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I aim to design inspiring, educational resources to appeal to students and teachers alike.
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This resource involves pupils creating sentences with the use of writing frames that contain many of the first one hundred high-frequency words. Writing sentences and reading them back helps pupils to embed and consolidate these words which they will then be able to use freely in their writing.
It is an ideal resource for young pupils and older pupils who have difficulty with writing and reading independently. It is particularly appropriate for SEN / ESL students. who find reading and writing challenging. The support of the frame makes sentence writing accessible and gives pupils a feeling of confidence - that they can do it! Often the key to success in getting pupils to write is giving them self-confidence. I have used these frames successfully over many years to get older SEN students motivated to read and write independently.
The resource includes Twenty high-frequency word writing frames containing most of the first hundred high-frequency words - containing nouns, verbs and prepositions.
More High Frequency Word Resources
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This resource contains a succinct, colourful and visual memo mat on the commonly used/confused National Curriculum Year 2 Homophone / Near Homophones where / were / we're / wear. The mat is available in two different fonts and on two different coloured backgrounds. The mat could be laminated and used by pupils when covering the topic of commonly used/confused homophones or placed in their files for reference. It could also be enlarged to A3 size and used for classroom display purposes.
You may also be interested in:
Where, Were, Wear and We're - PowerPoint Lesson
Where, Were, Wear and We're - PowerPoint Lesson and Set of 6 Worksheets
More Homophone Resources
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How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
This resource contains a 100 slide PowerPoint lesson and a set of 33 worksheets on words ending in -tion (English Programmes of Study: Years 1-3 - endings which sound like /ʃən/, spelt –tion).
This resource contains a set of 33 differentiated worksheets on words ending in -tion. Tasks include - finding the missing words in sentences, constructing sentences, word searches, anagrams spelling practice sheets and worksheets to stretch and challenge more able pupils.
PowerPoint Lesson
This is a fully editable,100-slide PowerPoint lesson. It includes:
reading words ending in -tion. They include all the words suggested in the new National Curriculum - station, action, etc. Additional -tion words have been added that will be useful for pupils across the curriculum eg punctuation, fraction, addition, education, question, section, digestion and many more.
spelling -tion words by chunking. The PowerPoint visually demonstrates how to do this.
Finding as many -tion words as possible in a timed exercise.
Identifying the missing letters from -tion words.
An anagram challenge.
More English Resources
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This resource contains a set of 5 Chinese New Year animal zodiac themed worksheets on finding and locating coordinates in the first quadrant. Answers for all the worksheets are provided.
More Chinese New Year Resources
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This bundle contains:
1. A 100 slide PowerPoint lesson on the article 'a' or 'an' before a word by looking at the first letter to determine whether or not it has a vowel sound.
2. A set of 12 worksheets in which pupils have to determine whether 'a' or 'an' goes before a word.
3. A set of 10 a or an sentence writing frames providing scaffolding and support for pupils who find writing independently challenging.
Click on the individual links for further details.
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This resource contains a 100 slide PowerPoint lesson on the indefinite articles - ‘a’ and ‘an’. The PowerPoint explains how to use the article / determiner ‘a’ or ‘an’ before a word by looking at the first letter to determine whether or not it is a vowel. also contains exceptions to the rule (one, hour, unicorn, university, euro, Europe etc).
If you buy this resource and are pleased with your purchase, I would be extremely grateful if you could leave a review. As a token of appreciation, you can have a free resource of your choice up to the same value as your purchased resource. Just email inspireandeducate@aol.co.uk with your user name, the resource you have reviewed and the resource you would like for free.
You may also be interested in:
Set of 12 Worksheets on ‘a’ or 'an’
This resource contains a set of 12 worksheets on the use of ‘a’ or ‘an’ before a word. It is appropriate for younger primary pupils and older SEN / EFL students who have yet to master the basics of English.
Writing Frame - ‘a’ or 'an
This resource contains a set of ten writing frames to reinforce the correct use of ‘a’ or ‘an’ before a word. In addition to helping pupils to choose the correct article ‘a’ or ‘an’, it is a particularly useful resource for students who struggle to master the basics of writing.
’a’ or ‘an’ Bundle
This bundle contains all the above resources at a discounted price.
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How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
This resource contains a 35-slide PowerPoint lesson explaining when to use the soft ‘g’ sound -dʒ - (Year 2 National Curriculum) the /j/ sound spelt g before e, i and y). The PowerPoint provides a variety of opportunities for the pupils to identify words that contain a soft g sound.
If you buy this resource and are pleased with your purchase, I would be extremely grateful if you could leave a review. As a token of appreciation, you can have a free resource of your choice up to the same value as your purchased resource. Just email inspireandeducate@aol.co.uk with your user name, the resource you have reviewed and the resource you would like for free.
You may also be interested in:
Soft G - 15 Page Workbook
This resource contains a 15 page workbook (15 worksheets) on the soft ‘g’ sound. The worksheets contain a a variety of tasks to help pupils to read and spell words containing the soft g sound.
Save money and buy both resources together at a discounted rate:
Soft G Words - PowerPoint Lesson and Workbook
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How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
This resource contains a 15 page workbook (15 worksheets) on the soft ‘g’ sound (Year 2 National Curriculum) the /j/ sound spelt g before e, i and y). The worksheets contain a variety of tasks to help pupils to read and spell words containing the soft g sound.
If you buy this resource and are pleased with your purchase, I would be extremely grateful if you could leave a review. As a token of appreciation, you can have a free resource of your choice up to the same value as your purchased resource. Just email inspireandeducate@aol.co.uk with your user name, the resource you have reviewed and the resource you would like for free.
You may also be interested in:
Soft ‘g’ Words - 35-Slide PowerPoint lesson
This is a 35-slide PowerPoint lesson explaining when to use the soft ‘g’ sound. The PowerPoint provides a variety of opportunities for the pupils to identify words that contain a soft g sound.
Save money and buy both resources together at a discounted rate:
Soft G Words - PowerPoint Lesson and Worksheets
More English Resources
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How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
This resource contains a succinct, colourful and highly visual punctuation memo mat reminding pupils of how and when to use the punctuation devices - the full stop, comma, possessive apostrophe, apostrophe for omission/contraction, speech marks / inverted commas, the question mark and exclamation mark.
The mat could be laminated and used by pupils for general use in their writing or placed in their files for reference. It could be enlarged to A3 size and used for display purposes.
This resource is appropriate for Year 1 - 6 pupils and older SEN / Entry Level pupils who may find sentence demarcation challenging and have yet to master the basics in punctuation and writing.
More Punctuatuon Resources
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This resource contains a set of 15 worksheets on the National Curriculum Year 5 and 6 homophones / near homophones and confusing words list - licence, license, practice, practise, prophecy, prophesy, father, farther, guessed, guest, heard, herd, lead, led, morning, mourning, past, passed, precede, proceed, principal, principle, profit, prophet, stationary, stationery, steal, steel.
Tasks include choosing the correct homophones in sentences, correcting homophones in sentences and composing sentences containing the homophones. There area also five spelling practice worksheets.
If you buy this resource and are pleased with your purchase, I would be extremely grateful if you could leave a review. As a token of appreciation, you can have a free resource of your choice up to the same value as your purchased resource. Just email inspireandeducate@aol.co.uk with your user name, the resource you have reviewed and the resource you would like for free.
You may also be interested in:
Year 5 and 6 Homophones / Confusing Words PowerPoint Lesson
The PowerPoint explains the meanings of the homophones, gives examples, and provides tips for remembering the difference between them. Opportunities are provided for pupils to decide which is the correct homophone.
Save money and buy both resources in a bundle at a discounted rate:
Year 5 and 6 Homophones / Confusing Words PowerPoint Lesson
More Homophone Resources
This resource contains three PowerPoint lessons on the National Curriculum homophones and confusing words lists for Year 2-6.
All three PowerPoints include an explanation of the meaning of the homophones, examples and opportunities for pupils to decide which is the correct homophone.
1. Year 2 homophones - there/ their/ they're, here/ hear, see/ sea, bare/ bear, one/ won, sun / son, two / to / too, be/ bee, blue/ blew, night/ knight.
2. Year 3 and 4 Homophones - accept, except, affect, effect, ball, bawl, berry, bury, brake, break, fair, fare, grate, great, grown, groan, heel, heal, he'll, knot, not, mail, male, main, mane, meet, meat, medal, meddle, missed, mist, peace, piece, plain, plane, rain, rein, reign, scene, seen, weather, whether, whose, who's
3. Year 5 and 6 Homophones - licence, license, practice, practise, prophecy, prophesy, father, farther, guessed, guest, heard, herd, lead, led, morning, mourning, past, passed, precede, proceed, principal, principle, profit, prophet, stationary, stationery, steal, steel, whose, who's
For more detailed information click on the resource links.
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How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
This resource contains a workbook (with answers) and progress check of mastery maths resources to support the delivery of the Year 2 Place Value - Autumn Term White Rose (WRM) small steps programme. These resources are for Week 3.
The resource contains 20 worksheets / activities (concrete, pictorial and abstract) linked to the White Rose small steps with an emphasis on the mastery approach to learning advocated by the White Rose scheme and includes reasoning and problem-solving tasks. Answer keys and solutions are included.
The resources focus on the following objectives and small steps:
Year 2 Maths’ National Curriculum Objectives
Order numbers from 0 up to 100;
Count in steps of 2, 3 and 5 from 0
Count in tens from any number, forward and backward.
Use place value and number facts to solve problems.
White Rose Small Steps
Order objects and numbers
Count in 2s, 5s and 10s
Count in 3s
Save money and buy the bundle of all 3 workbooks for just £5
if you buy this resource and are pleased with your purchase, I would be extremely grateful if you could leave a review. As a token of appreciation, you can have a free resource of your choice up to the same value as your purchased resource. Just email inspireandeducate@aol.co.uk with your user name, the resource you have reviewed and the resource you would like for free.
More Maths Resources
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This bundle contains three workbooks (with answers), three PowerPoint lessons and progress checks to support the delivery of the Year 2 Place Value - Autumn Term White Rose (WRM) ‘small steps’ programme for weeks 1 to 3.
There are a total of 68 worksheets / activities (concrete, pictorial and abstract) linked to the White Rose small steps with an emphasis on the mastery approach to learning advocated by the White Rose scheme and includes reasoning and problem-solving tasks. Answer keys and solutions are included.
The resources focus on the following objectives and small steps:
Year 2 Maths’ National Curriculum Objectives
Read and write numbers to at least 100 in numerals and in words.
Recognise the place value of each digit in a two digit number (tens, ones)
Identify, represent and estimate numbers using different representations including the number line.
Compare and order numbers from 0 up to 100; use <, > and = signs.
Use place value and number facts to solve problems.
Count in steps of 2, 3 and 5 from 0, and in tens from any number, forward and backward.
White Rose Small Steps
Count objects to 100
Read and write numbers in numerals and words Represent numbers to 100
Tens and ones with a part whole model
Tens and ones using addition
Use a place value chart
Compare objects
Compare numbers
Order objects and numbers
Count in 2s, 5s and 10s
Count in 3s
Click on the individual links for further details.
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More Maths Resources
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How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
This resource contains a parts of speech/word classes memo mat explaining the different parts of speech with examples - including nouns, pronouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, prepositions, conjunctions and interjections. Useful as a reference for pupils when working on this area of literacy or could be placed in pupils folders for revision. This resource is appropriate for Year 1-6 pupils and older SEN pupils who will benefit from the visual nature of the mat.
More English Resources
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How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
This resource contains a set of 5 succinct, colourful and highly-visual memo mats on punctuation, parts of speech and plurals.
They include:
Nouns - the different types of noun - common nouns, proper nouns, abstract nouns, compound nouns and collective nouns are all featured.
Parts of Speech – detailing the different parts of speech including nouns, pronouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, prepositions, conjunctions and interjections.
Speech Mark / Inverted Comma / Quotation Marks - how to use speech marks and other punctuation devices within the context of direct speech (including the full stop, comma, apostrophe, question and exclamation mark) within the context of direct speech
Plurals - showing the rules for making nouns plural. Rules include those for - regular nouns - adding 's', - nouns ending in 'ch' , 'sh', 'x' and 's', - nouns ending in 'f' and 'fe' - change 'f' to 'v' and add 'es', - nouns ending in 'y' preceded by consonant - change 'y' to 'i' and add 'es', - nouns ending in 'o' adding 's' or 'es', - irregular pupils ie goose - geese, foot - feet, ox - oxen etc
Punctuation – shows how to use the punctuation devices - the full stop, comma, possessive apostrophe, apostrophe for omission/contraction, speech marks / inverted commas, the question mark and exclamation mark.
More English Resources
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How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
This resource contains an editable and informative 92-slide PowerPoint presentation on fascinating and fun Easter facts. It includes sections on:
How Easter got its name
Eggs and their symbolism
Easter Bonnets
The deliverers of Easter eggs
Easter Foods
Easter egg and Easter games
Easter decorations
Random Easter facts
Chocolate Easter eggs
Please note that the watermark on the preview images is not present on the resource itself.
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You may also be interested in:
Easter Around the World Set 1 - Cyprus, Ethiopia, Germany, Greece, Israel, Italy
Easter Around the World Set 2 - Brazil, Mexico, Sardinia, Spain, Sweden, USA
Easter Around the World Set 3 - Australia, Bermuda, France, Lithuania, Norway, Switzerland
Save money and buy all three presentations at a discounted rate:
Easter Around the World Bundle - 18 Countries
More Easter Resources
Twenty Assemblies / Presentations - Just £19.99 - Great For Last Minute Assemblies
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How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
This pack contains three Easter resources:
1. A 100 question PowerPoint quiz.
2. A 92-slide Fascinating and Fun Easter Facts PowerPoint presentation.
3. A puzzle pack containing a set of differentiated word searches, anagrams, cryptograms and crosswords.
Click on the individual links for further details.
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More Easter Resources
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How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
This resource contains a fully editable and informative, 50-slide PowerPoint presentation on Team GB’s magnificent performances in the Tokyo Olympics 2020 / 2021 - amassing 65 medals and coming fourth in the medals table.
It includes a day by day account of every medal won and each each slide features an updated GB medals table.
The presentation also contains hyperlinks to inspirational moments and to all of team GBs gold medals.
Please note that the watermark on the preview images is not present on the resource itself.
If you buy this resource and are pleased with your purchase, I would be extremely grateful if you could leave a review. As a token of appreciation, you can have a free resource of your choice up to the same value as your purchased resource. Just email inspireandeducate@aol.co.uk with your user name, the resource you have reviewed and the resource you would like for free.
You may also be interested in:
Olympic Games 100 Slide Presentation
The Olympics 50 Question Quiz
Save money and buy both resources together at a discounted rate:
The Olympic Games Presentation and Quiz
Thinking of publishing your own resources? Check out this step-by-step guide:
How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
This resource contains a fully editable and informative 40-slide PowerPoint presentation on Australia Day which is celebrated on the 26th of January each year. The presentation focuses on:
Why Australia Day is celebrated
How Australia Day is celebrated
The debate about Australia Day
The PowerPoint also includes hyperlinks to:
A short history of Australia Day.
How Australian children view Australia Day
The Australia Ferry race in Sydney Harbour
Australia Day concert at the Sydney Opera House
Firework display in Perth
Please note that the watermark on the preview images is not present on the resource itself.
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You may also be interested in:
Canada Day Presentation
American Independence Day Presentation
Thanksgiving Day Presentation
Bastille Day Presentation
National/Independence Days Bundle
This resource contains a short presentation on the month of May.
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May Presentation
This is an informative and fully editable 95-slide PowerPoint presentation on the month of May. It focuses on:
How May got its name, things associated with May – flowers hawthorn, Lily of the Valley, Zodiac signs- Taurus and Gemini, birthstone, May quotes by Virgil, Edwin Way Teale, Charles Macklin
May sayings and folklore - ne’er cast a clout till May is out, washing face in Hawthorn dew on May 1st leading to life- long beauty, marry in May and you’ll rue the day
Special Days in May – May Day, Feast of St Joseph, Ascension Day, National Smile Month, Pentecost, Buddha Day (Wesak), Eurovision Song Contest, VE Day, Oak Apple Day
Notable Birthdays – Tony Blair, Catherine the Great, Bing Crosby, David Beckham, Golda Meir, Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud, George Clooney, Robert Browning, Johannes Brahms, Tchaikovsky, Eva Peron, Irving Berlin, Salvadore Dali, Florence Nightingale, Edward Lear, Stevie Wonder, Mark Zuckerberg, Gabriel Fahrenheit, Pierce Brosnan, Sugar Ray Leonard, Omar Khayyam, Pope John Paul II, Pete Townshend, Richard Wagner, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Sir Laurence Olivier, Bob Dylan, Ian Flemming, John F. Kennedy, Steven Gerrard, Clint Eastwood.
Inventions / Launches – Coca-Cola, Cornflakes patented.
Notable Events – Empire State Building opened, Tony Blair became Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher first woman prime minister, Amy Johnson’s flight to Australia, Eiffel Tower opened, Channel Tunnel opened, Roger Bannister broke 4 minute mile, Nelson Mandela South Africa’s first black president, Sir Winston Churchill became PM, Bob Marley died, first Formula One , first McDonald’s opened, Napoleon Bonaparte made Emperor of France, Anne Boleyn beheaded, unexplained darkness on Eastern Canada and parts of USA, Amelia Earhart flew across Atlantic, Charles Lindbergh’s flight from Paris to New York, strongest earthquake ever recorded in Chile, first electric telegram sent by Samuel Morse, Sir Edmund Hillary and Sherpa Tenzing reached summit of Everest, Joan of Arc burned at stake.
The PowerPoint also contains hyperlinks to Berlin’s Alexander’s Rag Time Band, Brahms Lullaby, Tchaikovsky’s Sugar Plum Fairy, Bannister’s sub 4-minute mile race and Churchill’s broadcast on end of World War II.
More Months of the The Year Assemblies