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Where you will find all resources and materials aimed at Early Childhood and Primary/Elementary Education, covering ELA, Science, Math, ESL, Gifted and Talented, STEM Education, and much more!!!




Where you will find all resources and materials aimed at Early Childhood and Primary/Elementary Education, covering ELA, Science, Math, ESL, Gifted and Talented, STEM Education, and much more!!!
Measurement Scavenger Hunt CCSS

Measurement Scavenger Hunt CCSS

This is an excellent hands on measurement activity that gets students up and moving around the classroom, using a variety of non-standard tools for measuring. Students can complete this activity in 3 different ways, so perfect for differentiating in your classroom. Perfect for hitting the common core as well as meeting the needs of your diverse learners. 1. Students will select one tool and measure all the items with only that tool. 2. Students will have the freedom to look at the tools and decide per item which one they think would be best to measure with. 3. Students make a measurement book, and measure all the items with all of the tools. ***Please note, additional materials are needed to complete this activity*** Items to be measured: Apple, book, box, lunchbox, backpack, shoe, window, desk, door, chair, ball, and computer. Measurement Tools: Teddy bear counters, paperclips, pencils, crayons, links, and unifix cubes. Please make sure to rate and leave feedback!
Kindergarten Common Core Math Meals: Self-Assessing Common Core Math

Kindergarten Common Core Math Meals: Self-Assessing Common Core Math

This program is designed for student self-assessment with the Math Common Core Standards. Students will be able to Self-assess and monitor their progress with the Math Common Core Standards. *Students will get 9 pieces of food with the Common Core Standards listed in child friendly language with “I Can…” statements. Students will color the food as they master a standard, and paste it onto a paper plate. (Great to display in the classroom for self-monitoring their progress) *Students will get a recording sheet with an assembled Math Meal, and will color and date each part of the Math Meal as they master each standard. This is a great way to document student progress for a portfolio, or data notebook. * Teacher will get a recording graph sheet to document the progress of each student’s Math Meals. Please rate and leave feedback, and be sure to check out my other items on TPT!
STEM: Valentine's Candy Boxes CCSS/NGSS

STEM: Valentine's Candy Boxes CCSS/NGSS

This is a great hands on unit for K-2 students that is aligned with ELA and Math CCSS, and Next Generation Science Standards for Engineering & Design. Students will design and build candy boxes to hold the most amount of chocolates. ***Please note additional materials are needed for this activity*** Cereal boxes, cut to leave the 2 remaining large pieces of the box, masking tape, tin foil. This packet includes: Cover Page Introduction and Objective Page 3 pages of ELA, Math, and Next Generation Science Standards for K-2 Lesson Procedure Candy Boxes Differentiated Self Assessment Candy Boxes Differentiated Writing Extension Candy Boxes Measuring Explanation Candy Boxes Differentiated Math Extensions Candy Boxes Banner for classroom display Please make sure to rate and leave feedback!
STEM: Valentine's Mailboxes CCSS/NGSS

STEM: Valentine's Mailboxes CCSS/NGSS

This is a great hands on unit for K-2 students that is aligned with ELA and Math CCSS, and Next Generation Science Standards for Engineering & Design. Students will design and build Valentine's Mailboxes to meet specific requirements. ***Please note additional materials are needed for this activity*** Shoeboxes with lids (1 for each student), colored paper, Valentine's stickers, glitter, and any other themed decorating materials. Students will also need glue and scissors. This packet includes: Cover Page Introduction and Objective Page 3 pages of ELA, Math, and Next Generation Science Standards for K-2 Lesson Procedure Valentine's Mailboxes Differentiated Self Assessment Valentine's Mailboxes Differentiated Writing Extension Valentine's Mailboxes Measuring Explanation Valentine's Mailboxes Differentiated Math Extensions Valentine's Mailboxes Banner for classroom display Please make sure to rate and leave feedback!
STEM: Growing Beanstalks for Jack CCSS/NGSS

STEM: Growing Beanstalks for Jack CCSS/NGSS

This is a great hands on unit for K-2 students that is aligned with ELA CCSS, and Next Generation Science Standards for Engineering & Design. Students will read "Jack and the Beanstalk", and discuss what happened to the Jack and the beans. Then they will work in small groups to use growing materials to conduct an experiment on different growing conditions. After the experiment (which should take 20 days), students will use what they know about growing conditions of plants to write a letter to Jack, advising him on the best way to grow his "magic beans". ***Please note additional materials are needed for this activity*** Soil, cups, dry cannelini beans Standards Covered: K.MD.A.1, 1.MD.A.2, 2.MD.A.1, W.K.2, W.1.3, W.2.7, SL.K.1, SL.1.1, SL.2.1 This packet includes: Cover Page Introduction and Set up Page 3 pages of ELA, Math and Next Generation Science Standards for K-2 Lesson Procedure Growing Beanstalks Differentiated Growth Log Book Growing Beanstalks Differentiated Writing Extension Growing Beanstalks Explanation page Growing Beanstalks Technology Extension Growing Beanstalks Home Science Extension Growing Beanstalks Banner for classroom display Please make sure to rate and leave feedback!
STEM: Valentine's Candy Experiment CCSS/NGSS

STEM: Valentine's Candy Experiment CCSS/NGSS

This is a great hands on unit for K-2 students that is aligned with ELA CCSS, and Next Generation Science Standards for Engineering & Design. Students will read a story, identify the problem, and conduct an experiment to solve the problem. They will also determine and explain if the experiment was a sample of a "fair test". This will follow the process of the scientific method. ***Please note additional materials are needed for this activity*** Conversation Hearts hard candies, lollipops (all must be the same type and flavor), M&M's, and Russel Stover's chocolates (you can find these at the Dollar Store or Target). CCSS Standards Covered: W.K.1, W.K.3, W.K.8, W.1.2, W.1.3, W.1.8, W.2.2, SL.K.1, SL.K.3, SL.K.5, SL.K.6, SL.1.1, SL.1.5, SL.2.1 This packet includes: Cover Page Introduction and Objective Page 2 pages of ELA and Next Generation Science Standards for K-2 Lesson Procedure Valentine's Candy Differentiated Self Assessment Valentine's Candy Differentiated Writing Extension Valentine's Candy Display Cards for Cups Valentine's Candy Observation Notes Valentine's Candy Fair Test Explanation Valentine's Candy Prediction Card Valentine's Candy Banner for classroom display Please make sure to rate and leave feedback!
Brown Bear Math and Literacy Pack

Brown Bear Math and Literacy Pack

This 64 page pack is themed towards "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?" This pack includes the following: -Brown Bear pattern cards and independent pattern activity. -Brown Bear ten frame activity/scavenger hunt. -Brown Bear dice (2) and “Race to the Top” recording sheet. -Brown Bear color spinners (2) and sight word recording sheet. -Brown Bear 4-12 number mats and teacher addition cards. -Brown Bear template for class book with student names. -Brown Bear independent reader and sequencing sentences. -Brown Bear number puzzles 1-10. -Brown Bear pocket chart animal and color sorting cards. -Brown Bear counting cards. -Brown Bear story sequencing flow map. -Brown Bear M&M graphing activity. All of these activities are great to do either whole group, small groups, and/or independently. Please make sure to rate and leave feedback!
Addition and Subtraction: Make Your Own Story Problems with Solutions

Addition and Subtraction: Make Your Own Story Problems with Solutions

These are two worksheets for making both your own addition and subtraction story problems. They also feature different math strategies to solve problems, to help teachers check for student understanding. Sample page is in red, gives an example of how to use the addition page. Strategies includes are draw a picture, complete the story problem, use a number line, make tally marks, use a ten frame and write the equation. MEETS COMMON CORE STANDARDS FOR GRADE K!
Word Problem Flow Map

Word Problem Flow Map

This is a great resource to use either whole group, small group, independent practice, or assessment. This is a versatile resource; either add a word problem into the blank box at the top, or allow students to create their own word problems. I currently use it in a blank method for my Gifted students to create their own story problems. The design for this flow map is to help students identify the key parts of a word problem. Most students tend to rush through, only looking for numbers and trying to solve an equation without really knowing the full extent of the problem. This flow map requires students to "Explain Your Brain" and work through a word problem in 6 steps. I had great feedback from my students, stating that this resource really helped them to slow down and word through a problem step by step! A great visual tool as well to assist your more visual learners. This packet includes a blank worksheet (either add your own word problem, or let students create their own) and a sample of how I used the worksheet.
Shapes Clipart

Shapes Clipart

This is a simple set of 8 shapes clipart. This pack includes: Colored Shapes: Triangle Square Circle Rectangle Heart Star Oval Trapezoid Blackline Masters: Triangle Square Circle Rectangle Heart Star Oval Trapezoid Please make sure to rate and leave feedback!
Place Value Display Pack

Place Value Display Pack

This is a nice, colorful, and interactive Place Value display pack. Features a lovely chevron design with bold colors. This pack goes from Trillions all the way to Thousandths. What makes this pack interactive is that it includes number cards that can be placed on the chart with velcro or tape, and can be moved around to make larger or smaller numbers. Challenge your students to identify the value of a particular number in the sequence.
Homework Survey: Differentiating Take Home Work

Homework Survey: Differentiating Take Home Work

This Homework Survey was created with a student's home life in mind in addition to trying to make a teacher's life a little bit easier. Many times teachers go back and forth regarding homework: assign it and no one completes it, or enforce a zero homework policy and upset parents that there isn't any practice to be done at home. This survey allows teachers to assess a student's home life and activities away from school to determine what kind of homework might be best, how long it should take, in what form a student should complete their homework, etc... Please make sure to rate and leave feedback!
10 Frame Number Bond Fact Family Cards

10 Frame Number Bond Fact Family Cards

This is a collection of 100 printable 10 frame number bond fact family cards, great for doing mental math or for independent math center. These cards cover using 10 frames, addition, number bonds, and mastering fact families. Please make sure to rate and leave feedback!
Displacement Method Booklet

Displacement Method Booklet

This is a simple 5 step booklet that walks students through finding out a volume through displacement method, including illustrations and the correct formula.
Addition Facts Center: Polar Bear Themed

Addition Facts Center: Polar Bear Themed

This is a Polar Bear themed addition facts math center that practices the number facts from 6-12. It features 7 Polar Bears sitting on an ice floe, asking for fish that equal a number from 6-12. Match the fish with the addition problems to the correct Polar Bears. This pack includes: 7 Polar Bears on ice floes Fish with addition problems that equal 6 to 12 Recording sheet This product is aligned with the Common Core for grades K-1. Simply print, laminate, and cut out, then add to your math centers. **Please note** it is also advisable to add velcro dots to the fish and the ice floe sheets once laminated for durability. Please make sure to rate and leave feedback
Fractions Review Sheet

Fractions Review Sheet

This is an easy to use fraction sheet to determine if your students understand the correct order to write a fraction. Please make sure to rate and leave feedback!
Measuring: What Can I Measure Activity

Measuring: What Can I Measure Activity

This is a simple in class or take home measuring activity, where students can find something to measure, draw a picture of it, and then give the correct measurement. Please make sure to rate and leave feedback!
Valentine's Day Counting Scavenger Hunt CCSS

Valentine's Day Counting Scavenger Hunt CCSS

A simple yet fun activity to get kids up and moving. Valentine's themed counting cards that you can hide around the classroom, or use as a math center. This pack includes: 12 Heart themed number cards 1 recording sheet Meets Common Core Standards for Kindergarten. Please make sure to rate and leave feedback!
Design an Aquarium Integrated Activity

Design an Aquarium Integrated Activity

This is an integrated math, writing, science, and drawing activity that we used for 1st grade as a summative assignment for the end of the year during our ocean unit. This packet includes: Cover page Letter home to parents Animal and plant description page Math page Aquarium advertisement template Sample photos
Ordering Ordinal Numbers

Ordering Ordinal Numbers

This math activity is designed to assist students with practicing ordinal numbers beyond 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. This includes: Worksheet 3 activity sheets to be printed on colored paper and laminated for use with dry erase markers.