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B8.2 The rate of photosynthesis
AQA GCSE Sciences (9-1)
Biology: B8 Photosynthesis
Lesson 2: B8.2 The rate of photosynthesis
Based on the Kerboodle Resources
The AQA Kerboodle worksheet are not included so as to be acting within the TES code of conduct.
Keywords: Limiting factor, Denatured, Enzymes

P10.3 Forces and braking
AQA GCSE Sciences (9-1)
Physics: P10 Force and motion
Lesson 3: P10.3 Forces and braking
Based on the Kerboodle Resources
The AQA Kerboodle worksheet are not included so as to be acting within the TES code of conduct.
Keywords: Stopping distance, Thinking distance, Braking distance

C9.1 Hydrocarbons
AQA GCSE Sciences (9-1)
Chemistry: C9 Crude oil and fuels
Lesson 1: C9.1 Hydrocarbons
Based on the Kerboodle Resources
The AQA Kerboodle worksheet are not included so as to be acting within the TES code of conduct.

B11.1 Principles of hormonal control
AQA GCSE Sciences (9-1)
Biology: B11 Hormonal coordination
Lesson 1: B11.1 Principles of hormonal control
Based on the Kerboodle Resources
The AQA Kerboodle worksheet are not included so as to be acting within the TES code of conduct.
Keywords: Endocrine system, Hormones, Insulin, Adrenaline, ADH

P13.4 UV, X-rays, Gamma rays
AQA GCSE Sciences (9-1)
Physics: P13 Electromagnetic waves
Lesson 4: P13.4 UV, X-rays, Gamma rays
Based on the Kerboodle Resources
The AQA Kerboodle worksheet are not included so as to be acting within the TES code of conduct.

Yr7 Body systems. Scheme of Work for Kerboodle Activate 1 (SoW)
Lesson objective
Skills objective
Learning outcomes
Key questions to ask
Lesson plans:
Levels of organisation
Gas exchange (Practical)
Measuring lung volume (Practical)
Skeleton (Practical)
Movement: joints (Practical)
Movement: muscles
Investigating muscle fatigue (Practical)
Chapter Summary

C5.1 Reactivity series
AQA GCSE Sciences (9-1)
Chemistry: C5 Chemical changes
Lesson 1: C5.1 Reactivity series
Based on the Kerboodle Resources
The AQA Kerboodle worksheet are not included so as to be acting within the TES code of conduct.

P13.2 Light, infrared, microwaves, and radiowaves
AQA GCSE Sciences (9-1)
Physics: P13 Electromagnetic waves
Lesson 2: P13.2 Light, infrared, microwaves, and radiowaves
Based on the Kerboodle Resources
The AQA Kerboodle worksheet are not included so as to be acting within the TES code of conduct.
White light, Optical fibres, Microwaves

B14.4 Genetic engineering
AQA GCSE Sciences (9-1)
Biology: B14 Variation and evolution
Lesson 4: B14.4 Genetic engineering
Based on the Kerboodle Resources
The AQA Kerboodle worksheet are not included so as to be acting within the TES code of conduct.
Keywords: Plasmid, Enzymes

P4.4 Component characteristics
AQA GCSE Sciences (9-1)
Physics: P4 Electric circuits
Lesson 4: P4.4 Component characteristics
Based on the Kerboodle Resources
The AQA Kerboodle worksheet are not included so as to be acting within the TES code of conduct.

B14.2 Evolution by natural selection
AQA GCSE Sciences (9-1)
Biology: B14 Variation and evolution
Lesson 2: B14.2 Evolution by natural selection
Based on the Kerboodle Resources
The AQA Kerboodle worksheet are not included so as to be acting within the TES code of conduct.
Keywords: Evolution, Natural selection, Mutation, Variation

C4.4 The yield of a chemical reaction
AQA GCSE Sciences (9-1)
Chemistry: C4 Chemical calculation
Lesson 4: C4.4 The yield of a chemical reaction
Based on the Kerboodle Resources
The AQA Kerboodle worksheet are not included so as to be acting within the TES code of conduct.

B17.1 Feeding relationships
AQA GCSE Sciences (9-1)
Biology: B17 Organising an ecosystem
Lesson 1: B17.1 Feeding relationships
Based on the Kerboodle Resources
The AQA Kerboodle worksheet are not included so as to be acting within the TES code of conduct.
Keywords: Biomass, Consumers, Producers

P2.1 Energy transfer by conduction
AQA GCSE Sciences (9-1)
Physics: P2 Energy transfer by heating
Lesson 1: P2.1 Energy transfer by conduction
Based on the Kerboodle Resources
The AQA Kerboodle worksheet are not included so as to be acting within the TES code of conduct.

B10.2 Nervous system
AQA GCSE Sciences (9-1)
Biology: B10 The human nervous system
Lesson 2: B10.2 Nervous system
Based on the Kerboodle Resources
The AQA Kerboodle worksheet are not included so as to be acting within the TES code of conduct.
Keywords: CNS, Sensory neurone, Motor neurone, Effectors, Receptors

P2.5 Heating and insulating buildings
AQA GCSE Sciences (9-1)
Physics: P2 Energy transfer by heating
Lesson 5: P2.5 Heating and insulating buildings
Based on the Kerboodle Resources
The AQA Kerboodle worksheet are not included so as to be acting within the TES code of conduct.

B17.2 Materials cycling
AQA GCSE Sciences (9-1)
Biology: B17 Organising an ecosystem
Lesson 2: B17.2 Materials cycling
Based on the Kerboodle Resources
The AQA Kerboodle worksheet are not included so as to be acting within the TES code of conduct.
Keywords: Microbe, Decay

P8.2 Forces between objects
AQA GCSE Sciences (9-1)
Physics: P8 Forces in balance
Lesson 2: P8.2 Forces between objects
Based on the Kerboodle Resources
The AQA Kerboodle worksheet are not included so as to be acting within the TES code of conduct.

C2.2 Electronic structure and the periodic table
AQA GCSE Sciences (9-1)
Chemistry: C2 The periodic table
Lesson 2: C2.2 Electronic structure and the periodic table
Based on the Kerboodle Resources
The AQA Kerboodle worksheet are not included so as to be acting within the TES code of conduct.
Keywords: Shells, Electronic structure, Noble gases

C5.7 Neutralisation
AQA GCSE Sciences (9-1)
Chemistry: C5 Chemical changes
Lesson 7: C5.7 Neutralisation
Based on the Kerboodle Resources
The AQA Kerboodle worksheet are not included so as to be acting within the TES code of conduct.