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Mr Lukasz Shop

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I have been working at the EAL Department for over 10 years developing resources in various subjects. If you are keen on Flipped Classroom concept of teaching, you can use all my presentations as pre-teaching resources for students (to study before a lesson).




I have been working at the EAL Department for over 10 years developing resources in various subjects. If you are keen on Flipped Classroom concept of teaching, you can use all my presentations as pre-teaching resources for students (to study before a lesson).
GCSE History Reasons for the Revolt of the Earls in 1075

GCSE History Reasons for the Revolt of the Earls in 1075

This book is based on Edexcel GCSE History Anglo Saxon and Norman England book. It contains visual clues to enhance students understanding of the content of the lesson. This lesson explains reasons behind the rebellion of Norman Earls against King William I and its main the conspirators (Ralf Gael, Roger de Breteuil and Waltheof).
GCSE History of Medicine. WW1. Problems of transport and communication on Western Front

GCSE History of Medicine. WW1. Problems of transport and communication on Western Front

This presentation is based on Edexcel GCSE History of Medicine book. The aim is this presentation is to visualise the content of the course by adding many pictures, so it will become more accessible to all ability pupils. This unit is about the problems with medical transport and communication on the Western Front during WW1, the use of horse-drawn and motor ambulances, trains barges and ships as means of transport of wounded.
GCSE History of Medicine. WW1. The main medical Problems of the Western Front

GCSE History of Medicine. WW1. The main medical Problems of the Western Front

This presentation is based on Edexcel GCSE History of Medicine book. By adding many pictures, diagrams, photos and video links the content is more accessible to all ability students. This lesson is about the main medical problems of the Western Front 1914-1918: the nature of wounds, effects of gas attacks, trench foot, trench fever and shell shock.
GCSE History The Rising Against Earl Tostig

GCSE History The Rising Against Earl Tostig

This presentation is based on Edexcel GCSE History Anglo Saxon and Norman England, it has been enriched by adding more visual clues: diagrams, pictures to improve the understanding of the content of the lesson by all ability students. This lesson contents information about causes of the revolt against Earl Tostig in 1065, and the effects of the rebellion.
GCSE History William Conqueror's death and disputed succession

GCSE History William Conqueror's death and disputed succession

This presentation is based on GCSE History Anglo Saxon and Norman England Book. The contend of the book has been converted into a serried of visual slides to make the lease on more appealing to all ability students. This lesson is about the last days of King William the Conqueror, the last raid into France, the last moments of his life at Rouen, the panic after his death and his succession both in Normandy and in England.
GCSE History of Medicine. WW1. The work of RAMC and FANY

GCSE History of Medicine. WW1. The work of RAMC and FANY

This presentation is based on Edexcel GCSE History of Medicine book. The aim of this presentation is to make the content of the lesson more visual, hence easier to understate for all ability pupils. This unit is about the work of medical staff on the Western Front, RAMC and FANY and medical system of transport, stages of treatment of wounded soldiers.
GCSE History The Claimants to the English Throne in 1066

GCSE History The Claimants to the English Throne in 1066

This presentation is based on Edexcel GCSE History (9-1) Anglo Saxon and Norman England. This presentation aim is to improve the understanding of the content of the course by enriching the information by adding visual clues, pictures and diagrams. This topic contents overview of candidates to the English throne in 1066 Harold Godwinson, Harold Hardrada, Duke William of Normandy and Edgar Aethelig.
GCSE History The Feudal System in Norman England 1066-88

GCSE History The Feudal System in Norman England 1066-88

This presentation is based on Edexcel GCSE History Anglo Saxon and Norman England book. This presentation contains many visual clues to improve the comprehension of the topic of all ability pupils. This lesson is introducing the idea of feudal system, role of soldiers and knights, knight service, tenants-in-chief, feudal hierarchy, the Church as tenants-in-chief, the roles of tenants-in-chief (social, judicial, economical and political).
GCSE History the Domesday Book and its significance

GCSE History the Domesday Book and its significance

This lesson is based on Edexcel GCSE History Anglo Saxon and Norman England Book. It has many pictures and diagrams to present the information in accesible way to all ability students. In this PowerPoint: how did the survey of England happen, and it financial, legal and military significance.
GCSE History of Medicine. 20th Century. Preventing disease.

GCSE History of Medicine. 20th Century. Preventing disease.

This lesson presentation is based on Edexcel GCSE History of Medicine book, and enrich with many pictures, diagrams and short video links, it becomes more accessible to all ability pupils. This resource is looking at preventing disease in last century, the government actions (clean water supply, waste removal), different methods of prevention (hygiene, vaccination programs, healthy environment, promotion of health - campaigns).
GCSE History of Medicine. 18th 19th Century. The Public Health Act 1875

GCSE History of Medicine. 18th 19th Century. The Public Health Act 1875

This resource is based on Edexcel GCSE History of Medicine book. This presentation has many pictures and photos so the content of the course is more appealing to all ability pupils. This unit is about Public Health Acts (1848 and 1875) and how these acts changes the health of the Victorian society. There are two short video links that give additional view on the topic.
GCSE History of Medicine. WW1. Base Hospitals on the Western Front

GCSE History of Medicine. WW1. Base Hospitals on the Western Front

This presentation is based on Edexcel GCSE History of Medicine book. There are many pictures, photographs and diagrams so the content is more visual and easier to understand for all ability pupils. This unit is about Base Hospitalstheir location, role on the Western Front. There is a short story about the underground Hopital in Arras.
GCSE History Composition of Anglo Saxon and Norman Armies before the Battle of Hasting 1066

GCSE History Composition of Anglo Saxon and Norman Armies before the Battle of Hasting 1066

This presentation is based on Edexcel GCSE History Anglo Saxon and Norman England book. It is aimed at EAL pupils, because it contains many visual materials to increase the understanding of the content of the course. The topic covers: Elite units on both sides Norman Knights, weaponry, armour and war tactics, Anglo Saxon Housecarls with their weaponry and armour as well as battle tactics, as well as comparison of the numbers and composition of the rest of the armies on the eve of the Battle of Hastings.
GCSE History Norman Castles

GCSE History Norman Castles

This presentation is based on Edexcel GCSE History Anglo Saxon and Norman England book. The main aim of this resource is to visualise the content of the course to all ability students. This topic is about functions of Norman Castle in first years after 1066, including a comparison between a Burgh and a castle.
GCSE History Norman Changes to government in England

GCSE History Norman Changes to government in England

This presentation is based on Edexcel GCSE History Anglo Saxon and Norman England Book. It has been created to present the content of the lesson in accesible way, by adding pictures and diagrams. This presentation cover the changes made by Normans in governing England: taxes, increased contol of the ruler, hide, wepentake, Witan, the Royal Treasury, earls, and regents.
GCSE History of Medicine. 18th 19th Century. Louis Pasteur and Germ Theory

GCSE History of Medicine. 18th 19th Century. Louis Pasteur and Germ Theory

This presentation is based on Edexcel GCSE History of Medicine. Each unit has many pictures and diagrams to make the lesson more accessible to all ability pupils. This unit is about the work of Louis Pasteur, his Germs Theory, as well as brief notes on works of Joseph Lister, and John Tyndall, and role of dr Henry Bastian in spreading their discoveries in Britain. There are links to two videos one about Louis Pasteur and second one about Joseph Lister.
GCSE History of American West in 1800s. The problem of lawlessness in early towns and settlements

GCSE History of American West in 1800s. The problem of lawlessness in early towns and settlements

This recourse is based on Edexcel GCSE History of American West in 1800s book. The content of the course is enriched with many pictures, photos, diagrams and a video link to visualise the topic to all ability pupils. This unit is about the problem of lawlessness in early towns and settlements in the West: the issues of law and order, the impact of mass migration (gold rush) and problems with gangs and racism towards Chinese community.