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Preparing educational lesson slides, lesson notes, game class activity websites, and worksheet for all types of school subjects. Perfect for teachers, professors and instructors.




Preparing educational lesson slides, lesson notes, game class activity websites, and worksheet for all types of school subjects. Perfect for teachers, professors and instructors.
Differentiation Rules And Rate of Change Handwritten AP Calculus Notes

Differentiation Rules And Rate of Change Handwritten AP Calculus Notes

Class notes that cover differentiation rules, and the rate of change of functions and graphs. It covers common rules for derivatives and differentiations for all functions and trigonometric functions. This is followed by the rate of change that includes the instantaneous and average rate of change.
Graph Concavity And Second Derivative Test AP Calculus Notes

Graph Concavity And Second Derivative Test AP Calculus Notes

This set of class notes explains the concavity of graphs and its relation to the second derivative. With the concavity of graphs, the notes touch upon the concept of the point of inflection. It also explains to use the second derivative of any function to find certain information about the function.
Halogens Of The Periodic Table Chemistry Wordsearch

Halogens Of The Periodic Table Chemistry Wordsearch

A wordsearch challenge for students or teachers to find the halogen elements on the grid. A solution page is provided to aid teachers in grading. It is perfect as a fun activity to help students remember the elements. The words are organized horizontally, vertically and diagonally.
Plant And Animal Cell Differences And Similarities Biology Worksheet With Answer Sheet

Plant And Animal Cell Differences And Similarities Biology Worksheet With Answer Sheet

A worksheet requiring students or teachers to fill out the differences and similarities between plant cells and animal cells. The worksheet is format into two circles with a space where both circles are joined together to form a third space. Students or teachers will fill out what each type of cells have into each circle. It is great for homework, quiz, test or activity for learning the subject. An answer sheet is provided to aid instructors in grading.
Days Of The Week (Le Jours de la Semaine) Beginner French Language Presentation Study Notes

Days Of The Week (Le Jours de la Semaine) Beginner French Language Presentation Study Notes

A powerpoint slide that included all the seven days of the week, day and week in French. The odd number slides contain the French word while the even number slides provide the correct pronunciation with the meaning of the word. This is perfect for review and doing learning activities with students and teachers. It could also be used as flashcards before exams and quizzes. The powerpoint format also allows instructors to personalize and add any extra materials to fit the school’s curriculum.
Plant And Animal Cell Organelles Biology Wordsearch Puzzle Activity

Plant And Animal Cell Organelles Biology Wordsearch Puzzle Activity

A fun wordsearch challenge worksheet for learning about the organelles inside a plant and animal cell. One sheet is for the plant cell and the other is for the animal cell. The objective is to highlight or circle the words on the grid from the list below. It is recommended that students or teachers cross out the words from below once it has been found and highlighted on the grid. The words can be found vertically, horizontally or diagonally on the grid.
Introduction And History Of The Order of The Knights Templar Medieval European History Lesson Notes

Introduction And History Of The Order of The Knights Templar Medieval European History Lesson Notes

Notes covering the brief history of the Knights Templar order during the middles ages. The notes explore; The founding of the order The Templar’s oath Their roles as bankers and money lenders in the Holy Land Their decline Their violent end by the French King, Philip IV Jacque De Molay’s Prophecy The notes are in a powerpoint slide form for teachers or students to easily add or edit the content inside, and make it easier for instructors to use as a teaching material.
Multiplication Fill-In-the-Blank Pop Quiz Sheet

Multiplication Fill-In-the-Blank Pop Quiz Sheet

Quiz sheets for a multiplication time challenge for young students. Students and teachers must fill in the blank spaces with the correct number. The activity could also be timed as part of a mathematics learning activity. It could also be used in math game to challenge students. A sheet with no numbers is also provided for teachers to write their own multiplication quiz with their own numbers.
Household Consumption Sector Of The GDP Basic Economics

Household Consumption Sector Of The GDP Basic Economics

This set of class notes tackles the first of the four sectors of GDP, the consumption sector. Topics covered in this include; consumption function, savings, Average Propensity to Consume (APC), Average Propensity To Save (APS), Marginal Propensity to Consume (MPC), Marginal Propensity To Save (MPS), Autonomous & Induced Consumption, and Permanent Income Hypothesis. Definitions and equations for each of these topics are also provided in each section.
Introduction To The Science Of Wind Power Green Renewable Energy Lesson Slides

Introduction To The Science Of Wind Power Green Renewable Energy Lesson Slides

Environmental science lesson notes that introduces wind energy for students and kids learning about this renewable energy source. The concepts covered are; Physics and science of wind energy Conversion of wind power to rotational mechanical energy Conversion of rotational mechanical energy to electrical power Solar Irradiation Distribution Atmospheric Circulation Winds In Mountains and valleys Power density Wind velocity and altitude relationship Current state of wind energy Future of wind power Small amount of basic physics is included to help STEM students understand the basic concepts at work in wind power generation. Graphs, images and models are provided to aid in visualizing the concepts. The notes are in slide format file types to enable students and teachers to edit or add content.
ICE Table Chemical Equilibrium Expression AP GCSE IB Basic To Advance Chemistry Lesson Slides

ICE Table Chemical Equilibrium Expression AP GCSE IB Basic To Advance Chemistry Lesson Slides

Chemistry lesson notes that cover the ICE table method and how it is used to calculate concentrations in equilibrium chemical reactions. The notes cover; Definition of ICE The basic layout of the ICE table Practice problem sets using the ICE table Percent Dissociation Multiple example practice problems with a step-by-step solution are provided to aid teachers and students in understanding the types of questions on titration in exams or homeworks. The notes are in slide format file types to enable students and teachers to edit or add content to the file.
Introduction To Titration AP GSCE IB Basic To Advance Chemistry Lesson Slides

Introduction To Titration AP GSCE IB Basic To Advance Chemistry Lesson Slides

Chemistry lesson notes that cover Titration, its theory and calculations for how neutralize a acidic or basic solution. The notes cover; The definition of titration Primary Standard Standard Solution Indicators Equivalence point How a titration experiment works An example problem with a step-by-step solution is provided to aid teachers and students in understanding the types of questions on titration in exams or homeworks. The notes are in slide format file types to enable students and teachers to edit or add content to the file.
Introduction To Electron Configurations (Electron Structure) IB GSCE AP Chemistry Lesson Slides

Introduction To Electron Configurations (Electron Structure) IB GSCE AP Chemistry Lesson Slides

These class notes that cover the subject of electron configuration or electron structure. It covers their definition, how to use it and how to create them for each element. A chart for the notations of the different sublevels and power levels on the periodic table is provided to understand which letter to use for writing out the electron configuration. Example problems are provided with step-by-step solutions to aid students and teachers in how to write or read electron configurations. The slide format allows teachers and students to edit or add content to the file to better tailor the lesson to needs of the curriculum.
The First Crusade History Of Medieval Europe And The Crusades

The First Crusade History Of Medieval Europe And The Crusades

The notes cover the first crusade, its causes, and the people involved in the decisions made during that time. First, it covers the political landscape, the religious schism between western and eastern churches (Roman Christian and Orthodox Christian), and the preliminary events that led to the call for a crusade. this was followed by events within the crusade and the relationship between the Byzantines and Crusaders. It also covers the key events during the crusade such as the siege at Antioch and the Massacre of Jerusalem. People who played an important role in this crusade include; Emperor Alexios I, Pope Urban, Peter The Hermit, Adhemar of Le Puy, Raymond IV, and more
Introduction To Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Basic Economics

Introduction To Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Basic Economics

A brief introduction notes of what is gross domestic product (GDP) and how it is calculated. Some examples of a mathematical calculation is provides along with the equation for GDP. Also, a brief explanation for Net Domestic Product (NDP) and Net Income (NI). It also covers nominal GDP, real GDP, Per Capita GDP and Gross Progress Index (GPI).