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We love learning and are always looking for ways to help pupils find their lessons fun. So our resources are full of graphics, activities, games, puzzles - to make each class imaginative and fun.




We love learning and are always looking for ways to help pupils find their lessons fun. So our resources are full of graphics, activities, games, puzzles - to make each class imaginative and fun.
French Au Zoo - zoo animals word wall

French Au Zoo - zoo animals word wall

Fun and colorful zoo animals French word wall with cute animal graphics - un lion, un tigre, un ours, un zèbre, un loup, un éléphant, un rhinocéros, un hippopotame, un kangourou, un serpent, un crocodile, un pingouin, une girafe, un singe, un panda, un chameau. The images can also be cut out individually to use as flashcards. This can also be bought as part of our French Au Zoo Bundle which includes French Au Zoo Activities, French Au Zoo Puzzles, French Au Zoo Word Wall and Zoo Animals Bingo. You might also like our French Au Zoo Go Fish! Game
Zoo Animals Activities, Puzzles, Word Wall, Bingo Bundle for zoo topic or EFL

Zoo Animals Activities, Puzzles, Word Wall, Bingo Bundle for zoo topic or EFL

4 Resources
Over 40% off - fun zoo animal resources with cute pictures which students love. The vocabulary is the same in all the sets so that they can be used together - lion, tiger, bear, camel, wolf, elephant, rhino, hippo, kangaroo, snake, crocodile, penguin, giraffe, zebra, monkey, panda. The bundle includes the four sets detailed below. Please click the links to the individual resources to see the previews. 1. Zoo Animals Activities: * Suggestions for use and instructions. * Write Around the Room activity - 16 half page pictures to hide around the room and two different styles of worksheet (one interactive notebook style, the other single sheet) for the students to complete as they find the words. The pictures can also be used as flashcards. * Match and Color activity. * Matching cards. * My ‘At the Zoo’ book to complete and color. * Zoo Map activity. 2. Zoo Animals Puzzles: * Word search puzzle plus answer key * Crossword puzzle (2 versions - one with initial letters given to provide for differentiation in the classroom) plus answer key * Missing vowels worksheet plus answer key * Hand-out of zoo animals in both color and black and white. 3. Zoo Animals Word Wall 4. Zoo Animals Bingo
Zoo animals puzzles pack for a zoo topic or EFL ESL EAL

Zoo animals puzzles pack for a zoo topic or EFL ESL EAL

Fun, no prep, print and go puzzles for practicing zoo animals vocabulary - lion, tiger, bear, camel, wolf, elephant, rhino, hippo, kangaroo, snake, crocodile, penguin, giraffe, zebra, monkey, panda. This set includes: * Word search puzzle plus answer key * Crossword puzzle (2 versions - one with initial letters given to provide for differentiation in the classroom) plus answer key * Missing vowels worksheet plus answer key * Hand-out of zoo animals in both color and black and white.
Zoo animals activities pack for a zoo topic or EFL ESL EAL

Zoo animals activities pack for a zoo topic or EFL ESL EAL

24 pages of fun activities for practicing zoo animals vocabulary - lion, tiger, bear, camel, wolf, elephant, rhino, hippo, kangaroo, snake, crocodile, penguin, giraffe, zebra, monkey, panda. This pack includes: * Suggestions for use and instructions. * Write Around the Room activity - 16 half page pictures to hide around the room and two different styles of worksheet (one interactive notebook style, the other single sheet) for the students to complete as they find the words. The pictures can also be used as flashcards. * Match and Color activity. * Matching cards. * My ‘At the Zoo’ book to complete and color. * Zoo Map activity.
Zoo animals Go Fish! game for a zoo topic or EFL ESL EAL

Zoo animals Go Fish! game for a zoo topic or EFL ESL EAL

Fun Go Fish! zoo animals game with cute graphics - lion, tiger, bear, camel, wolf, elephant, rhino, hippo, kangaroo, snake, crocodile, penguin, giraffe, zebra, monkey, panda. Great for a zoo topic or for EFL ESL EAL learners. Two versions of the game are included - one set of cards shows just the pictures of the animals, the second also includes the words. This allows for differentiation in the classroom. Instructions for the game are also included.
German Classroom - Das Klassenzimmer vocabulary activities, puzzles and games

German Classroom - Das Klassenzimmer vocabulary activities, puzzles and games

This 48 page pack contains fun resources and activities to teach German words for classroom objects. The vocabulary set includes: der Kugelschreiber, der Bleistift, der Spitzer, der Radiergummi, das Federmäppchen, das Lineal, die Schultasche, der Taschenrechner, das Whiteboard, die Farbe, der Pinsel, der Klebestift, die Schere, das Heft, das Buch, das Papier. The pack comprises: * Suggestions for use in the classroom. * Write around the room - 16 half page pictures to hide around the room and two different styles of worksheet (one interactive notebook style, the other single sheet) for the students to complete as they find the words. The pictures can also be used as flashcards. * Word wall to display. * ‘In meinem Federmäppchen’ activity to cut, stick, color, and write sentences. * B/w and color handouts of vocabulary. * A set of 16 matching word and picture cards for matching/pelmanism. * Missing vowels worksheet plus answer key. * Acrostic activity (two versions - one with initial letters given to provide for differentiation in the classroom) plus answer key. * Wordsearch activity plus answer key. * 30 color bingo game boards and teacher’s master board.
Winter Count and Clip - Kinder counting task cards with cute graphics for center

Winter Count and Clip - Kinder counting task cards with cute graphics for center

Cute winter graphics make these winter counting task cards a fun counting activity for your Math center - ideal for students first learning to count! This pack contains 4 versions (2 to a page, 4 to a page, color, black and white) so teachers can choose which version suits their classroom best. Students do not need to be able to write the numbers - they just count and circle with a marker or clip a clothespin next to the correct number. This set focuses on Kinder Common Core Standards for counting numbers up to 20. This counting set comprises: 2 sets of 20 count and clip cards (numbers 1 - 20) - 2 to a page. 1 set color, 1 black and white. 2 sets of 20 count and clip cards (numbers 1 -20) - 4 to a page. 1 set color, 1 set black and white. Print on card, laminate and cut out. The children count the pictures and then either clip with a clothespin or circle the correct number with a dry erase marker so you can wipe clean and use the cards over and over again.
Mental Math Addition and Subtraction Task Cards

Mental Math Addition and Subtraction Task Cards

3 sets of 30 task cards with cute graphics for Math Centers, Scoot, fast finishers, morning work and substitute lessons. The three sets get progressively harder and so provide excellent differentiation in the classroom. This mental math set includes: * Set 1 - add and subtract single digit numbers (farm graphics). * Set 2 - add and subtract 2 single digit numbers and 1 two digit number (fruit graphics). * Set 3 - add and subtract 2 two digit numbers and 1 one digit number (elephant graphics). * A record sheet and answer key are provided for each set. To play scoot, either use each set with your whole class, progressing onto the next set when they are all ready or use all the sets simultaneously with different groups of students to provide differentiation.
Elapsed Time Word Problem Task Cards

Elapsed Time Word Problem Task Cards

28 task cards with fun cuckoo clock graphics - perfect for calculating elapsed time. The students must work out either how much time has elapsed or a start or finish time. A number line sheet is also provided to help students work out the answers. All the problems involve times ending in 0 and 5 (10, 10.05, 10.10, etc.) and most are one step. This set can be used as part of a Math Center, a whole class activity such as Scoot or for independent learning and fast finishers. The set is provided in color but also photocopies well in grayscale. The set comprises: * 28 elapsed time word problem task cards * Number line problem solving worksheet * Record sheet * Answer key
English Winter Activities for EAL EFL ESL - numbers, colors, clothing, animals

English Winter Activities for EAL EFL ESL - numbers, colors, clothing, animals

Fun Winter themed activities. 18 pages of no prep winter themed printables with cute graphics for elementary English language learners. This set comprises: * Label the Snowman - choose from the words provided. * What is the Snowman wearing? Differentiated activity * The Snowball Fight. Differentiated activity * ‘Winter Owls’ color by number activity. * ‘Winter Animals’ flip book to complete, color and assemble. * Winter animals anagrams worksheet plus answer key. * ‘Winter Clothes’ flip book to complete, color and assemble. * Winter Acrostic puzzle and answer key.
Multiplication Flip Books - Times Tables 2 to 10 - cute animal graphics

Multiplication Flip Books - Times Tables 2 to 10 - cute animal graphics

9 fun flip books - sea creatures 2 x ..., dinosaurs 3 x ..., bugs 4 x ..., Australian animals 5 x ..., reptiles and amphibians 6 x ..., African animals 7 x ..., birds 9 x ..., North American Animals 10 x ... Also includes instructions for assembling multiplication flip books. Great for morning work, fast finishers, and math centers. All black and white - print and go. Students love cutting out the books, coloring and counting the animals to complete the multiplication sums and then sticking the books together at the end.
Addition flip books - numbers up to 20 - with cute animal graphics

Addition flip books - numbers up to 20 - with cute animal graphics

10 b/w 'I can add' flip books - dinosaurs 1 + ..., sea creatures 2 + ..., farm animals 3 + ..., bugs 4 + ..., Australian animals 5 + ..., reptiles and amphibians 6 + ..., African animals 7 + ..., pets 8 + ..., birds 9 + ..., North American Animals 10 + ... Plus instructions for assembling flip books A fun way for kinders and first-graders to practice simple addition. Great for morning work, fast finishers, and math centers. Students love cutting out the books, coloring and counting the animals to complete the sums and then sticking the books together at the end.
Christmas Addition, Subtraction and Skip Counting Bundle

Christmas Addition, Subtraction and Skip Counting Bundle

4 Resources
106 pages of fun math worksheets, activities and task cards with cute Xmas graphics to practice addition, subtraction and skip counting. This set includes our Christmas Addition, Christmas Skip Counting, Gingerbread Addition and Subtraction and Christmas Color by Number, Addition and Subtraction.
Zoo animals bingo

Zoo animals bingo

Great for practicing listening skills, a 'Zoo' topic or for practicing zoo animals vocabulary in any language. This set includes 30 color bingo game boards and a teacher’s master board. Whole class activity or small groups - students practice listening skills and reviewing vocab. Perfect for a group of fast finishers or for a substitute lesson.
English Christmas Number and Color Activities for EFL ESL EAL

English Christmas Number and Color Activities for EFL ESL EAL

Fun Christmas activities for practicing English numbers and colors vocabulary. The completed pictures make a colorful wall display. This pack comprises: * 2 Rudolph worksheets. The students read the number and color words in order to be able to complete the pictures of Rudolph the Reindeer. * 1 Decorate the Christmas Tree activity. Students read the number and color words and look at the pictures in order to decorate the tree and put out the right number of gifts. * 2 color by numbers pictures to color in. Students read both number words and color words to color in the pictures. Each design comes in two versions. The first version has both number and color words. The second has number words but not colors, in case the teacher wants to teach particular colors or for students to choose the colors themselves. Completed versions included for example or display. Completed versions included for example or display.
Math Centers - Simple Farm Addition Activities and Games

Math Centers - Simple Farm Addition Activities and Games

This 26 page Math Centers set includes 3 different activities and two games for practicing simple addition. Colorful and fun, your students will love practicing addition. This Math Centers set comprises: 1. Farm addition activity comprising 2 activity boards in both color and black and white, 120 farm animals counters, 55 different equations (up to ten) and a recording sheet. 2. 16 addition jigsaws (up to ten). 3. 18 add and clip task cards (up to ten). 4. ‘2 Roll and Add’ games for two or more players (up to 16).
Farm addition - worksheets, booklet and activities

Farm addition - worksheets, booklet and activities

27 pages of 'No Prep' black and white resources to practice simple addition - adding using picture lines, Roll Add and Color, 'My Farm Addition Booklet', Color by Addition. Just print and go. Students love the cute farm graphics and the variety of activities. This set comprises: 1. 6 pages of count the pictures and do the addition worksheets (to ten) 2. 4 pages of addition using picture lines (to ten). 3. 3 pages of ‘Roll, Add and Color’ activity sheets (to twelve). 4. 1 Doubles worksheet (to 20). 5. 6 pages of addition word problem worksheets using pictures, number line and equation (to ten). 6. My Farm Addition Booklet to cut out, color, complete and take home (to ten). 7. 2 ‘Help Bee back to the Hive’ worksheets, one with sums and one without (the teacher inserts sums for personalized learning) (to ten). 8. 2 ‘Color by Addition’ picture activities (to ten).
Farm Math - Counting to 20

Farm Math - Counting to 20

27 pages of resources including fun 'Roll, Count and Color' and Count and Color pictures - perfect for practicing kinder core skill of counting up to 20. Great for Math Centers. The completed worksheets and pictures make a great farm wall display. All worksheets and activities printed in black and white for quick no prep print and go lessons. This set comprises: 1. 2 Count and Color worksheets (up to 10) 2. 1 Roll, Count and Color worksheet (up to 10) 3. 2 Roll, Count and Color game sheets for 2 - 4 players (up to 20). 4. 8 Count and Write the number worksheets in two different styles (up to 20) 5. 2 Find, Count and Write the number worksheets (up to 10). 6. 2 Farm Picture Count and Color activity sheets. 7. 20 Farm ‘Count and Clip’ task cards.
Christmas addition and subtraction word problem task cards

Christmas addition and subtraction word problem task cards

This set of 28 word problem task cards with fun Christmas graphics is perfect for practicing 1 and 2 digit addition and subtraction. The record sheet provided allows you to stage the activity so that students must first decide which operation to use for each problem before practicing their skills of addition and subtraction. This set can be used as part of a Math Center, a whole class activity such as Scoot or for independent learning. Great for fast finishers. The set is provided in color but also photocopies well in grayscale. The set comprises: 28 addition and subtraction word problem color task cards Record sheet Answer sheet