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Lost in Learning

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(based on 39 reviews)

Bright, colourful and exciting teaching resources that help to engage your students, challenge those that are soaring, and close the attainment gap ✏️




Bright, colourful and exciting teaching resources that help to engage your students, challenge those that are soaring, and close the attainment gap ✏️
World War 2 Introduction Lesson Pack || KS2 WW2 History Unit Lesson

World War 2 Introduction Lesson Pack || KS2 WW2 History Unit Lesson

**This pack includes ** Multiple lesson ideas with linked resources and brief lesson plans for week of lessons Learning objectives Must, Should, Could success criteria Full introductory lesson plan with assessment ideas Powerpoint presentation with animations to introduce WW2 and evacuation Self-produced worksheet for main activity Starter activity that is differentiated Writing frame for Lower Ability for factfile If you have any questions, or feel it needs anything extra, please contact me and I’ll be happy to oblige, Miss Austin (:
Year 4: Factors and Products in Maths Pack

Year 4: Factors and Products in Maths Pack

Hi there! Included in this pack is a presentation that outlines the LO, success criteria, input, whole class activities and plenary. There is also a detailed Lesson Plan for you to amend to your children's abilities. Hope you enjoy this and find it useful! Please leave a review if you download it! Miss Ritchie x
Year 5: 'ous' and 'ear' spelling & phonics (1 Lesson Pack)

Year 5: 'ous' and 'ear' spelling & phonics (1 Lesson Pack)

Hi there! Another lesson for you all, This one is a Year 5 lesson on ‘ious’ ‘eous’ ‘tious’ and ‘cious’ suffixes in spelling and where they’re appropriate. **Learning objective: **I can identify when to use different ‘ous’ suffixes Included in this pack are check list pages, an ‘ear’ revision crossword puzzle for a starter, lesson plan, resource pack, two pages of activities and a presentation displaying the rules for ‘ous’ suffixes. Please feel free to message me with any questions! Happy Teaching Miss Austin xxx
KS2 NOUNS: Proper, Abstract, Collective and Concrete

KS2 NOUNS: Proper, Abstract, Collective and Concrete

Hi there! In this pack you’ll find two presentations, one completed and the other skeletal for you to add your own flair to should you so wish! You’ll also find a TA organising sheet, along with a lesson plan. Let me know if you should require anything additional! Miss Austin :)
Artist Research Pack: Opinion & Analysis

Artist Research Pack: Opinion & Analysis

Differentiated worksheets for children to present artist research, opinion & analysis along with a page for attempting to recreate and replicate the artist’s style. Sometimes, the way children present their research findings in art isn’t up to scratch with their practical work. This resource gives children the opportunity to show their findings neatly (with sentence starters, word banks and prompts to help guide their writing) and give opinions on the artists’ work. This resource is re-usable as it’s not artist-specific and gender-neutral pronouns are used. The second version of the artist research page is scaffolded for lower-ability writers. Included in this download: 3-page PDF for demonstrating knowledge on artists Word .docx versions of the pages so you can tailor the sheets to your students’ needs Lost in Chalk font for editing your resources in keeping with the current style Hand drawn page borders that can be used on other classroom materials (not for commercial use) Hand-drawn paint tube clip art that can be used on other classroom materials (not for commercial use) I hope this resource saves you time and stress! Happy teaching, Miss Austin
KS1: 3D Shape (3 Lesson Pack)

KS1: 3D Shape (3 Lesson Pack)

Hi there! In this pack there's three lessons outlined and planned with learning objectives and success criteria. Multiple worksheets, powerpoint presentations and sorting activities! Enjoy! Miss Ritchie x
KS1: Sun Themed Art Lesson

KS1: Sun Themed Art Lesson

Included: Learning objective Examples of previous work An introduction to the sun and common facts A short lesson on writing a sun-kenning to compliment the art piece
KS2: Maths Ordering Numbers

KS2: Maths Ordering Numbers

6 Worksheets based on ordering of numbers, including differentiation and negative numbers. Let me know if this works for you or if you need anything extra! Miss Ritchie :)
Year 3 Spellings (Entire Term!)

Year 3 Spellings (Entire Term!)

Hi there, Here’s a big pack of spellings for Year 3 that work toward age related expectations. They’re differentiated either 2 or 3 ways and cover many different objectives. Such as; suffixes (ness, ful, ly, less etc.) prefixes (auto, super, pre etc.) alternative phonemes/spellings for sounds HFWs
Year 4: Maths Revision Sheet

Year 4: Maths Revision Sheet

End of Year testing is stressful for everybody- teachers and students alike, so I created this ‘Methods Revision’ sheet to assist the childrne with recapping items that may be on there. Enjoy!
LKS2: Comparing masses in kg and g (Egyptian themed!)

LKS2: Comparing masses in kg and g (Egyptian themed!)

Hi everybody. Here’s a resource for you to use at your leisure. It’s an Egyptian themed piece of work pitched at a LA Year 4/HA year 3 ability cohort. It is differentiated and focuses on comparing masses and multiples of masses in kg and g. Perfect for cross-curricular learning steeped in ancient Egyptian context!