This is a resource I have created for my Year 8 top set (although can be used for bottom sets) about items of clothing.
In this resource you will find a presentation introducing different items of clothing (agrees with Expo 3 rouge), an explanation of the agreement of adjective colours and how to use ce, cette, ces.
The resource also includes worksheets where you can find several exercises to practice everything that is explained in the Power Point.
These are some worksheets I have created for my Year 8 in order to revise for assessment on Module 3 (Les sorties). You will have three different worksheets with very varied activities to revise clothes, excuses and more verbs in the infinitive through reading, wordsearchs and many more activities!
These are a couple of revision sheets I have created for my Year 7 in order to revise for the assessment on Module 4 (Expo 1), which covers places, opinions and snacks.
In this resource you will find lists of vocab and very varied sets of activities.
I hope it helps.
Thank you very much.
This is a booklet I have made for my students to prepare for the third task of the speaking exam.
This first theme has 2 different subtopics (1. Town, region and country and 2. Holidays, travel and tourist transactions). For each of the different topics I have included 9 questions.
This resource also includes all questions in flashcards so that the students can transfer their answers to them (once they are happy with them) and revise.
The booklet also includes and overview of all the topics and the AVOCADO idea for students to know what their answers should include:
A - Adjectives
V - Verbs and tenses
O - Opinions
C - Connectives
A - Adverbs
D - Detail
O - Originality
The resource is also editable and each booklet is included in PPT as well as PDF.
This is a booklet I have created to go with Expo 1 Module 4 - Unit 1. It contains 7 exercises that connect to the vocab in those pages (62, 63), although you don't really need to be using Expo 1 to use this booklet, as it comes with all the vocab they need and, therefore, they won't need to look at the textbook in order to complete the exercises.
It contains a variety of exercises, from building sentences to doing a bit of reading or completing a word search.
I hope it helps!
This is a worksheet I have created to introduce Día de Muertos to my students and to talk about the most important symbols and the meaning of this day.
The worksheet contains four activities and an answer sheet is included.
Activity 1: vocabulary matching
Activity 2: description of symbols
Activity 3: Reading - find the Spanish in the text
Activity 4: Reading - answer questions in English
I created these exercises in order to make my students practice for the real grammar fill exercise in the AQA exam, as they always struggle to answer this particular type of question.
The document includes 3 exercises (with 12 or 15 sentences each) and includes the answers as well. In some cases more than one option is available (and although I have write them down in the mark scheme, there could probably be more possible answers).
This is a booklet I use to revise Module 1 of Expo 2 vert. The booklet contains 12 activities including a crossword, translation and sentence writing (made easy for low level groups). Ideal for printing in A5 format.
This booklet revise the topics of family, weather and jobs.
This is a Power Point I have created for my Year8 German (mixed ability group). In this resource you will find:
Vocabulary (subjects and opinions)
A range of different activities to practice and learn the vocab
Grammar: how to use ‘weil’ in a sentence.
The PPT has 8 slides in total and and 9 different activities. Please bear in mind I am not a German native speaker and I may have some spelling mistakes. I will always update this resource as soon as I notice any mistakes so you are always welcome to download the most up to date version.
Thank you
Just a nice and simple resource I've made to do with my students at that time of the year :). Just let them colour and decorate this gorgeous cards! (Resource contains two different cards).
This bundle contains three presentations about food in Spanish (food, vegetables and fruit) and includes interactive activities to do with the students.
This is a lesson I have created to go with Expo 2 Module 3 - Unit 1. It contains a Power Point presentation with all the vocab and a booklet with 8 exercises that connects to the vocab too. This lesson is aim to low level ability groups and it contains a variety of exercises, from building sentences to doing a bit of reading or completing a word search.
I hope it helps!