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NEW BTEC Tech Awards - Health and Social care - Student Planning Sheets - Component 1

NEW BTEC Tech Awards - Health and Social care - Student Planning Sheets - Component 1

A 10 paged document that covers the two learning aims of Component 1: Learning aim, A: Understand human growth and development across life stages and the factors that affect it. Learning aim, B: Investigate how individuals deal with life events. The learning aims are structured into three parts: Information gathering task: A series of small tasks that once completed provide a frame work of information for the main task. Each of these tasks has a modelled answer and hints when needed. Main task: A task with a series of reminders that if answered with the aid of the assessment criteria should aim pupils towards a Distinction. Assessment criteria: The assessment criteria and code for each learning aim presented in a student friendly format so that they can track their target grade and ensure that they are meeting the necessary criteria.
Main life stages

Main life stages

BTEC Tech Award Health and Social Care Component 1 Learning aim A: Understand human growth and development across life stages and the factors that affect it Learning aim A1: Human growth and development across life stages Lesson 1: Main life stages [Component 1, A1, Main life stages]