Here’s a pack of a few assorted Maths plenaries that use the ‘Maths Language’ method to get children to explain their answers. I get my class to use the sentence starters ‘I know that’, ‘I believe that’, ‘I predict that’ or ‘I know this because’ to embellish their work. They’re pretty spectacular at it, now!
Topics covered:
Finding fractions of a number
Adding and subtracting fractions
Fractions on a number line
9 x table
Relationship between multiplication and division
2 digit x 1 digit multiplication
Plotting points in one quadrant
Word problems
Hi there!
This assembly is 7 pages long and incorporates 22 parts, though there’s enough scope for more narrators to be added in or for children to only have one part as opposed to two.
I like my assemblies to be funny, hence the large amount of humour added in!
There’s audience participation etc.
Any questions, please let me know!
**A cute, dragon-themed short division activity with a challenge to extend high-ability children. Answer sheet included.
I’m currently teaching a How To Train Your Dragon unit, and this activity is to contextualize math skills for the children. This product would be great for any book or class theme that is fantasy-based, or just for making your math lessons more immersive!
The children must solve seven 3 digit ÷ 1 digit short division questions and match the warrior with their appropriate dragon.
Included in this download:
Matching worksheet PDF
Answer sheet PDF
.docx version of all sheets for easy editing
2 fonts to edit resources with
Access to a free border and dragon clip art (not to be used commercially)
Similar products:
X Dragon-Themed Grid Method Multiplication Matching Activity
X How to Train Your Dragon English Unit- Week 1
X How to Train Your Dragon English Unit- Week 2
I hope this resource saves you time and stress, and allows you to concentrate on what matters- the actual teaching!
Stay happy,
Miss Austin
A cute, dragon-themed multiplication activity using the grid method. Focus on 2 digit x 2 digit numbers, with a challenge to extend high-ability children. Answer sheet included.
I’m currently teaching a How To Train Your Dragon unit, and this activity is to contextualize math skills for the children. This product would be great for any book or class theme that is fantasy-based, or just for making your math lessons more immersive!
The children must solve nine 2 digit x 2 digit grid method multiplication questions and match the dragon with their appropriate egg.
Included in this download:
Matching worksheet PDF
Answer sheet PDF
.docx version of all sheets for easy editing
2 fonts to edit resources with
Access to a free border and dragon clip art (not to be used commercially)
Similar products:
X Dragon-Themed Short Division Matching Activity
X How to Train Your Dragon English Unit- Week 1
X How to Train Your Dragon English Unit- Week 2
I hope this resource saves you time and stress, and allows you to concentrate on what matters- the actual teaching!
Stay happy,
Miss Austin
Hi there!
2 lessons here for introducing chronological explanation texts!
LO's, success criteria all sorted along with mulitple worksheets and presentations.
Hi Teachers!
Here is a diary planning resource. It comes as part of a larger set, which you can find at this link: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/ks2-diary-writing-entire-unit-12301089
Hi there!
**This pack includes: **
Learning objective, success criteria, ideas for whole class activities
Lesson Plan
Lesson Prompt
Presentation on forces and introducing gravity to the children
If you have any queries, feel free to contact me and I’ll get right on them!
Miss Austin :)
Hi there!
In this pack you’ll receive a fully edited, made-to-look-pretty and animated powerpoint that works through story mapping by giving an example etc.
You will also receive a lesson plan and two work sheets- including a structured sheet for lower ability.
Miss Austin
Lots of resources to help for a lesson on Bridge design, a lesson on note taking or on American history.
Em= lower, exp= middle, exc= highers.
Let me know if this works for you!
Starters, plenaries, modeled descriptions and resources provided for two contrasting character descriptions. They're based on two characters from the book we're reading in class, but are easily adaptable.
Let me know if you need anything else or have any comments.
Miss Ritchie
A small pack of resources on the past and present progressive tenses.
There are also word searches for children to convert between tenses and find the correct words!
They’re differentiated with ‘remember’ sections.
I’ve added it as a PDF for the correct format and as a Word doc so that you can edit it!
Hi there,
There are three resources in this pack. There's a background assembly powerpoint to create a backdrop (including links to sound effects etc), the lyrics to a version of 'Gold' by Spandeau Ballet with the lyric changed to 'STONE!' (much comedy), and the script.
On the script document, there's also a helpful table to write down who's who.
This is a set of resources that I use for my year 3 and 4 group.
They are Egyptian themed so that they can link in with humanities topic.
Shape poems are a great introduction to writing in a poetic structure for children, and the shapes offered in this pack are: canopic jars, a sarcophagus and a pyramid.
I modelled the pyramid shape to the class so that my lower ability group had more input tailored to them.
LO: To write a topical shape poem
Hi there!
**This science pack includes:
Learning objective, success criteria and activity ideas.
Presentation that refreshes on gravity and introduces friction to the class
Lesson plan setting everything out, including assessment ideas
Sorting activity for high or low friction
Miss Austin
Hi there!
Here's another resource for you.
This one talks about the Virgin Mary and compares her to the Egyptian goddess Isis.
Lots of interesting parallels here!
* Includes *
Learning Objective: To compare female figures in different religions
Success Criteria (Must, Should, Could)
Comedic slides
Introduction to ISIS the Egyptian Goddess and the link to Virgin Mary
Lesson Plan
Activity worksheet
A small pack based on Kennings. This was for 2 lessons in my class, with the second focused on reciting and memorising poetry as per National Curriculum objectives.
Introductory powerpoint, a write up sheet (with Stone age theme- easily editable) and 2 day lesson plan
Miss Ritchie
A pack of resources that includes two comprehension activities based around Erik The Viking book by Terry Jones. There’re also some grammar activities.
Differentiated worksheets based on column addition, column subtraction (without carrying) and contextualizing these questions in word problems (focusing on RUCSAC).
Miss Austin
Included are 3-way differentiated investigation sheets based on mm, cm and m in measuring length, and ml and l in measuring volume.
All can be done in the classroom.
Learning to’s and remember to’s are included.
Miss Ritchie
A three lesson bundle of resources for CatCF focussed guided reading sessions.
identify and use the possessive apostrophe in simple plurals
Identify word and punctuation types by their features
show awareness of author’s viewpoint through character description choices
Differentiated two ways.