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Preparing educational lesson slides, lesson notes, game class activity websites, and worksheet for all types of school subjects. Perfect for teachers, professors and instructors.




Preparing educational lesson slides, lesson notes, game class activity websites, and worksheet for all types of school subjects. Perfect for teachers, professors and instructors.
Head Body Part Names Vocabulary Handwriting Practice Sheets

Head Body Part Names Vocabulary Handwriting Practice Sheets

A worksheet covering the introduction basic human anatomy of the human head in the english language. It is designed for kids and young students learning the different body parts on the human head and face. Also, a good practice for spelling and handwriting skills. The body parts covered include; eyes, ears, nose, mouth, lips, chin, forehead, mustache, beard, and eyebrows. It is perfect as homework or classroom worksheets.
Common Domesticated Farm Animals Vocabulary Spelling Handwriting Practice Paper

Common Domesticated Farm Animals Vocabulary Spelling Handwriting Practice Paper

Handwriting style worksheets that covers the introduction of typical animals on a farm and agriculture. The fifteen animals include; chicken, cow, pig, goat, sheep, bee, buffalo, bull, duck, quail, goose, horse, turkey, donkey and rabbit. It is made for students or young kids learning the common animals found on farms in the english language, and still in need of spelling and handwriting practice. The worksheet is perfect as homework, or classroom worksheet.
Basic Color English Names Vocabulary Connect-the-dots Worksheet With Answer Sheet

Basic Color English Names Vocabulary Connect-the-dots Worksheet With Answer Sheet

A connect-the-dot worksheet for students and young kids learning about the basic colors in the english language. Students will need to connect the correct color with the correct english word by drawing a line between the corresponding dots. An answer sheet is provided for teachers and instructors to aid in the grading process. It is prefect as homework, pop quiz or classroom worksheet.
Twelve Months Of The Year Ranking Worksheet (1 to 12) With Answer Sheet

Twelve Months Of The Year Ranking Worksheet (1 to 12) With Answer Sheet

A number ranking worksheet for students and young children learning about the months of the year in the english language. Students are instructed to rank each month from the first to last with a number from 1 to 12. The lower the number, the earlier the month is in the year. Example would be january being assigned the number 1 since its the first month of the year. An answer sheet is provided to aid teachers and instructors with grading. It is perfect as homework, or in-class activity worksheet.
Ten Common Weather Forecast English Names Vocabulary Handwriting Practice Sheets

Ten Common Weather Forecast English Names Vocabulary Handwriting Practice Sheets

Handwriting practice sheets for young kids and students learning the different types of common weather forecast in the english language. Visual images are provided to aid students in visualizing the weather or getting them familiarize with the icons commonly used to portray the weather. Dotted letters are provide for students to trace for improving their handwriting skills. It is prefect as homework or classroom worksheets.
Eleven Common Basic Colors English Names Vocabulary Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Eleven Common Basic Colors English Names Vocabulary Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Handwriting worksheets for young children and students learning about the common basic colors in the english language. The eleven colors are; red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink, gray, brown, black, and white. Dotted letters are provided for students to trace to practice their handwriting skills. It is prefect as homework or classroom worksheets.
Basic Human Head Anatomy Labeling English Vocabulary Worksheet With Answer Sheet

Basic Human Head Anatomy Labeling English Vocabulary Worksheet With Answer Sheet

A worksheet in the format of a labeling diagram designed for students and young kids learning the vocabulary for different parts of the human head. The parts included are; nose, ear, eye, chin, lips, mouth, and eyebrow. An answer sheet is provided to aid teachers and instructors in grading. The worksheet test the student’s spelling ability and memorization skills. It is perfect as a quiz, in-class worksheet or homework.
Seven Days Of The Week Fill-In-The-Blank English Vocabulary Spelling Worksheet With Answer Sheet

Seven Days Of The Week Fill-In-The-Blank English Vocabulary Spelling Worksheet With Answer Sheet

A fill-in-the-blank type of worksheet for students and young kids learning the spelling of the seven days of the week. Students are to write down the correct letters into the blank underlined spaces to complete the word. It will test the student’s ability to remember the correct spelling memorization skills. An answer sheet is provided to aid teachers and instructors in grading. It is perfect as homework, spelling bee review or classroom activity worksheet.
Seasons Of The Year Creative Sketching And Spelling Handwriting Practice Sheets

Seasons Of The Year Creative Sketching And Spelling Handwriting Practice Sheets

Handwriting sheets with an empty rectangular space for introducing young kids and students to the different seasons of the year. The seasons included are; spring, summer, autumn, winter and monsoon. Dotted letters are provided for students to trace and extra handwriting lines are for students to write the letters for handwriting practice. The rectangular space is for students to engage in creative drawing of what they imagine an outdoor view the corresponding season would look like. It is perfect for in-class activities, or homework.
Common School Supply Stationeries For Classroom Vocabulary Spelling Handwriting Practice Sheets

Common School Supply Stationeries For Classroom Vocabulary Spelling Handwriting Practice Sheets

Handwriting sheets with images for introducing young kids and students to spelling out words that cover the typical stationeries kids will use in their classroom. The items include, pencil, pen, ruler, notebook, folder, scissors, sharpener, and more. Dotted letters are for students to trace for handwriting practice. Black handwriting lines are also provided from student to fully write the letters out without the dotted letters assistance. It is perfect as homework, classroom worksheets, or spelling bee review.
English Letters To Western Arabic Numbers Spelling Writing Worksheet / Quiz With Answer Sheet

English Letters To Western Arabic Numbers Spelling Writing Worksheet / Quiz With Answer Sheet

A worksheet used to test student’s english proficiency by having them write down the numerals of the english spelling of the number. The left column is the numbers written in english letters while the right column remains empty for students and young kids to fill out the correct number. It will test the student’s ability to remember their vocabulary or ability to spell out words. It is perfect for either a worksheet or a short quiz. The answers are provided in the second page in the file. The word document format allows for teachers or instructors to make any changes to the content.
Reading Analog To Digital Clockface Basic Time Worksheets With Answer Sheet

Reading Analog To Digital Clockface Basic Time Worksheets With Answer Sheet

Worksheets for young kids and students learning about analog and digital clocks, and how to read each type of clock. There are three files; Blank clockface worksheet Clockface worksheet with given analog clock arms Answer sheet for the clockface worksheet The black worksheet allows the teacher or instructor to write down their own analog clock arms. The clockface worksheet with given clock arms don’t require the teacher or instructor to write out their won clock arms. It is paired with an answer sheet for grading purposes. Both clockface worksheets come with an extra blank clockface worksheet.It is perfect as a homework, quiz or in-class worksheet
Ten Common Feelings / Emotions In Daily Life English Language Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Ten Common Feelings / Emotions In Daily Life English Language Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Handwriting practice worksheets for young kids and students studying the english language learning the vocabulary of common feelings and emotions. The emotions / feelings covered by the worksheet are; Happy Sad Angry Confused Embarrass Scared Tired Surprised Sick Indifferent There are dot letters for tracing to aid students in writing out the letters. It is perfect for handwriting practice in-class worksheets or homework.
Monthly School Classroom Student Attendance Sheet For Teachers And Instructors

Monthly School Classroom Student Attendance Sheet For Teachers And Instructors

An attendance sheet for teachers and instructors designed to help keep attendance records of the classroom’s students. It is provided in both an excel and word file. The excel file is design for teachers want to keep attendance in their computer or digital device. The word file is for teachers who would be prefer printing out the sheet and physically writing on the attendance sheet. It is perfect for elementary, junior high, high school and college. Both types of files allow teachers to edit or add content at will. A place to put the teacher’s name, the month, school year and classroom is provided.
Twelves Months Of The Year English Spelling Handwriting Practice Sheets

Twelves Months Of The Year English Spelling Handwriting Practice Sheets

Handwriting practice sheets that help introduce to young kids and students to spelling and writing the months of the year in english . Dotted letters are provided for students to trace to aid in handwriting practice. It is perfect as homework, classroom worksheets and spelling bee competition reviews.
Understand Ancient Roman Political System And Society Classical Age Empires Lesson Notes

Understand Ancient Roman Political System And Society Classical Age Empires Lesson Notes

Lesson notes that explain the roman political system and society from the writings of the ancient writer, Polybius. The notes cover; A breakdown of the roman republic’s constitution The tribune system The dictatorship system How the constitution was used in society A diagram of the social classes of the roman society The failure and collapse of the roman republic’s constitution The notes are presented in a word file as to make easier for instructors to add or edit any information.
Numeral Letters (Western Arabic Numeral) Handwriting Practice Sheets

Numeral Letters (Western Arabic Numeral) Handwriting Practice Sheets

These are practice sheets for young children still learning how to write letters and characters in the English or romanized languages. The focus will be on how to write numbers in the commonly used western Arabic numeral system. All nine digits are available. This is also good practice for students for people who are only starting how to do math as being able to write numbers is crucial in their academic career.
Fill In The Blank Family Tree Introduction Worksheet For Family Member Titles With Answer Sheet

Fill In The Blank Family Tree Introduction Worksheet For Family Member Titles With Answer Sheet

A worksheet that covered family member titles in english in a generic family tree format. It begins with the great grandparent generation all the way to the grandsons and daughters generation. It is perfect for learning how each family member are called based on the generation relative to the student or person doing the worksheet. The person doing this worksheet must fill the blank to complete the worksheet. It also perfect for practicing spelling out the words in the english language grammar. An answer sheet is provided for instructors or teachers to better aid them in grading. It is perfect as homework or classroom worksheet.
Common Transportation Vocabulary Spelling Handwriting Practice Sheets

Common Transportation Vocabulary Spelling Handwriting Practice Sheets

Handwriting practice sheets that aids young kids and students spell out the different types of common transportations seen in life. Some of the transportation include cars, trains, ships, and bicycle. Dotted letters are for students to trace out the letters in the vocabulary. It is perfect as homework, classroom worksheets or for extra review.