This is a teacher written question and answer based on the questions on child language acquisition on the Eduqas A Level English Language exam.
‘The rapidity with which children learn how to speak is truly astonishing. It is a highly complex skill, arguably the most complex challenge faced by any human. Of course, children require a great deal of support in order to learn language from parents and other caregivers. The question still remains, how do they acquire language so quickly?’
Janice Peter, University of Middlemarch
Using this extract as a starting point, analyse and evaluate the process of child language acquisition in the first three years.
(N.B. The quotation and researcher has been invented in order to create this exam)
This is everything you need to teach Act 1 of ‘Macbeth’.
Powerpoint presentations on each scene
Accompanying student work booklet
‘Do now’ tasks
Context notes
Key terminology
Close analysis of key passages
Challenge tasks
All answers provided
This contains:
A powerpoint presentation
Tasks analysing the language of two extracts
Analysis of the structure of the story
A creative writing task
A student work book
A copy of ‘The Signalman’ by Charles Dickens
A Christmas themed English quiz, ideal for the end of term.
Round 1 Anagrams of SPAG words
Round 2 Identify Christmas/winter themed books
Round 3 Name the language feature
Round 4 Correct SPAG errors
Round 5 Countdown (make words from the letters in the word ‘sprouts’)
Round 6 Next lines of Christmas songs
Round 7 Identify word classes in extracts from ‘A Christmas Carol’
Round 8 Christmas themed word search
a powerpoint presentation with questions and answers (67 slides)
Student answer sheet
(It would be possible to do the quiz without photocopying the student answer sheet if you miss out the wordsearch in the last round).
This work can be used with students in Year 11 who are intending to study A-Level English Language.
They can complete the tasks independently OR they could be used as part of an induction day OR as a general introduction to the course.
All links and tasks are contained in one word document.
The tasks focus on three areas of the course and include links to videos, articles and podcasts.
** 1. Child Language Acquisition**
Students reflect on their own language development and conduct a ‘wugs’ experiment.
** 2. Language Variation.**
Students consider their own attitudes to accents and dialects and conduct a mini investigation.
There are also questions about podcasts which discuss the link between language and culture. Including the apparent disappearance of the Cockney dialect.
** 3. Language Change**
There is a mini investigation with links to public information films. Students examine how language has changed over time.
Also, after reading an article, students consider their own use of language in text messages.
AQA GCSE English Literature Power and Conflict cluster
Model answer to the question 'Compare the presentation of nature in ‘The Prelude’ and ‘Exposure’.
A detailed essay plan that can be adapted to all questions.