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"The Clarke  Road Money Program" PowerPoint

"The Clarke Road Money Program" PowerPoint

A PowerPoint detailing the major teaching points and strategies in The Clarke Road Money Program. This program is suitable for students across a very broad range - 3 levels. It is suitable for most students beginning with those who have little language and who are unable to read numbers. Clarke Road is a comprehensive Australian program at 3 levels developed in a Special School, which offers teachers a pathway to teaching all their students a way to learn to shop independently. This PowerPoint enables teachers to share the content of the programs.
The Reading Repairer PowerPoint

The Reading Repairer PowerPoint

A PowerPoint detailing the content of The Reading Repairer and explaining why and how it should be helpful for teaching older students with poor reading skills. Helpful information for those considering using The Reading Repairer or alternative programs.
The Reading Repairer 1 - series introduction, diagnostic & teaching tools.

The Reading Repairer 1 - series introduction, diagnostic & teaching tools.

An Australian teaching program to remediate the reading skills of older students who have poor reading skills. The program enables a diagnostic assessment of each student’s phonic and structural analysis skills and facilitates pinpointing the particular skills required by each student. The program uses word lists and 100 word passages to teach the most important phonic and structural analysis skill areas 1:1 or in a small group situation. The program emphasizes mastery teaching and uses graphs to measure daily student progress. There is also a post test in booklet 1 to measure overall progress at the end of the program. 45 pages.
Tricky Maths Life Word Problems

Tricky Maths Life Word Problems

For students to use their maths number skills they need to understand what processes to use in the real world. In this assignment students need to consider how to solve real world problems involving time, money and number.
Maths Story Problems diagnostic assessment

Maths Story Problems diagnostic assessment

Story problems can be categorized into different types. This diagnostic tool enables you to discover which types of story problems your students are able to understand and solve, and those they still need further teaching on.
The Arithmetic Repairer PART 1, Introduction, Assessment, Counting, etc

The Arithmetic Repairer PART 1, Introduction, Assessment, Counting, etc

The Arithmetic Repairer Part 1 introduces this remediation package and includes a diagnostic assessment to pinpoint students' difficulties in basic arithmetic: counting, symbols and place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. This section includes worksheets for those with deficits in counting and symbols and place value. Further parts of The Arithmetic Repairer provide the worksheets for the other areas within the diagnostic assessment tool. 70 pages.
Screening test for Basic Arithmetic

Screening test for Basic Arithmetic

A diagnostic test to discover what basic arithmetic skills your students have and still need to be taught. Includes: counting, symbols and place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
Real Reading Stage 1

Real Reading Stage 1

A student booklet for older students who are struggling with literacy and require significant amounts of repetition. The emphasis is on learning basic phonics and sight words, plus developing sentence writing and basic punctuation skills.
The Reading Repairer 2, Regular Words

The Reading Repairer 2, Regular Words

This booklet focuses upon teaching students to sound out phonically regular words through word lists and 100 word passages. Booklet 1 in this series should be read, and resources in it used, prior to using this booklet. 118 pages.
Real Reading Introductory 1F

Real Reading Introductory 1F

Real Reading Introductory levels are for older students who find it difficult to learn to read. This booklet provides written work that aims to teach students some Dolch sight words as well as how to write basic sentences. Much of this should enable each student to work independently.
Types of Word Problems

Types of Word Problems

This unit contains 6 types of word problems with 10 of each type on a page to solve. This repetition of each type will assist students struggling to learn how to solve different types of word problems.
Real Reading Stage 3

Real Reading Stage 3

Information about various animals is presented and students use this information to answer questions using proper sentences. Repetition is used to reinforce basic sentence writing and phonics skill development. The second half of the workbook moves up a level in difficulty of reading and the expectations of what students will write. They are also required to rewrite challenging sentences, find more information about each animal and to use a thesaurus.
Real Reading Transition

Real Reading Transition

Real Reading Transition provides more focussed attention on reading for a purpose and writing proper sentences within the animals theme. Basic phonics and sight words are emphasized and repetition assists students to master skills rather than only be exposed to them. This "transition level" equates to a little more challenging than level 2 in the series, but is easier than level 3.
The Reading Repairer 3, Long and Short Vowels

The Reading Repairer 3, Long and Short Vowels

Number 3 in The Reading Repairer series concentrates upon teaching students the skill of reading words with long and short vowels. Word lists and 100 word passages are used to develop mastery learning and ensure a generalizable skill is learnt rather than just particular focus words. Number 1 in this series contains the diagnostic and teaching tools to facilitate teaching. 60 pp.
Real Reading Introductory Stage 1a

Real Reading Introductory Stage 1a

Designed for older students giving them independent work that teaches them basic beginning phonics and sight words as well as providing practise in writing a sentence.