I have been a teaching principal in a small rural school for the last 3 years. Before this I have over 10 years teaching experience teaching students ranging in age 5 through to 12 and have loved every minute.
“Students are engaged, motivated and keen to succeed. They take responsibility for their learning and increasingly know about themselves as learners. They stay on task, work well together and help each other. Positive and respectful interactions between students underpin learning”. Educ
I have been a teaching principal in a small rural school for the last 3 years. Before this I have over 10 years teaching experience teaching students ranging in age 5 through to 12 and have loved every minute.
“Students are engaged, motivated and keen to succeed. They take responsibility for their learning and increasingly know about themselves as learners. They stay on task, work well together and help each other. Positive and respectful interactions between students underpin learning”. Educ
This resource is perfect for your Reduce Reuse Recycle Unit or any other caring for the environment study. It has 15 sorting cards to cut and paste into either the reduce, reuse or recycle areas on a ‘Y’ chart. I used this activity to start a ‘Trash to Treasure’ unit that my class did.
I have included both a color version and a black and white version for you to choose from
A fun word search word find with the terms used in the Tour de France cycling race. Also included is a glossary to help you along if you or your students are unsure of the words and their meanings.
These Morse Secret Codes are perfect to help students learn how to encrypt and decrypt Morse Code messages. They are great at engaging your students with problem solving and help support your stem teaching.
Included in this resource are
- Writing your name in Morse Code
- Five secret messages
- Answers have been included
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This STEM activity is a great group activity for your students. The challenge in this activity is to design a more efficient parachute to jump out of the Battle Bus. The students need to work together to complete the challenge and experiment given. This Fortnite activity is perfect for a back to school activity or all year around.
You do not need to know what Fortnite is (your students will) to do this challenge, but this will earn you your kids respect and you will be that “cool” teacher.
Included in this resource are teachers notes, student questions, the experiment, a PowerPoint on the history of flight and comprehension questions to go with the presentation. Everything you need to make a fun filled activity with your students.
SCIENCE: Students will use skills in the scientific method: observing, communicating, comparing, organizing, and relating.
TECHNOLOGY: Students can document learning through the use of digital technology.
ENGINEERING: Students will devise and implement a strategy to construct Marble Roller Device.
MATH: Students will explore measurement, graphing, statistics, patterns, and build mathematical knowledge through problem solving
These colourful oil filled letters are prefect for your wall display titles. They will add color to any display.There are 2 large sizes to choose from.
There are over 150 pages of letters and numbers for you to choose from. Each letter has been saved as a high quality pdf. If you require any other format, please message me.
I print the letters that I need for the wall display title, laminate for durability, cut them out and staple them onto wall. Depending on wall color I sometimes leave a 5mm white border around the letters when I cut them to make them pop even more.
Included are Capital letters, lower case letters, numbers, popular characters such as ! $ % "" + etc.
Brighten up your classroom with these colourful letters.
This STEM Introduction Pack is a great way to introduce your class to STEM challenges and activities. It includes all you need from Student Roles, Posters, Displays, Experiments and of course Challenges. This pack can also be used to extend what you already have in your class.
This pack includes:
STEM Rotating Starship: A Science and Engineering Challenge.
STEM Rotating Starship: A Science and Engineering Challenge.
STEM Rotating Starship: A Science and Engineering Challenge.
STEM Paperclip Boat: A Science and Engineering Challenge.
STEM Water Drop Race: A Science and Engineering Challenge.
STEM Zooming Paper Dory: A Science and Engineering Challenge.
A Pokemon has taken over in this Creative Writing Scenario. This Creative Writing Scenario takes the students on an engaging journey to a football match where the game is hijacked by a Pokemon character. The students decide what happens next.
This pack includes a 5 senses graphic organizer to be completed while they watch the presentation. It is used to generate ideas and used as a basis for extending their vocabulary. This alongside the presentation will help students to produce a descriptively rich story.
Bundle Includes:
STEM Rotating Starship: A Science and Engineering Challenge.
STEM Rotating Starship: A Science and Engineering Challenge.
STEM Rotating Starship: A Science and Engineering Challenge.
These science and engineering challenges will see students create a Starship, Paper Helicopter and Flying Straw that rotate and fly when dropped and thrown. It engages the students and challenges to think about flight and what determines flight. These challenge looks at speed, direction, size and use of wings.
These packs contain everything you need. All you need to do is print it off and you are up and running. It can be used as either a group activity or individual. I usually do it as a group as then you can allocate members various roles within the group.
Included are instructions, templates and extension question sheet. As a bonus I have also include an A4 STEM Poster.
STEM Paper Helicopter: A Science and Engineering Challenge.
This science and engineering challenge will see students create a helicopter that rotates when dropped. It engages the students and challenges to think about helicopter flight and what determines flight. This challenge looks at speed, direction, size and use of wings.
This pack contains everything you need. All you need to do is print it off and you are up and running. It can be used as either a group activity or individual. I usually do it as a group as then you can allocate members various roles within the group.
Included are instructions, templates and extension question sheet. As a bonus I have also include an A4 STEM Poster.
STEM Rotating Starship: A Science and Engineering Challenge.
This science and engineering challenge will see students create a starship that rotates when dropped. It engages the students and challenges to think about flight and what determines flight. This challenge looks at speed, direction, size and use of wings.
This pack contains everything you need. All you need to do is print it off and you are up and running. It can be used as either a group activity or individual. I usually do it as a group as then you can allocate members various roles within the group.
Included are instructions, templates and extension question sheet. As a bonus I have also include an A4 STEM Poster.
Included in this pack are two gorgeously designed labels with both English and Maori Language. Words included are the days of the week (including Saturday and Sunday) the months of the year and numbers up to 10. Further I have included the number symbols which make it ideal for your daily calendar in your class. Both designs are bright and colourful.
This is an excellent resource to use all year long and in particular for Maori Language Week. I use them all year long and interchange between Maori and Language.
If you like this resource also check out my other quality Maori Language products.
This fantastic Growth Vs Fixed Mindset Wall Display will encourage a growth mindset in your classroom. They are bright and colourful with a polka dot theme. They make a perfect reference tool all year round and great when setting up your classroom.
Included in this pack are colourfully designed Te Reo commands.There are two commands per A4 page. Each command has the words in both English and Maori with a picture or diagram to illustrate it to students.
I have included a title for your wall display so all you need to do is simply print, cut and laminate for durability. They are the perfect reminders for both teacher and student
This is an excellent resource to use all year long and in particular for Maori Language Week. I use them all year long and interchange between Maori and English Language commands.
If you like this resource also check out my other quality Maori Language products.
These polka dot circular letters are prefect for your wall display titles. They will add colour to any display. There are 3 colors to choose from or mix and match.
There are over 117 pages of letters for you to choose from. Each letter has been saved as a high quality pdf. If you require any other format, please message me.
I print the letters that I need for the wall display title, laminate for durability, cut them out and staple them onto wall. Depending on wall color I sometimes leave a 5mm white border around the letters when I cut them to make them pop even more.
Brighten up your classroom with these polka dot alphabet wall display letters.
This Animal Adaptations Presentation looks at the differences between physical and behavioral animal adaptations. It provides examples with high quality images to reinforce the children's learning and talking points. At the end of the presentation there are further images to provide the students with an opportunity to explain what they have learnt.
Presentation Topics:
- Behavioral Vs Physical Adaptations
- Webbed Feet
- Sharp Claws
- Whiskers
- Sharp Teeth
- Large Beaks
- Wings/Flying
- Hooves
- The Body and Camouflage
- What Adaptations Can You See
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Anzac Day is an important date for both Australians and New Zealanders. The Anzac spirit brings us closer than any other day in the calendar year. This pack makes a great activity for students on Anzac day as well as all year round.
Baking for our two countries has always been a tradition, An Anzac biscuits is certainly at the the top.
Included in this pack
Anzac biscuit recipe
Reading comprehension sheet based on the recipe
Acrostic poem sheet
Word find
Lined writing paper
Mu torere is said to be the only native board game of the Maori. It is played on the points and centre of an 8-pointed star, by two players with four pieces each. The object of the game is to block your opponent so they cannot move.
Mu Torere is the perfect game to celebrate Matariki, or Waitangi Day, especially if it is raining. I also put the boards in my math game area for my math rotations and early finishers.
I have included 2 different game boards. First ,the traditional star board and the other being more of a wheel design (My students seem to prefer this one) Further I have included some counters for it (Or just use your plastic ones). Oh yes I have included instructions on how to play.
Simply print, cut and laminate for a long lasting resource. I laminate the game board on one side and the instructions on the other.
This CSI Space themed math mystery activity will capture your students imagination. This is a great, fun and engaging resource to practice multiplication, division, addition, and mapping skills with your students . Students follow the clues to solve the mystery and discover where the secret moon bases leader is located.
This adventure includes
Clue 1: Multiplication matching puzzle (questions like 5x60)
Clue 2: Division Puzzle with code and key
Clue 3: Mapping Using Coordinates
Clue 4: Multiplication Maze
Clue 5: Addition of single digit number to double digit numbers (with regrouping)
Answer sheets are included with these activities.
If your students like space, missions, astronauts, maybe you are doing a planet or moon landing or phases study. This resource if perfect for you.
Celebrate the Commonwealth Games 2022 Birmingham with this fun 5 in a row bingo game. There are enough cards for the whole class. 35 bingo cards included. I have played this game with my own class this week and they loved it.
On each screen is a high quality image of the countries flag so that students can begin to associate which flag goes with which country.
This game can be run on computers, whiteboards or projectors. All that is required is that you print, cut and laminate the Number Boards and press start on the PowerPoint Show. If you don’t have access to the technology, no problem, I have included a document with all of the country names on. Then you can do it old school and pull them out of a hat.
The order of countries can be simply changed by pressing the shuffle button at the start. Each slide stays there for 10 seconds before it transitions to the next slide. If you want it to go quicker then simply click on it. I prefer to let it just run as it gives me a bit of quiet time while all the students are engaged.
Instructions have been included if you are not sure how to play.
The Commonwealth Games 2022 in Birmingham is here.
This wall display is the perfect way to celebrate the Commonwealth Games. It captures the students imagination and fits in with any unit that you may be doing for the Commonwealth Games.
Included are all 23 Commonwealth Game Sport Categories, with a description of the event and a picture to illustrate it.