My name is Katica and I'm the owner of Little Tots Learning. Besides creating educational resources, Little Tots Learning has read-aloud videos on Youtube and Dailymotion.
I specialize in educational resources
for teachers and parents with children in #primary and #secondary grades. Also, I'm a graphic designer and photographer. I have clip art, digital papers, and digital photos for your next project.
My name is Katica and I'm the owner of Little Tots Learning. Besides creating educational resources, Little Tots Learning has read-aloud videos on Youtube and Dailymotion.
I specialize in educational resources
for teachers and parents with children in #primary and #secondary grades. Also, I'm a graphic designer and photographer. I have clip art, digital papers, and digital photos for your next project.
United States Clipart | United States Nicknames Clip Art. Do your students want to learn state nicknames?
This clip art set includes 50 high-quality COLOR U.S. State Nickname Clip Art images. Images saved at 300dpi in PNG files.
Lesson Plan:
The teacher will bring a large band of paper with a blank map drawn on it of the United States. Students collaboratively fill-in the giant map in the same way as they do smaller class maps. Students will draw balloons and write the names and nicknames of the states, and stick pictures that they have found to illustrate. They can also write a few keywords providing additional information. When the map is ready, students make an oral presentation of one state in turn, using the following pattern: State name + location + nickname + additional information and description of the illustration(s).
Personal or commercial use. Copyright remains with Little Tots Learning.
This is intended for use by one teacher in one classroom. It is not to be redistributed to an entire school or district. It may not be redistributed or sold online.
If you are interested in business or personal clipart, please contact me at
Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store!
Ms. Blajic
Follow Little Tots Learning
Back-to-School Clip Art. Back-to-School Clip Art for you to get the kids ready for school.
This PACK contains 47 high-quality BLACK and WHITE Back-to-School Clip Art images. Images saved at 300dpi in PNG files.
This Back-to-School Clip Art includes:
-ruler, notebook, apple, pencil, and book all in one
-worm inside of an apple on top of a book
-August sign as seen on the cover (for teachers going back to school in the month of August)
-back to school sign (2)
-back to school blackboard
-chalkboard border
-hit the books in style
-chalk up savings
-class of border
-lunch box
-school bus
-school house
-open book
-and more...
Personal or commercial use. Copyright remains with Little Tots Learning.
This is intended for use by one teacher in one classroom. It is not to be redistributed to an entire school or district. It may not be redistributed or sold online.
If you are interested in business or personal clip art, please contact me at
You might also be interested in the following:
Back-to-School Clip Art 2
Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store!
Ms. Blajic
Little Tots Learning
Whiteboard Kindergarten Math - Common Core Aligned. This Whiteboard kindergarten Math is GREAT for teaching kindergarten common core math standards. They’ll have such a blast, they won’t even realize they’re learning!
This Whiteboard Kindergarten Math will help kindergartners prepare for their lessons in school or at home.
This Whiteboard Kindergarten Math includes:
57 slides for kindergarten math
This Whiteboard Kindergarten Math would be a GREAT assessment tool for your Kindergarten Math curriculum.
Please see the thumbnails and preview for this resource before purchasing this product.
@Little Tots Learning
This is intended for use by one teacher in one classroom. It is not to be redistributed to an entire school or district. It may not be redistributed or sold online.
Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store!
Ms. Blajic
Follow Little Tots Learning
Kindergarten RTI: Beginning Sounds. Make word work FUN with these beginning sounds worksheets for the year!!
Get a head start by helping kids develop their early beginning sounds skills. Your pre-reader will say words with the same beginning sound and write those words.
This Kindergarten RTI: Beginning Sounds packet is GREAT for preschool, kindergarten, 1st grade, special education, and homeschooling students!
This Beginning Sounds Packet is GREAT for classroom books, small guided reading groups, homework practice, interventions, and more!
You might also be interested in the following:
Picture Word Work Bundle 1
Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store!
Ms. Blajic
Little Tots Learning
Math Symbols Clip Art. Do you need Math Clip Art Symbols to SPICE up your math presentations for your students or add some interest to your worksheets? Create worksheets, flashcards, posters, games, newsletters, and more with this bundle.
This BUNDLE contains 67 high-quality black and white Math Symbols Clip Art images. Images saved at 300dpi in PNG files.
Math Symbols Clip Art set includes:
-math element
-square root
-approximate equal
-at sign
-empty set
-there exists
-greater than
-less than
-number sign
-right angle
-and more...
Personal or commercial use. Copyright remains with Little Tots Learning.
This is intended for use by one teacher in one classroom. It is not to be redistributed to an entire school or district. It may not be redistributed or sold online.
If you are interested in business or personal clip art, please contact me at
Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store!
Ms. Blajic
Little Tots Learning
Weather Clip Art. Shine some light on your weather lessons, projects, worksheets, blogs, and more with this STUNNING collection of weather-related clip art.
This PACK contains 30 high-quality COLOR Weather Clip Art images. Images saved at 300dpi in PNG files.
This Weather Clip Art includes:
-variations of the moon (6)
-rain cloud
-sun dial
Personal or commercial use. Copyright remains with Little Tots Learning.
This is intended for use by one teacher in one classroom. It is not to be redistributed to an entire school or district. It may not be redistributed or sold online.
If you are interested in business or personal clipart, please contact me at
Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store!
Ms. Blajic
Little Tots Learning
3rd Grade Math Task Cards. These 3rd Grade Math Task Cards are aligned with the common core standards for third grade mathematics.
These 3rd Grade Math Task Cards are GREAT for math centers or for students who complete their math work early.
These 3rd Grade Math Task Cards include:
#1 - 76 math task cards - four task cards per page to save on ink
#2 - four blank task cards
***Please see the thumbnails and preview for this resource before purchasing this product.***
@Little Tots Learning
This is intended for use by one teacher in one classroom. It is not to be redistributed to an entire school or district. It may not be redistributed or sold online.
Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store!
Ms. Blajic
Follow Little Tots Learning
Liquid Ink Digital Papers - Liquid Ink Backgrounds - Commercial Use. WELCOME to this STUNNING collection of Liquid Ink Digital Papers - Liquid Ink Background Digital Paper images.
This bundle contains 32 high-quality COLOR Liquid Ink Digital Papers - Liquid Ink Backgrounds Digital Paper images. Images saved at 300dpi in PNG files.
Personal or commercial use. Copyright remains with Little Tots Learning.
This is intended for use by one teacher in one classroom. It is not to be redistributed to an entire school or district. It may not be redistributed or sold online.
If you are interested in business or personal clipart, please contact me at
Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store!
Ms. Blajic
Follow Little Tots Learning
Liquid Ink Digital Papers - Liquid Ink Backgrounds - Commercial Use. WELCOME to this STUNNING collection of Liquid Ink Digital Papers - Liquid Ink Background Digital Paper images.
This bundle contains 32 high-quality COLOR Liquid Ink Digital Papers - Liquid Ink Backgrounds Digital Paper images. Images saved at 300dpi in PNG files.
Personal or commercial use. Copyright remains with Little Tots Learning.
This is intended for use by one teacher in one classroom. It is not to be redistributed to an entire school or district. It may not be redistributed or sold online.
If you are interested in business or personal clipart, please contact me at
Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store!
Ms. Blajic
Follow Little Tots Learning
Animal Prints Digital Papers - Natural Animal Wood and Skin. WELCOME to this STUNNING collection of Animal Prints Digital Paper images.
This bundle contains 32 high-quality COLOR Animal Prints Digital Paper images. Images saved at 300dpi in PNG files.
Personal or commercial use. Copyright remains with Little Tots Learning.
This is intended for use by one teacher in one classroom. It is not to be redistributed to an entire school or district. It may not be redistributed or sold online.
If you are interested in business or personal clipart, please contact me at
Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store!
Ms. Blajic
Follow Little Tots Learning
Stick People Clip Art - Stick Figure Clip Art.
WELCOME to this STUNNING collection of Stick People Clip Art images.
This bundle contains 124 high-quality COLOR Stick People Clip Art images. Images saved at 300dpi in PNG files.
Personal or commercial use. Copyright remains with Little Tots Learning.
This is intended for use by one teacher in one classroom. It is not to be redistributed to an entire school or district. It may not be redistributed or sold online.
If you are interested in business or personal clipart, please contact me at
Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store!
Ms. Blajic
Follow Little Tots Learning
Months of the Year Clip Art. Months of the Year Clip Art images for teachers, classroom lessons, websites, scrapbooking, print projects, blogs, e-mail and more…
This Months of the Year contains 68 high-quality COLOR Clip Art images in individual files. Images saved at 300dpi in PNG Files.
Personal or commercial use. Copyright remains with Little Tots Learning.
This is intended for use by one teacher in one classroom. It is not to be redistributed to an entire school or district. It may not be redistributed or sold online.
If you are interested in business or personal clip art, please contact me at
Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store!
Ms. Blajic
Follow Little Tots Learning
Tree Bark Digital Paper - Wood Textures - Wood Backgrounds. WELCOME to this STUNNING collection of Tree Bark Digital Paper images.
This bundle contains 32 high-quality COLOR Tree Bark Digital Paper images. Images saved at 300dpi in PNG files.
Personal or commercial use. Copyright remains with Little Tots Learning.
This is intended for use by one teacher in one classroom. It is not to be redistributed to an entire school or district. It may not be redistributed or sold online.
If you are interested in business or personal clipart, please contact me at
Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store!
Ms. Blajic
Follow Little Tots Learning
Liquid Ink Digital Papers - Liquid Ink Backgrounds - Commercial Use. WELCOME to this STUNNING collection of Liquid Ink Digital Papers - Liquid Ink Background Digital Paper images.
This bundle contains 32 high-quality COLOR Liquid Ink Digital Papers - Liquid Ink Backgrounds Digital Paper images. Images saved at 300dpi in PNG files.
Personal or commercial use. Copyright remains with Little Tots Learning.
This is intended for use by one teacher in one classroom. It is not to be redistributed to an entire school or district. It may not be redistributed or sold online.
If you are interested in business or personal clipart, please contact me at
Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store!
Ms. Blajic
Follow Little Tots Learning
Liquid Ink Digital Papers - Liquid Ink Backgrounds - Commercial Use. WELCOME to this STUNNING collection of Liquid Ink Digital Papers - Liquid Ink Background Digital Paper images.
This bundle contains 32 high-quality COLOR Liquid Ink Digital Papers - Liquid Ink Backgrounds Digital Paper images. Images saved at 300dpi in PNG files.
Personal or commercial use. Copyright remains with Little Tots Learning.
This is intended for use by one teacher in one classroom. It is not to be redistributed to an entire school or district. It may not be redistributed or sold online.
If you are interested in business or personal clipart, please contact me at
Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store!
Ms. Blajic
Follow Little Tots Learning
Liquid Ink Digital Papers - Liquid Ink Backgrounds - Commercial Use. WELCOME to this STUNNING collection of Liquid Ink Digital Papers - Liquid Ink Background Digital Paper images.
This bundle contains 32 high-quality COLOR Liquid Ink Digital Papers - Liquid Ink Backgrounds Digital Paper images. Images saved at 300dpi in PNG files.
Personal or commercial use. Copyright remains with Little Tots Learning.
This is intended for use by one teacher in one classroom. It is not to be redistributed to an entire school or district. It may not be redistributed or sold online.
If you are interested in business or personal clipart, please contact me at
Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store!
Ms. Blajic
Follow Little Tots Learning
Liquid Ink Digital Papers - Liquid Ink Backgrounds - Commercial Use. WELCOME to this STUNNING collection of Liquid Ink Digital Papers - Liquid Ink Background Digital Paper images.
This bundle contains 32 high-quality COLOR Liquid Ink Digital Papers - Liquid Ink Backgrounds Digital Paper images. Images saved at 300dpi in PNG files.
Personal or commercial use. Copyright remains with Little Tots Learning.
This is intended for use by one teacher in one classroom. It is not to be redistributed to an entire school or district. It may not be redistributed or sold online.
If you are interested in business or personal clipart, please contact me at
Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store!
Ms. Blajic
Follow Little Tots Learning
Liquid Ink Digital Papers - Liquid Ink Backgrounds - Commercial Use. WELCOME to this STUNNING collection of Liquid Ink Digital Papers - Liquid Ink Background Digital Paper images.
This bundle contains 32 high-quality COLOR Liquid Ink Digital Papers - Liquid Ink Backgrounds Digital Paper images. Images saved at 300dpi in PNG files.
Personal or commercial use. Copyright remains with Little Tots Learning.
This is intended for use by one teacher in one classroom. It is not to be redistributed to an entire school or district. It may not be redistributed or sold online.
If you are interested in business or personal clipart, please contact me at
Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store!
Ms. Blajic
Follow Little Tots Learning
Liquid Ink Digital Papers - Liquid Ink Backgrounds - Commercial Use. WELCOME to this STUNNING collection of Liquid Ink Digital Papers - Liquid Ink Background Digital Paper images.
This bundle contains 32 high-quality COLOR Liquid Ink Digital Papers - Liquid Ink Backgrounds Digital Paper images. Images saved at 300dpi in PNG files.
Personal or commercial use. Copyright remains with Little Tots Learning.
This is intended for use by one teacher in one classroom. It is not to be redistributed to an entire school or district. It may not be redistributed or sold online.
If you are interested in business or personal clipart, please contact me at
Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store!
Ms. Blajic
Follow Little Tots Learning
1st Grade Assessments (Language Arts, Writing, and Math). These 1st Grade Assessments for Language Arts, Writing, and Math are GREAT for every 1st grade classroom!
1st Grade Assessments (Language Arts, Writing, and Math) that assess common core standards.
These 1st Grade Assessments will provide teachers and parents with valuable information on each student and allow you to cater instruction to the needs of your class.
These 1st Grade Assessments (Language Arts, Writing, and Math) include:
#1 - student cover sheet
#2 -language arts:
- phonic analysis: consonants
- phonic analysis: vowels
- high-frequency word match
- vocabulary: picture-word match
- reading sentences
- grammar usage, and mechanics
- story comprehension
- answer key included
#3 - writing
#4 - math
- Operations and Algebraic Thinking
- Number and Operations in Base Ten
- Measurement and Data
- Geometry
- Counting to 120
- Counting to 20 by 2s
- Counting to 50 by 5s
***Please see the thumbnails and preview for this resource before purchasing this product.***
@Little Tots Learning
This is intended for use by one teacher in one classroom. It is not to be redistributed to an entire school or district. It may not be redistributed or sold online.
Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store!
Ms. Blajic
Follow Little Tots Learning