Three differentiated home learning sheets to help children make amounts in coins. The below expected sheet includes making amounts below 10p.
The working at expected levels sheet asks children to recognise all coins and then make amounts to 10p.
The above expected sheet asks children to make amounts to 20p.
This resource consists of one Powerpoint file to teach a Year 5 Reading lesson for the chapter: ‘The Raft’ from ‘The Explorer’ fiction book by Katherine Rundell.
The lesson is about an hour long, focusing on the one chapter for the lesson.
‘The Explorer’ is a fiction book that was used to accompany a topic on the Rainforest and the book is about children surviving a plane crash in the Rainforest.
More lessons are also available for the rest of the chapters.
A 2 day plan to go along side reading of Harvey Slumfenburger's Christmas Present by John Burningham.
The children will describe what is inside the present (before finishing the story) and then after reading the story they will describe Father Christmas.
Writing plan for first week of Cornerstones topic Bright Lights Big City - can be used in conjunction with Cornerstones resources. Includes introduction to the Queen and model letter plus letters for children to invite the Queen to tea. Also includes how to make a cucumber sandwich instruction writing for when the Queen visits.
A story about a class animal’s adventure to London to inspire children to write their own story about their class animal. Includes a week’s planning with a story, Notebook of photos ideas. Can be adapted for any class animal.
This is planning and resources for a science investigation on materials to see which are the best to use for a boat. Includes a Powerpoint, planning, recording sheets and images to support.
Early Year or Year 1 - Includes ActivPrimary presentation to record whole class ideas and pages to print to draw activity they did in the holidays and write about it.
This is 2 weeks planning and resources for Year 1 writing lessons, based on the story ‘Man on the Moon’ by Simon Bertram, including grammar work on conjunctions.
This is a week’s maths planning for a year 1 class learning number bonds and learning one more and one less to 20.
Includes differentiation, worksheets, learning objectives.
This resource consists of Notebook files or Powerpoint files (depending what you use) and Word plans to teach Year 5 Reading lessons for The Shamans Apprentice fiction book by Lynne Cherry
Each lesson is about an hour long.
‘The Shamans Apprentice’ is a short picture fiction book that was used to accompany a topic on the Rainforest and the book is about medicines that are used which grow in the Rainforest.
Templates, resources, support sheets for children to write a description of a Mr Men character and then write an apology letter from Mr Bump. Children will need to read Mr ump story for letter writing.
This is a handwriting sheet that can be adapted with different words.
It has been made for home learning but could be used for the classroom.
It has a lined second page so children can write sentences using the common exception words.
Made for Year 2 but can be adapted.
Homework sheet for spelling -le and contractions. Can be adapted for any words for children to learning spellings. Also has a challenge page on the back for sentences. Can be printed on two sides to save paper.
A grid of numbers for a home learning activity or maybe a game for a morning activity. Children use the numbers in the grid to create their own equations.
Math and Science Year 2 report comments that can be adapted.
Change name using find and replace. Greater depth, working at, working towards and pre-key stage for maths.
English subject report comments for Year 2 children.
Includes comments for exceeding children, working at children, working towards children and also for a child who is not working in Key Stage One but is in Year 2.
The word boy or girl can be replaced with the child’s name.