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Edexcel Politics A Level: Model Essay on Participation Crisis

Edexcel Politics A Level: Model Essay on Participation Crisis

You can now find this free here: https://ahistoryteachershares.wordpress.com/edexcel-a-level-politics/ A model answer on the following question: Evaluate the extent to which the UK can be said so suffer from a participation crisis. You must consider this view and the alternative to this view in a balanced way. [30]
Politics A Level Edexcel  A* answer

Politics A Level Edexcel A* answer

This contains both the source and a 750 word model answer. The question is: **Using the source, evaluate the view that referendums create more problems than solutions. In your response you must: compare and contrast the different opinions in the source examine and debate these views in a balanced way analyse and evaluate only the information presented in the source**
Edexcel A Level Politics - A* essay on constitutional reforms since 1997

Edexcel A Level Politics - A* essay on constitutional reforms since 1997

A full-marks essay which answers the following question: Evaluate the extent to which constitutional reforms introduced since 1997 have been successful in achieving their objectives. The following themes are examined in considerable depth with some excellent examples of evaluation: devolution (Scotland and Wales, Northern Ireland, England) the HRA the Freedom of Information Act