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Ksp755's Academic Shop

Preparing educational lesson slides, lesson notes, game class activity websites, and worksheet for all types of school subjects. Perfect for teachers, professors and instructors.




Preparing educational lesson slides, lesson notes, game class activity websites, and worksheet for all types of school subjects. Perfect for teachers, professors and instructors.
Graph Concavity And Second Derivative Test AP Calculus Notes

Graph Concavity And Second Derivative Test AP Calculus Notes

This set of class notes explains the concavity of graphs and its relation to the second derivative. With the concavity of graphs, the notes touch upon the concept of the point of inflection. It also explains to use the second derivative of any function to find certain information about the function.
Household Consumption Sector Of The GDP Basic Economics

Household Consumption Sector Of The GDP Basic Economics

This set of class notes tackles the first of the four sectors of GDP, the consumption sector. Topics covered in this include; consumption function, savings, Average Propensity to Consume (APC), Average Propensity To Save (APS), Marginal Propensity to Consume (MPC), Marginal Propensity To Save (MPS), Autonomous & Induced Consumption, and Permanent Income Hypothesis. Definitions and equations for each of these topics are also provided in each section.
Halogens Of The Periodic Table Chemistry Wordsearch

Halogens Of The Periodic Table Chemistry Wordsearch

A wordsearch challenge for students or teachers to find the halogen elements on the grid. A solution page is provided to aid teachers in grading. It is perfect as a fun activity to help students remember the elements. The words are organized horizontally, vertically and diagonally.
Plant And Animal Cell Differences And Similarities Biology Worksheet With Answer Sheet

Plant And Animal Cell Differences And Similarities Biology Worksheet With Answer Sheet

A worksheet requiring students or teachers to fill out the differences and similarities between plant cells and animal cells. The worksheet is format into two circles with a space where both circles are joined together to form a third space. Students or teachers will fill out what each type of cells have into each circle. It is great for homework, quiz, test or activity for learning the subject. An answer sheet is provided to aid instructors in grading.
Basic Body Parts Anatomy English Vocabulary Spelling Handwriting Practice Sheets

Basic Body Parts Anatomy English Vocabulary Spelling Handwriting Practice Sheets

A handwriting worksheet for students and young kids learning what to call different parts of the body in the English language. The body parts covered included; head, neck, shoulder, back, chest, stomach, waist, buttock, leg, foot, toe, finger, arm, and hand. This worksheet allows students to learn new vocabulary and practice their handwriting skills. It is perfect for homework, or in-class activity worksheet.
Plant And Animal Cell Organelles Biology Wordsearch Puzzle Activity

Plant And Animal Cell Organelles Biology Wordsearch Puzzle Activity

A fun wordsearch challenge worksheet for learning about the organelles inside a plant and animal cell. One sheet is for the plant cell and the other is for the animal cell. The objective is to highlight or circle the words on the grid from the list below. It is recommended that students or teachers cross out the words from below once it has been found and highlighted on the grid. The words can be found vertically, horizontally or diagonally on the grid.
Days Of The Week (Le Jours de la Semaine) Beginner French Language Presentation Study Notes

Days Of The Week (Le Jours de la Semaine) Beginner French Language Presentation Study Notes

A powerpoint slide that included all the seven days of the week, day and week in French. The odd number slides contain the French word while the even number slides provide the correct pronunciation with the meaning of the word. This is perfect for review and doing learning activities with students and teachers. It could also be used as flashcards before exams and quizzes. The powerpoint format also allows instructors to personalize and add any extra materials to fit the school’s curriculum.
Making Bar Chart Graph Elementary Year 3 Basic Statistical Mathematic Worksheet

Making Bar Chart Graph Elementary Year 3 Basic Statistical Mathematic Worksheet

A basic math worksheet for elementary / year 3 students and children learning about Bar Graphs and Tables. Using color pencils, pens and rulers is encouraged. An excel file is provided to aid tutors and teachers to edit or create new bar charts the worksheet. Worksheet is provided in both word and PDF file form for ease of editing and printing. An answer is also provided to aid teachers and tutors with grading.
Reading Bar Chart Graph Elementary Year 3 Basic Statistical Mathematic Worksheet

Reading Bar Chart Graph Elementary Year 3 Basic Statistical Mathematic Worksheet

A basic math worksheet for elementary / year 3 students and children learning about Bar Graphs and Tables. An excel file is provided to aid tutors and teachers to edit or create new bar charts the worksheet. Worksheet is provided in both word and PDF file form for ease of editing and printing. An answer is also provided to aid teachers and tutors with grading.
Gibbs Free Energy Reaction Spontaneity And Equilibrium IB Chemistry Presentation Notes

Gibbs Free Energy Reaction Spontaneity And Equilibrium IB Chemistry Presentation Notes

This is a presentation made from class notes covering the subject of Gibbs Free energy and its role in the reaction’s spontaneity and in equilibrium. Clarifications are given regarding how the Gibbs free energy equation was derived from the entropy equation using the second law of thermodynamics. Two examples problems are provided with step-by-step solutions to display how to use the free energy equation. Useful for giving out lectures, reviews and for reference.