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Learning by Questions

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Learning by Questions is an online learning platform that provides pupils with national curriculum aligned questions and immediate feedback to supercharge their learning. LbQ's SATs Springboard is here to help teachers make the most of the run up to the SATs examinations this Spring Term. Try out some of our resources below, or head to www.lbq.org/sats to read more.




Learning by Questions is an online learning platform that provides pupils with national curriculum aligned questions and immediate feedback to supercharge their learning. LbQ's SATs Springboard is here to help teachers make the most of the run up to the SATs examinations this Spring Term. Try out some of our resources below, or head to www.lbq.org/sats to read more.
Year 9 Proportion: proportion using "best buys"

Year 9 Proportion: proportion using "best buys"

Objective: I can use direct proportion to find the cost of items and best buys. Prerequisites: Students can multiply and divide money by integers. Students have knowledge of multiplicative relationships. Students understand highest common factors. Terminology: proportional, unitary Registering for an LbQ account will give you access to the questions included in this resource and many 1,000s more. These 5 questions are a small selection from a much bigger Question Set of the same topic; they can be used as a teaching starter, plenary or activity for pupils. It is designed to provide teachers a taste of what our content is all about. LbQ Maths Question Sets are based around the principles of mastery and have been developed by teachers and subject matter experts. Each Question Set targets a curriculum objective, though some objectives need more than one set, and has been guided by the White Rose Maths curriculum breakdown.
KS2 International Women's Day: Dorothy Vaughan

KS2 International Women's Day: Dorothy Vaughan

‘Dorothy Vaughan’ is one of a series of full texts available as a printable story, poem or non-fiction report from Learning by Questions. The full texts provide an illustrated story, poem or report in an A4 format for pupils to refer to, annotate and keep when completing the Comprehension Questions. The full texts also provide original reading resources for whole class, reciprocal, guided or individual reading. The Comprehension Question Sets have a scrollable version of the text for pupils to refer to as they work their way through the questions. ‘Dorothy Vaughan’ is a biography for Year 5/6 pupils about the inspiring life of Dorothy Vaughan LbQ’s English Reading Question Sets have been developed by teachers and subject matter experts.
Year 3 Fractions: Count Up and Down in Tenths

Year 3 Fractions: Count Up and Down in Tenths

Year 3 Fractions Count Up and Down in Tenths This Year 3 Maths Fractions Question Set covers the national curriculum objective to count up and down in tenths using fractions. Registering for an LbQ account will give you access to the questions included in this resource and many 1,000s more. These 5 questions are a small selection from a much bigger Question Set of the same topic; they can be used as a teaching starter, plenary or activity for pupils. It is designed to provide teachers a taste of what our content is all about. LbQ Maths Question Sets are based around the principles of mastery and have been developed by teachers and subject matter experts. Each Question Set targets a curriculum objective, though some objectives need more than one set, and has been guided by the White Rose Maths curriculum breakdown.
KS2 Poetry Comprehension: Nimble The Curious

KS2 Poetry Comprehension: Nimble The Curious

KS2 Poetry Comprehension Nimble The Curious ‘Nimble the Curious’ is one of a series of full texts available as a printable story, poem or non-fiction report from Learning by Questions. The full texts provide an illustrated story, poem or report in an A4 format for pupils to refer to, annotate and keep when completing the comprehension questions. The full texts also provide original reading resources for whole class, reciprocal, guided or individual reading. The Comprehension Question Sets have a scrollable version of the text for pupils to refer to as they work their way through the questions. ‘Nimble the Curious’ is a rhyming poem for Year 5/6 pupils. It has five verses and a refrain. The poem is about the adventures of a clumsy but endearing cat. LbQ’s English Reading Question Sets have been developed by teachers and subject matter experts.
KS2 International Women's Day: Mary Jackson

KS2 International Women's Day: Mary Jackson

‘Mary Jackson’ is one of a series of full texts available as a printable story, poem or non-fiction report from Learning by Questions. The full texts provide an illustrated story, poem or report in an A4 format for pupils to refer to, annotate and keep when completing the Comprehension Questions. The full texts also provide original reading resources for whole class, reciprocal, guided or individual reading. The Comprehension Question Sets have a scrollable version of the text for pupils to refer to as they work their way through the questions. ‘Mary Jackson’ is a biography for Year 5/6 pupils about the inspirational Mary Jackson. LbQ’s English Reading Question Sets have been developed by teachers and subject matter experts.
Year 6 Fractions: Fractions, Decimals and Percentages (Equivalence)

Year 6 Fractions: Fractions, Decimals and Percentages (Equivalence)

Year 6 Fractions: Fractions, Decimals and Percentages (Equivalence) This Year 6 Fractions, Decimals & Percentages Question Set covers the national curriculum objective to recall and use equivalent simple fractions, decimals and percentages. Registering for an LbQ account will give you access to the questions included in this resource and many 1,000s more. These 5 questions are a small selection from a much bigger Question Set of the same topic; they can be used as a teaching starter, plenary or activity for pupils. It is designed to provide teachers a taste of what our content is all about. LbQ Maths Question Sets are based around the principles of mastery and have been developed by teachers and subject matter experts. Each Question Set targets a curriculum objective, though some objectives need more than one set, and has been guided by the White Rose Maths curriculum breakdown.
KS2 International Women's Day: Beatrix Potter

KS2 International Women's Day: Beatrix Potter

'Beatrix Potter’ is one of a series of full texts available as a printable story, poem or non-fiction report from Learning by Questions. The full texts provide an illustrated story, poem or report in an A4 format for pupils to refer to, annotate and keep when completing the Comprehension Questions. The full texts also provide original reading resources for whole class, reciprocal, guided or individual reading. The Comprehension Question Sets have a scrollable version of the text for pupils to refer to as they work their way through the questions. LbQ’s English Reading Question Sets have been developed by teachers and subject matter experts.
Year 7 Fractions: Add and Subtract Fractions

Year 7 Fractions: Add and Subtract Fractions

Year 7 Fractions: Add and Subtract Fractions This Year 7 Add and Subtract Fractions covers the national curriculum objective to add and subtract fractions. Registering for an LbQ account will give you access to the questions included in this resource and many 1,000s more. These 5 questions are a small selection from a much bigger Question Set of the same topic; they can be used as a teaching starter, plenary or activity for pupils. It is designed to provide teachers a taste of what our content is all about. LbQ Maths Question Sets are based around the principles of mastery and have been developed by teachers and subject matter experts. Each Question Set targets a curriculum objective, though some objectives need more than one set, and has been guided by the White Rose Maths curriculum breakdown.
KS3 Physics Energy: Energy Transfers

KS3 Physics Energy: Energy Transfers

KS3 Physics Energy Energy Transfers This KS3 Physics Energy Transfers Question Set covers the national curriculum objective to: describe how energy is transferred from one store at the start to another store at the end. Registering for an LbQ account will give you access to the questions included in this resource and many 1,000s more. These 5 questions are a small selection from a much bigger Question Set of the same topic; they can be used as a teaching starter, plenary or activity for pupils. It is designed to provide teachers a taste of what our content is all about. LbQ’s KS3 Science Question Sets are designed by our subject matter experts, so that students can progress through the work with minimal input from the teacher. The questions gradually increase in complexity, provide corrective feedback with hints and images to scaffold the learning. Students can therefore progress independently, which frees up the teacher’s time to help those students who need it most.
Year 4 Measurement: Money Estimate Total Amounts

Year 4 Measurement: Money Estimate Total Amounts

Year 4 Measurement Money Estimate Total Amounts This Year 4 Estimate the Total Amounts of Money Question Set covers the national curriculum objective to estimate, round and calculate amounts of money in pounds and pence. Registering for an LbQ account will give you access to the questions included in this resource and many 1,000s more. These 5 questions are a small selection from a much bigger Question Set of the same topic; they can be used as a teaching starter, plenary or activity for pupils. It is designed to provide teachers a taste of what our content is all about. LbQ Maths Question Sets are based around the principles of mastery and have been developed by teachers and subject matter experts. Each Question Set targets a curriculum objective, though some objectives need more than one set, and has been guided by the White Rose Maths curriculum breakdown.
KS3 Geometry: Polygon Symmetry

KS3 Geometry: Polygon Symmetry

KS3 Geometry: Polygon Symmetry This KS3 Identify Reflective Symmetry of Polygons Question Set covers the national curriculum objective to identify total lines of symmetry. Registering for an LbQ account will give you access to the questions included in this resource and many 1,000s more. These 5 questions are a small selection from a much bigger Question Set of the same topic; they can be used as a teaching starter, plenary or activity for pupils. It is designed to provide teachers a taste of what our content is all about. LbQ Maths Question Sets are based around the principles of mastery and have been developed by teachers and subject matter experts. Each Question Set targets a curriculum objective, though some objectives need more than one set, and has been guided by the White Rose Maths curriculum breakdown.
Year 3 Geometry: Recognise 3D Shapes

Year 3 Geometry: Recognise 3D Shapes

Year 3 Geometry Recognise 3D Shapes This Year 3 Maths Geometry Question Set covers the national curriculum objective to recognise 3D shapes and describe their properties. Registering for an LbQ account will give you access to the questions included in this resource and many 1,000s more. These 5 questions are a small selection from a much bigger Question Set of the same topic; they can be used as a teaching starter, plenary or activity for pupils. It is designed to provide teachers a taste of what our content is all about LbQ Maths Question Sets are based around the principles of mastery and have been developed by teachers and subject matter experts. Each Question Set targets a curriculum objective, though some objectives need more than one set, and has been guided by the White Rose Maths curriculum breakdown.
Year 7 Multiplication: Brackets and Powers

Year 7 Multiplication: Brackets and Powers

Year 7 Multiplication Brackets and Powers This Year 7 Multiplication Brackets and Powers Question Set covers the national curriculum objective to evaluate expressions using the correct order of operations. Registering for an LbQ account will give you access to the questions included in this resource and many 1,000s more. These 5 questions are a small selection from a much bigger Question Set of the same topic; they can be used as a teaching starter, plenary or activity for pupils. It is designed to provide teachers a taste of what our content is all about. LbQ Maths Question Sets are based around the principles of mastery and have been developed by teachers and subject matter experts. Each Question Set targets a curriculum objective, though some objectives need more than one set, and has been guided by the White Rose Maths curriculum breakdown.
Y5/6 Reading Comprehension: Nimble the Curious

Y5/6 Reading Comprehension: Nimble the Curious

A short, original poem with comprehension questions about the adventures of an inquisitive and clumsy cat called Nimble. Suitable for whole class or guided reading with Y5/6 pupils. ‘Nimble the Curious’ is one of a series of Short Reads from Learning By Questions. The Short Reads are designed for pupils across Key Stage 2 and cover genres such as fiction, non-fiction, biography, poetry, fable, myth, science fiction and cross-curricular themes. Our Short Reads are written with whole class and guided reading in mind: they provide quality texts along with pre-read, retrieval, inference and language Question Sets.
Year 4 Measurement: Compare and Order Amounts

Year 4 Measurement: Compare and Order Amounts

Year 4 Measurement Compare and Order Amounts This Year 4 Compare and Order Amounts of Money Question Set covers the national curriculum objective to calculate, compare and order amounts of money in pounds and pence. Registering for an LbQ account will give you access to the questions included in this resource and many 1,000s more. These 5 questions are a small selection from a much bigger Question Set of the same topic; they can be used as a teaching starter, plenary or activity for pupils. It is designed to provide teachers a taste of what our content is all about. LbQ Maths Question Sets are based around the principles of mastery and have been developed by teachers and subject matter experts. Each Question Set targets a curriculum objective, though some objectives need more than one set, and has been guided by the White Rose Maths curriculum breakdown.
KS3 Physics Forces and Motion: Resistive Forces

KS3 Physics Forces and Motion: Resistive Forces

KS3 Physics Forces and Motion: Resistive Forces This KS3 Physics Resistive Forces Question Set covers the national curriculum objective to: know that whenever an object moves against another object, it experiences a frictional force. Registering for an LbQ account will give you access to the questions included in this resource and many 1,000s more. These 5 questions are a small selection from a much bigger Question Set of the same topic; they can be used as a teaching starter, plenary or activity for pupils. It is designed to provide teachers a taste of what our content is all about. LbQ’s KS3 Science Question Sets are designed by our subject matter experts, so that students can progress through the work with minimal input from the teacher. The questions gradually increase in complexity, provide corrective feedback with hints and images to scaffold the learning. Students can therefore progress independently, which frees up the teacher’s time to help those students who need it most.
Year 4 Decimals: Count Up/Down in Hundredths

Year 4 Decimals: Count Up/Down in Hundredths

Year 4 Decimals Count Up/Down in Hundredths This Year 4 Decimals Count Up/Down in Hundredths Question Set covers the national curriculum objective to count up and down in hundredths using decimals. Registering for an LbQ account will give you access to the questions included in this resource and many 1,000s more. These 5 questions are a small selection from a much bigger Question Set of the same topic; they can be used as a teaching starter, plenary or activity for pupils. It is designed to provide teachers a taste of what our content is all about. LbQ Maths Question Sets are based around the principles of mastery and have been developed by teachers and subject matter experts. Each Question Set targets a curriculum objective, though some objectives need more than one set, and has been guided by the White Rose Maths curriculum breakdown.
Year 3 Measurement: Perimeter of Simple 2D Shapes

Year 3 Measurement: Perimeter of Simple 2D Shapes

Year 3 Measurement Perimeter of Simple 2D Shapes This Year 3 Maths Measurement Question Set covers the national curriculum objective to find the perimeter of simple 2D shapes. Registering for an LbQ account will give you access to the questions included in this resource and many 1,000s more. These 5 questions are a small selection from a much bigger Question Set of the same topic; they can be used as a teaching starter, plenary or activity for pupils. It is designed to provide teachers a taste of what our content is all about. LbQ Maths Question Sets are based around the principles of mastery and have been developed by teachers and subject matter experts. Each Question Set targets a curriculum objective, though some objectives need more than one set, and has been guided by the White Rose Maths curriculum breakdown. Read less
Y8 Probability: sample spaces for events

Y8 Probability: sample spaces for events

Objective: I can calculate probabilities for single and combined events. The questions in this resource are suitable for students meeting KS3 expectations. Prerequisites: Students should have a knowledge of basic probability. Terminology: sample space, independent event, outcome Answers on slide 9. Registering for an LbQ account will give you access to the questions included in this resource and many 1,000s more. These 5 questions are a small selection from a much bigger Question Set of the same topic; they can be used as a teaching starter, plenary or activity for pupils. It is designed to provide teachers a taste of what our content is all about. LbQ Maths Question Sets are based around the principles of mastery and have been developed by teachers and subject matter experts. Each Question Set targets a curriculum objective, though some objectives need more than one set, and has been guided by the White Rose Maths curriculum breakdown.
Y8 Representing Data: scatter graphs

Y8 Representing Data: scatter graphs

Objective: I can use and interpret scatter graphs. The questions in this resource are suitable for students meeting Y8 expectations. Prerequisites: Students can read from graphs. Students can use lines of best fit. Terminology:scatter graph, correlation, relationship, line of best fit, outlier Answers on slide 9. Registering for an LbQ account will give you access to the questions included in this resource and many 1,000s more. These 5 questions are a small selection from a much bigger Question Set of the same topic; they can be used as a teaching starter, plenary or activity for pupils. It is designed to provide teachers a taste of what our content is all about. LbQ Maths Question Sets are based around the principles of mastery and have been developed by teachers and subject matter experts. Each Question Set targets a curriculum objective, though some objectives need more than one set, and has been guided by the White Rose Maths curriculum breakdown.