.Explain why these changes take place
3.Apply your understanding to exam questions
The PPT contains the following:
Learning objectives
Key terms and definitions
Practise exam question with mark scheme
There are several PPT’s to follow.
This PPT covers content for the NEW BTEC TECH AWARD in Health and Social Care and Level 1/2 BTEC First.
It includes teaching content, activities/ tasks and homework based on the growth and physical development.