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Jekyll and Hyde Character Revision

Jekyll and Hyde Character Revision

A revision sheet revising 5 key quotations for the 6 main characters in Jekyll and Hyde. Also includes a blank version without the analysis of the quotations so that students can have a go at analysing the quotations themselves. Alternatively, the blank template can be used to check how much they can recall. Also includes a context revision sheet.
Macduff revision sheet

Macduff revision sheet

Macduff character revision sheet which explores 10 key Macduff quotations in detail. Also includes a thesis style overview. Also contains a blank version that I get students to fill in first before going through the detailed explanations for each quotation.
Paper 2 Question 5 Model Responses

Paper 2 Question 5 Model Responses

12 Resources
A wide collection of AQA language Paper 2 Question 5 high grade model responses. Includes models on a range of common topics including cars, school uniform, homework, holidays, camping, sport, mobile phones, volunteering.
Grade 9 speeches about mobile phones in school

Grade 9 speeches about mobile phones in school

2 grade speeches about mobile phones in school. Both are responses to a Paper 2 Question 5 style question: ‘Mobile ‘phones are a useful learning tool. Students can access the internet to research topics using their mobiles. It makes sense for schools to allow students to use their mobiles in school.’ Write an article for a broadsheet newspaper in which you explain your point of view on this statement. One response agrees with the statement. One disagrees with the statement. Both start with a personal anecdote before moving to the main arguments. By placing them side by side on an A3 sheet, students can make comparisons and move towards generating their own opinions and own article about the topic of mobile phones in school.
Grade 9 speeches about school uniform

Grade 9 speeches about school uniform

2 grade speeches about school uniform. Both are responses to a Paper 2 Question 5 style question: “School uniform encourages a sense of pride in students for their school. It also helps with discipline; it is an essential part of the education system in England” Write a speech for a school assembly in which you can explain your point of view on this statement. One response agrees with the statement. One disagrees with the statement. Both start with a personal anecdote before moving to the main arguments. By placing them side by side on an A3 sheet, students can make comparisons and move towards generating their own opinions and own speech about the topic of school uniform.
Grade 9 articles about homework

Grade 9 articles about homework

2 grade 9 articles about homework which response to a Paper 2 Question 5 task: “Homework has no value. Some students get it done for them, some don’t do it at all. Students should be relaxing in their free time.” Write an article for a broadsheet newspaper in which you can explain your point of view on this statement. One article agrees with the statement while the other disagrees with the statement. They have been put side by side on an A3 sheet so students can compare the ideas to help guide them towards generating their own ideas for their own response on this topic.
Language Paper 2 Question 5 2023 Grade 9 model answers

Language Paper 2 Question 5 2023 Grade 9 model answers

3 Grade 9 responses to the 2023 Language Paper 2 Question 5 question which involved writing a speech in which students had to give their opinion on a statement related to cars. Speech 1: Written in the powerful and emotional style with environmental concerns at the forefront Speech 2 Written in a slightly humorous/satirical style Speech 3: Begins and ends with an anecdote. All 3 speeches should achieve grade 9 due to the sustained use of ambitious vocabulary, a full range of punctuation and sentence structures used for effect alongside the use of cohesive devices to assist whole text structure and organisation.
AQA English language paper 1 2023 - model answers

AQA English language paper 1 2023 - model answers

Here are my model answers to questions 1 to 5 of the AQA Language Paper 1 exam where the exam was based on an extract from Life of Pi. They may be useful for students who want to know how they could have improved on their mock. It does not include the extract or the exact wording of the questions. The extract and questions are available for download on the AQA website. Each answer has been written to try and aim for the top band of the mark scheme. For Q5, I chose to do the story rather than the description and used the drop, shift, zoom, leave method. I have also included a step by step guide with prompts for how to use this method. For model responses to the November 2022 paper on The Old Man and the Sea use this link: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12934137 Model responses for June 2022 on The Pearl can be found here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-13031986
Paper 2 Question 5 4 model responses

Paper 2 Question 5 4 model responses

4 Resources
4 model responses for Paper 2 Question 5 from 4 past AQA papers. Each response starts and ends with an aencdote to gain marks for whole text structure and organisation. Vocabulary, punctuation and sentence structures are consistently sophisticated and ambitious. The 4 questions covered are as follows: June 2020 - Travel November 2019 - Animals November 2018 - Cars June 2018 - Sport
The Witches in Macbeth

The Witches in Macbeth

This A3 Macbeth revision resource contains analysis of 30 quotations that focus on the influence of the witches across the play. They are presented chronologically. I ask students to pick out the most important quotations and plot them onto a revision timeline.