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New Focus Education

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Key Stage 3, GCSE and A Level History resources available for purchase and download. New Focus Education offer resources from a teacher with 10 years teaching experience, a track record of excellent outcomes and experience of leadership at several levels. The main focus is AQA 8145 and AQA A Level, with key stage three resources available with GCSE skills and requirements embedded throughout.




Key Stage 3, GCSE and A Level History resources available for purchase and download. New Focus Education offer resources from a teacher with 10 years teaching experience, a track record of excellent outcomes and experience of leadership at several levels. The main focus is AQA 8145 and AQA A Level, with key stage three resources available with GCSE skills and requirements embedded throughout.
AQA 8145 America 1920-73 - 1930s Popular culture

AQA 8145 America 1920-73 - 1930s Popular culture

This lesson explores how popular culture developed in the 1930s. The lesson starts by exploring what popular culture is with reference to today, considering what it can tell us of a society. Students then watch two videos which explore popular culture changes in the 1930s, leading to a data capture on popular culture changes in the 1930s. Students then plan or answer an 8-mark explain question on ‘in what ways popular culture changed during the 1930s’. Finally students use the criteria to mark or improve their own answer/plan.
AQA 8145 - America 1920-73 - the impact of WW2 on the USA

AQA 8145 - America 1920-73 - the impact of WW2 on the USA

This lesson explores how WW2 affected the USA both positively and negatively. The lesson starts with a recap of key terms from the previous lesson (e.g. Cash and Carry), moving into a video introducing the impact of WW2 on US society/economy/politics. Students then use the hand out to create a table showing the positive and negative impacts of WW2, leading to application planning to an 8-mark response on the impact of war on African-Americans and women. Students then debate the overall impact of WW2 on America, leading to an interpretation plenary on the legacy of WW2, linking in knowledge gained from the lesson.
AQA 8145 America 1920-73 - how did America get involved in WW2?

AQA 8145 America 1920-73 - how did America get involved in WW2?

This lesson begins with students exploring what they already know about WW2, using a video then to note down how the US became involved. Students then explore the stages to war from 1935-1941 assessing how involved America was at each stage. Students then complete notes and questions on how Pearl Harbour was the trigger point for US involvement. Students then create a mind map showing how WW2 benefitted the US economy. A judgement plenary explores how ‘beneficial’ WW2 was for America.
AQA 8145 America 1920-73 - how effective was the New Deal?

AQA 8145 America 1920-73 - how effective was the New Deal?

A lesson exploring how effective the New Deal was in bringing recovery. The lesson begins with a recap of the Alphabet Agencies using a card sort, leading to completion of a data capture sheet assessing how far the New Deal worked across different groups/areas. Students then categorise the impact of the New Deal cards into successes and failures, allowing students to reach a summary judgement about the New Deal’s impact. Students then apply their learning to planning and 8-mark ‘which interpretation do you find the most convincing’ question, leading to a timed answer (with model answer included). The lesson concludes with students exploring which interpretation of the New Deal they find the most convincing and why.
AQA 8145 - Health - Jenner and vaccination

AQA 8145 - Health - Jenner and vaccination

This lesson explores the role of Edward Jenner in the development of causes and cures, focusing on vaccination and the significance, linking to utility. The lesson begins with a picture link, moving on to inoculation and why this was used. A video then introduces the work of Jenner and discovery of vaccination, leading to an explanation of why this was significant. Students then rank reasons for opposition and move to consider the overall significance of the discovery of vaccinations. Finally, students apply knowledge to an 8-mark utility question, leading to a judgement line plenary on the overall importance of vaccination.
AQA 8145 Health - Public Health essay planning

AQA 8145 Health - Public Health essay planning

This lesson recaps the key content on Public Health from Medieval England to the modern day beginning with a quiz-quiz-trade starter. Students then categorise the evidence into the different factors, using this to plan a 16-mark essay response on the government being the most important factor in developing public health. Students then write a model paragraph and self or peer assess this. Finally, students complete a trio recap plenary.
AQA 8145 - Health - Progress in 17th and 18th century medicine

AQA 8145 - Health - Progress in 17th and 18th century medicine

This lesson explores the extent of progress by the end of the 18th century for causes and cures. The lesson begins with a recap of how disease had been treated up to the start of the Renaissance, leading to a video allowing exploration of change and continuity of medicine. The lesson leads to a source task, exploring scientific v supernatural cures in this time, leading to a table task assessing progress and remaining limitations. Finally, students complete a continuum plenary assessing the extent of progress by the 18th century.
AQA 8145 - Health - How successful was Medieval surgery?

AQA 8145 - Health - How successful was Medieval surgery?

This lesson explores the success of surgery in the Medieval period and the extent of progress. The lesson begins with an exploration of what is needed to make surgery successful, leading to a video exploring how surgery developed. This is then extended upon with the card task adding to the table of evidence. A progress check recaps students understanding, leading to a written judgement on which area saw the most progress. Finally a judgement line/post it plenary allows an assessment of how much progress students believe was made in the Medieval period.
AQA 8145 - Health - Christian and Islamic impact on Medieval surgery

AQA 8145 - Health - Christian and Islamic impact on Medieval surgery

This lesson compares the impact that Christianity and Islam had on surgical development in the Medieval period. The lesson starts with a source task which introduces the differing perspectives, leading to an evidence gathering comparison table of the two religions. A video further develops Islamic medicine, allowing a judgement on why Islamic doctors made more progress at this time. Students then apply their learning to a ‘similarity’ question leading to a written judgement/timed response
AQA 8145 - Health and the People Causes and Cures thematic bundle

AQA 8145 - Health and the People Causes and Cures thematic bundle

11 Resources
Lessons exploring how the understanding of causes and cures of diseases developed from Medieval England through to the 19th century. Lessons included a focus on factors, model answers, assessments and a variety of activities. There is also a revision/review lesson summarising the whole topic included.
AQA 8145 - Health - Anaesthetics and Anti-septics

AQA 8145 - Health - Anaesthetics and Anti-septics

This lesson explores the development of anaesthetics and antiseptics, and the impact on surgery. The lesson begins with a discussion of the issues remaining in surgery with a video introducing Simpson and Lister. This then leads to an exploration of the role of anaesthetics and antiseptics through completing categorisation tasks and written responses, with the addition of a progress checkpoint. Students then plan and answer an 8-mark significance question around anaesthetics, marking their own or their peers and improving their answers. A judgement plenary allows students to develop which they feel was most significant and over which time.
AQA 8145 - Health - Vesalius, Pare and Harvey surgical contributions

AQA 8145 - Health - Vesalius, Pare and Harvey surgical contributions

This lesson revisits Vesalius, Pare and Harvey and focuses on how they helped surgery to develop. The lesson begins with a Medieval surgery knowledge audit, leading to a task on Vesalius and ranking his contributions in terms of importance. Students then review Harvey, considering successes and limitations, moving on to review Pare and his importance. At each stage challenge questions extend thinking and promote comparison of significance. An opportunity for ‘utility’ practice on Pare leads to a plenary debate on who had the largest contribution to the development of surgery in the Renaissance.
AQA 8145 - Health - Significance of John Hunter to surgical development

AQA 8145 - Health - Significance of John Hunter to surgical development

This lesson explores the role of the individual (John Hunter) in bringing surgical development in the Early Modern period. The lesson begins with a video exploring his significance, leading to a reduction task of the ‘top 3’ reasons for his significance in the different fields (books, training etc). Students then apply this to an 8-mark significance plan, leading to an overall assessment of surgical progress by 1800. Finally, a judgement line plenary allows an overall assessment of how much progress had been made in surgery by 1800.
AQA Politics 7152/3 - what is an ideology?

AQA Politics 7152/3 - what is an ideology?

An introductory lesson the the AQA Politics Paper 3 - Political ideas scheme. The lesson begins with students defining a policy, political idea and ideology, then applying this to three case studies to show the differences in action. Students then get an overview of the paper and explore the 5 key themes explored and annotate around how and why they would be important to a political thinker. Using the brief definitions of the four ideologies students assess what each ideology (e.g. socialism) would approach society etc. As a plenary students explain to each other the key differences between a policy, idea and an ideology
AQA Politics 7152/3 - The origins of Liberalism

AQA Politics 7152/3 - The origins of Liberalism

This lesson explores how Liberalism became a political theory. The lesson starts with defining Liberalism, leading to a guided reading activity to uncover what we can learn about Liberalism as a theory. Three short videos introduce how Liberalism has been applied, leading to an exploration of the main principles of liberalism, making notes on the key areas. Finally, students list how we may see liberalism in the modern day.
AQA Politics 7152/3 - Liberalism and human nature

AQA Politics 7152/3 - Liberalism and human nature

This lesson explores the views held by Liberals on human nature/the individual. The lesson begins with a quote from John Locke regarding his views which students make inferences from. Students then use a video to explore liberal views and then complete a data capture carousel exploring the theories around human nature (e.g. rational, egotistical etc). Students then apply their understanding to a 9-mark explain question explaining and analysing three ways in which liberal thinkers have viewed human nature.
AQA Politics 7152/3 - Liberalism and society

AQA Politics 7152/3 - Liberalism and society

This lesson explores the view liberals have on society. The lesson starts with an extract from Rand, asking students to make inferences and apply knowledge to support and challenge. A video then introduces key ideas around society, leading to completion of a data capture table comparing the three views on society held by liberals. Students then apply their learning to a 9-mark response on how liberal thinkers define freedom, bringing in the learning of the state, human nature and society. A recall plenary allows retrieval practice of key content.
AQA Politics 7152/3 - Liberalism and the state

AQA Politics 7152/3 - Liberalism and the state

This lesson explores how liberals view the state. The lesson begins with a knowledge recall quiz, leading to an introductory video on liberal views on the state. Students then use the table to summarise the liberal approach to limited government. The main tasks focuses on exploring what liberal thinkers agree and disagree on re. the nature of the state, leading to an extract practice. The judgement asks students to debate if ‘liberal democracy is a contradication in terms’ - leading to a judgement line plenary.
AQA Politics 7152/3 - Liberalism and the economy

AQA Politics 7152/3 - Liberalism and the economy

This lesson explores the contrasting liberal ideas about the economy. The lesson starts with a key word definition, leading to a video introducing economic liberal theory. Students then assess the strengths and weaknesses of economic liberal theory, linking in knowledge of real life examples of economic liberalism in action. Finally, there is a plenary debate and judgement line on whether economic liberalism is benficial for society.