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Leo Lessons

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My experience as a teacher and a mum inspire me to create resources that support educators and appeal to children with special educational needs, particularly autism and ADHD. My eldest son’s autism and ADHD have taught me a lotand here I share what I hope will engage others who learn differently and help those who are teaching them either in the classroom or at home. I love creating visual and hands-on activities that make learning more playful.




My experience as a teacher and a mum inspire me to create resources that support educators and appeal to children with special educational needs, particularly autism and ADHD. My eldest son’s autism and ADHD have taught me a lotand here I share what I hope will engage others who learn differently and help those who are teaching them either in the classroom or at home. I love creating visual and hands-on activities that make learning more playful.
Creative Christmas Maths

Creative Christmas Maths

A creative maths lesson for the Christmas period! Included is a worksheet with differentiated tasks for the children to choose from, based around the idea of designing some Christmas wrapping paper using their maths skills. Encourage children to choose skills they need to develop and the most able might choose more than one criteria for their designs. A fun and absorbing task. Introduce by looking for mathematical elements in real or online examples.
Maths Homework Summer Term

Maths Homework Summer Term

5 end of summer term maths homework tasks suitable for year 6 or similar, in PDF format. Homework tasks are designed to be lighter for both pupils and teachers at the end of the school year (minimal to no marking required). Equally could be used as time filler tasks during the school day. For more maths resources, click here!
Halloween Quizzes

Halloween Quizzes

2 Resources
Two Halloween themed quizzes: one for maths and one for English. Mixed questions for maths, possessive nouns for English. Suitable for Year 6 or similar.
Halloween Maths Quiz

Halloween Maths Quiz

A Halloween themed maths quiz in Powerpoint format. A mixture of maths questions including: units of measure, ratio, time, and division. Suitable for Y6 or similar, Children could work in pairs or small groups. Click here for more maths quizzes!
Maths Quizzes

Maths Quizzes

4 Resources
3 quizzes: Summer, Sports Day and Wimbledon themed. Plus a codebreaking coordinates activity. Suitable for Year 6 or similar. Answers included for all 4 activities.
Year 6 Maths Temperature Investigation

Year 6 Maths Temperature Investigation

A maths investigation lesson in PDF format suitable for Year 6 or similar. A good one for end of summer term. Includes slides for recapping investigation knowledge, setting success criteria and working out. Find more maths investigations here.
Year 6 Maths Swimming Investigation

Year 6 Maths Swimming Investigation

A maths investigation lesson in PDF format suitable for Year 6 or similar. A good one for end of summer term. Includes slides for recapping investigation knowledge, setting success criteria and working out. Why not try one of these? Maths Investigation ice cream Maths Investigation temperature Maths Investigation sunflower
Year 6 Maths Sunflower Investigation

Year 6 Maths Sunflower Investigation

A maths investigation lesson in PDF format suitable for Year 6 or similar. A good one for end of summer term. Includes slides for recapping investigation knowledge, setting success criteria and how to start working out. For Year 6 Summer Maths Quizzes, click here.
Yer 6 Maths Ice Cream Investigation

Yer 6 Maths Ice Cream Investigation

A maths investigation lesson in PDF format suitable for Year 6 or similar. A good one for end of summer term. Includes slides for recapping investigation knowledge, setting success criteria and how to start working out. Why not try one of these? Maths Investigation swimming Maths Investigation sunflower Maths Investigation temperature
Summer Maths Quiz

Summer Maths Quiz

A summer themed maths quiz in powerpoint format. Great for summer/end of term fun. Children could work individually, in pairs or small groups as required. Suitable for Year 6 or similar. A mixture of question types including percentages, fractions, ratio, and measurement. Click here for more maths resources!
Summer Symmetry Coordinate Pictures

Summer Symmetry Coordinate Pictures

3 Resources
3 summer themed coordinate pictures in 4 quadrants, differentiated 3 ways. For the sun and flower versions children need to complete 1, 2 or 3 quadrants depending on ability. For the butterfly picture the higher ability task is to finish the half of the butterfly shown by decorating it before completing the other half by reflecting their design in the y axis.
Coordinates Symmetry 4 Quadrants Sun

Coordinates Symmetry 4 Quadrants Sun

Children complete the symmetrical picture of the sun. Differentiated as follows: • LA complete the 1st quadrant only • MA complete 1st and 4th quadrants • HA complete the 2nd, 3rd and 4th quadrants. An activity suitable for Year 6 or similar and great for end of summer term fun. Click here for more coordinates activities!
Coordinates Symmetry 4 Quadrants Flower

Coordinates Symmetry 4 Quadrants Flower

Children complete the symmetrical picture of the flower. Differentiated as follows: • LA complete the 1st quadrant only • MA complete 1st and 4th quadrants • HA complete the 2nd, 3rd and 4th quadrants. An activity suitable for Year 6 or similar and great for end of summer term fun. Also available: Coordinates Symmetry 4 Quadrants Butterfly Coordinates Symmetry 4 Quadrants Sun
Coordinates Symmetry 4 Quadrants Butterfly

Coordinates Symmetry 4 Quadrants Butterfly

Children complete the symmetrical picture of the butterfly. Differentiated as follows: • LA complete the 1st quadrant only • MA complete 1st and 4th quadrants • HA decorate the template half given and complete by reflecting in the 2nd and 3rd quadrants. An activity suitable for Year 6 or similar and great for end of summer term fun. Also available: Coordinates Symmetry 4 Quadrants Sun Coordinates Symmetry 4 Quadrants Flower Summer Symmetry Coordinate Pictures
Wimbledon Maths Quiz

Wimbledon Maths Quiz

A maths quiz for Year 6 or similar based around facts and figures to do with the Wimbledon championships. Quiz is in PowerPoint format and could be used for children working in pairs or small mixed ability groups. Mixed questions including time, area, fractions, percentages and mental calculations. Answers included in PPT notes! Why not try one of these? Sports Day Maths Quiz Summer Maths Quiz Codebreaking Coordinates
Sports Day Maths Quiz

Sports Day Maths Quiz

Sports Day themed maths quiz in PowerPoint format. Children can work in pairs or small groups to answer the questions which cover the following areas: ratio; percentages; measurements, including time; fractions; place value…Suitable for Year 6 or similar - a more able or older class could use it like a fast paced individual task whereas a younger class could work on it in slower time in mixed ability groups. Answers included! Also available: Wimbledon Maths Quiz Summer Maths Quiz Codebreaking Coordinates
Codebreaking Coordinates

Codebreaking Coordinates

Children use coordinates to find letters to spell out summer-themed vocabulary. Differentiated as follows: A is in 1st quadrant only, B is shorter words in 4 quadrants, C is longer words in 4 quadrants, D is scrambled words in 4 quadrants. At each level the final task is to create their own question(s) for a classmate. Good task for end of year maths fun. Click here for more coordinates activities!
Easter Maths Quiz

Easter Maths Quiz

An Easter themed maths quiz in Powerpoint format with answers included in notes. A mixture of maths questions including: units of measure, probability, ratio, proportion, multiplication and division. Suitable for Y6 or similar, Children could work in pairs or small groups. WHAT IS INCLUDED? • Powerpoint quiz with 10 pages of questions. Answers included in slide notes. WHAT PREPARATION IS NEEDED? • No preparation is required. HOW CAN IT BE USED? • Children can work individually, in pairs or small groups and write their answers on mini- whiteboards. Click here for more Easter activities!
Easter Maths Symmetry Coordinates

Easter Maths Symmetry Coordinates

Easter themed activity using knowledge of line symmetry and coordinates, suitable for Year 6 or similar. Children reflect the Easter egg design in the y axis. Once plotted the children can colour the design. Alternatively: children record the coordinates for a partner to plot. This way the children can check each other’s work. 3 ability levels: reflecting in the 1st quadrant; reflecting in the 1st and 4th quadrants; and reflecting in the 2nd and 3rd quadrants. I hope you find this a useful and flexible resource for the end of term! What is included? • 9 designs in total, 3 at each ability level What preparation is needed? • Ready to use, just print! How can it be used? • Individual or paired work as described above Looking for more Easter resources? Click here!