Y4 LO: To use the formal written method of short division for calculations with exact answers.
These games and worksheets were designed for Y4 but may be useful to scaffold confidence in Y5 pupils.
1. Codewords Worksheets Differentiated (2 levels of challenge) 2 pages plus answers. Answers to problems are referenced on a key to give letters which spell out the name of the criminal.
2. Dartboard - Self Checking Partner Games. Differentiated (2 levels of challenge).
3. Robot Rumble - Self Checking Partner Games. Differentiated (2 levels of challenge). May be best to photocopy enlarge this to A3. Partners find answers and hope they hit the spaces with the enemy robots.
4. Secret Squirrel Worksheets Differentiated (3 levels of challenge) 3 pages plus answers.
5. Missing Digits. Differentiated (2 levels of challenge) 2 pages plus answers.
6. Short Division Flip Cards. 108 Flip Cards.
These cards pose short division questions and have the answers on the back.
They are suitable for lots of self-checking partner games or independent work.
Print Double Sided Back To Back onto Card.
Ideas for use:
Work with partner and flip when you both have an answer.
Work on own and ask partner to flip & check your answers.
Work independently against a timer.
Make your own Easy, Hard, and Harder Flip Cards.
Sort the cards into Easy, Hard, Harder piles and explain your reasoning.
You could edit a couple of cards; giving them the wrong answers and see how long it takes for pupils to spot your “mistakes”.
Year 6 National Curriculum Objectives covered:
Perform mental calculations, including with mixed operations and large numbers
Solve addition and subtraction multi-step problems in contexts
Multiply multi-digit numbers up to 4 digits by a two-digit whole number using the formal written method of long multiplication
Divide numbers up to 4-digits by a two-digit whole number using the formal written method of short division where appropriate for the context
Divide numbers up to 4 digits by a two-digit whole number using the formal written method of long division, and interpret remainders as whole number remainders, fractions, or by rounding, as appropriate for the context
Identify common factors, common multiples and prime numbers
Use their knowledge of the order of operations to carry out calculations involving the four operations
Solve problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
Use compensation / adjustment strategies to solve mental calculations
Differentiated resources to support National Curriculum Learning Objectives and also covering the White Rose Scheme Small Steps approach.
These differentiated resources support children towards the objectives and can also be used in conjunction with White Rose Small Steps
Get a free sampler here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/y6-shopping-challenge-differentiated-word-problems-involving-addition-and-subtraction-12413683
This is a free sample of a bumper Y3 Fractions Pack available here:
Year 3 National Curriculum Objective covered:
LO: Recognise, and show using diagrams, equivalent fractions with small denominators
Differentiated resource to support National Curriculum Learning Objective and also covering a White Rose Scheme Small Step:
A massive collection of differentiated challenges, activities and presentations. Everything you’ll need to support mastery of Year 3 fractions learning including differentiated worksheets, games, activities and presentations. Great for the classroom, homework or home school.
Covers all the Year 3 Objectives:
• count up and down in tenths; recognise that tenths arise from dividing an object into 10 equal parts and in dividing one-digit numbers or quantities by 10
• recognise, find and write fractions of a discrete set of objects: unit fractions and non-unit fractions with small denominators
• recognise and use fractions as numbers: unit fractions and non-unit fractions with small denominators
• recognise and show, using diagrams, equivalent fractions with small denominators
• add and subtract fractions with the same denominator within one whole (e.g. 5/7 + 1/7 = 6/7) compare and order unit fractions, and fractions with the same denominators
• solve problems that involve all of the above.
• Activities suitable for homework
• Challenges to develop mastery
• Self-checking partner games
• Presentations
All files include answers.
Please view the previews for more information.
Find a free sample from this resource pack here:
These differentiated resources also support the White Rose Scheme Small Steps approach:
This is a free sample from a massive Y3 Money Resource Pack which you can find here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-11549710
Learning: To find money totals of pounds and pence and convert to pence.
Four In A Line Games
Play with a partner.
Each needs a coloured crayon.
Pick one coin from each bag and find your total.
Then convert your total in to pence if you need to.
Show your partner your calculation and your answer.
If you are right, shade the answer on the hexagon grid with your colour.
Take it in turns.
First to get four in a line (any direction) wins.
For Y3 and older.
Months of the year, reading analogue times and comparing durations.
This is a small free sample of
which contains many more differentiated resources covering more objectives.
It also has reasoning challenges and a presentation teaching days of the months and reading analogue time.
A massive collection of differentiated challenges, activities and presentations. Everything you’ll need to support mastery of Year 3 Time learning including differentiated worksheets, games, activities and presentations. Great for the classroom, homework or home school.
Covers all the Year 3 Objectives:
LO: To tell and write the time from an analogue clock, including using Roman numerals from I to XII, and 12-hour and 24-hour clocks.
LO: To estimate and read time with increasing accuracy to the nearest minute; record and compare time in terms of seconds, minutes and hours; use vocabulary such as o’clock, a.m./p.m., morning, afternoon, noon and midnight.
LO: To know the number of seconds in a minute and the number of days in each month, year and leap year.
LO: To compare durations of events [for example to calculate the time taken by particular events or tasks].
• Activities suitable for homework
• Challenges to develop mastery
• Self-checking partner games
• Presentations
All files include answers.
Please view the previews for more information.
Find a free sample from this resource pack here:
These differentiated resources also support the White Rose Scheme Small Steps approach:
Maths resources for teachers | White Rose Maths (whiteroseeducation.com)
Designed for Y4 and excellent also for Y5.
LO: To estimate, compare and calculate with money in pounds and pence.
LO: To solve money problems.
1. Missing Coins Reasoning and Calculation Challenges. Differentiated - 4 levels of challenge with answers.
2. Money Challenges Reasoning and Calculation Challenges. Differentiated - 4 levels of challenge with answers.
3. The Change Game - Self Checking Partner Game involving adding money and finding change.
4. Money Match Up Reasoning and Calculation Challenges. Differentiated - 3 levels of challenge with answers.
5. Money Pyramids - Addition and subtraction of money. Differentiated - 2 levels of challenge with answers.
6. Shopping Challenge - Money word problems. 1 page differentiated - 3 levels of challenge with answers.
7. Three Coins Lift Off. Money Starter. Pupils must add three coins with decreasing amounts of time to find the answer. Answer sheets included.
8. Three Coins Lift Off Answer Sheets.
9. 36 Money and Change Flip Cards
These cards pose money and have the answers on the back.
They are suitable for lots of self-checking partner games or independent work.
Print Double Sided Back To Back onto Card.
Ideas for use:
Work with partner and flip when you both have an answer.
Work on own and ask partner to flip & check your answers.
Work independently against a timer.
Make your own Easy, Hard, and Harder Flip Cards.
Sort the cards into Easy, Hard, Harder piles and explain your reasoning.
You could edit a couple of cards; giving them the wrong answers and see how long it takes for pupils to spot your “mistakes”.
Everything you’ll need for mastery of the Year 3 multiplication and division learning including differentiated worksheets, games, activities and presentations. Great for the classroom, homework or home school.
LO: Use a written method to multiply 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers.
1. Missing Digits in 2-digit x 1-digit calculations. 3 pages plus answers. 18 problems.
2. Alien Invasion Self Checking Partner Game.
3. Four In A Line - Self Checking Partner Game.
4. Shopping Challenge - 3 differentiated challenges involving multiplication.
5-7. Shoot For The Stars - Self Checking Partner Games - 3 levels of challenge.
8. 36 Calculation Flip Cards.
These cards pose TOxO calculations and have the answers on the back.
They are suitable for lots of self-checking partner games or independent work.
Print Double Sided Back To Back onto Card.
Ideas for use:
Work with partner and flip when you both have an answer.
Work on own and ask partner to flip & check your answers.
Work independently against a timer.
Make your own Easy, Hard, and Harder Flip Cards.
Sort the cards into Easy, Hard, Harder piles and explain your reasoning.
You could edit a couple of cards; giving them the wrong answers and see how long it takes for pupils to spot your “mistakes”.
Further Challenge: Mix several sets of cards together. Play against the clock. Work mentally.
Support: Provide support/scaffolding resources and equipment. Allow children to “pass” cards.
A massive collection of differentiated challenges, activities and presentations covering all the national curriculum objectives for Addition and Subtraction in Year 5. Idea for classroom, homework or home schooling.
**LO: To multiply proper fractions and mixed numbers by whole numbers. **
1. 19 Slide Presentation showing how to find fractions of numbers and amounts.
2. 5 Slide Rolling Presentation to put on while pupils work reminding them how to find fractions of amounts using multiplication and division.
3. Fractions of Quantities. Differentiated word problems - 3 levels of challenge plus answers.
4. Fractions of Amounts. Differentiated calculations - 3 levels of challenge plus answers.
5. Mixed Numbers x Whole Numbers supported with bar models.** 3 levels of challenge** plus answers.
6. Mixed Numbers x Whole Numbers missing digits mastery calculations. 3 levels of challenge plus answers plus extension.
7. Mixed Numbers x Whole Numbers Archery Shoot out - differentiated - 3 self checking partner games.
8. Mixed Numbers x Whole Numbers word problems. 3 levels of challenge plus answers.
9. 72 Mixed Numbers x Whole Numbers Flip Cards.
These cards pose Mixed Numbers x Whole Numbers calculations and have the answers on the back.
They are suitable for lots of self-checking partner games or independent work.
Print Double Sided Back To Back onto Card.
Ideas for use:
a. Work with partner and flip when you both have an answer.
b. Work on own and ask partner to flip & check your answers.
c. Work independently against a timer.
d. Make your own Easy, Hard, and Harder Flip Cards.
e. Sort the cards into Easy, Hard, Harder piles and explain your reasoning.
f. You could edit a couple of cards; giving them the wrong answers and see how long it takes for pupils to spot your “mistakes”.
Differentiated challenge designed to support mastery of Year 5 Multiplication and Division.
This is a free sample from a larger pack which can be found here…
Which is in turn part of a complete support pack for Year 5 Multiplication and Division which can be found here…
A large collection of differentiated challenges, activities and presentations designed to support mastery of Year 5 Multiplication and Division learning including differentiated worksheets, games, activities and presentations. Great for the classroom, homework or home school.
Covering these Year 5 Objectives:
• Identify multiples and factors, common multiples and common factors
• Solve problems involving multiplication and involving knowledge of factors, multiples, squares and cubes
• Know and use the vocabulary of prime numbers and composite numbers
• Establish whether a number up to 100 is prime
• Multiply and divide numbers drawing upon know facts
• Activities suitable for homework
• Challenges to develop mastery
• Self-checking partner games
• Presentations
All files include answers.
Please view the previews for more information.
Find a free sample from this resource pack here:
These differentiated resources also support the White Rose Scheme Small Steps approach:
A huge selection of resources for mastery of the Year 5 multiplication and division learning including differentiated worksheets, games, activities and presentations. Great for the classroom, homework or home school.