Business and finance

A Level Business - Theme 4 - 4.1.1 - Growing Economies
The resources available for purchase are designed to teach the Pearson Edexcel A Level Business Theme 4 topic of Growing Economies (4.1.1) over at least 60 minutes of lesson time. Included is;
A power point with lesson objectives, keyterms, a recap activity, key specification theory, contextual Youtube videos and activities bringing key content to life.
A worksheet that could also be used as a research task, retreival activity or recap activity for the next topic (4.1.2 - International Trade and Business Growth).
Peer marking activity for a 20 mark past paper question designed to hone and refine pupil exam technique.
Another past paper question with included mark scheme that could be used as a homework task.

GCSE Business Studies - Theme 1 - 1.4.1 - Limited companies
The resources available for purchase are designed to teach the Pearson Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Theme 1 topic of 1.4.1 - The options for start-up and small businesses - Limited companies.
Included is:
A retreival task looking at content covered in previous units of work
A Youtube video designed to give students a contextual understanding of limited companies
Key theory on limited liability, unlimited liability, private, public limited companies and flotation.
A worksheet to consolidate learning
A question sheet to accompany the Youtube video.
A 6 mark past paper question, designed to be set as a homework task, based on private limited companies.

IGCSE Business Lean Production (Whole topic resources)
These resources are designed to teach the whole topic of lean production across at least two lessons (110 minutes. Included is;
A power point with the key theory and learning activities
Example exam questions
Extension activity
Multiple Choice Starter Activity Quiz

GCSE Business Studies - Pearson Edexcel - Theme 1 and 2 Crosswords
The resources available for purchase are ten individual crosswords based on the GCSE Business (9-1) Pearson Edexcel syllabus (1BS0). Each crossword includes at least 10 clues allowing students to decipher the hidden keyterms and are based on one of the ten units of work from Theme 1 (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5) and Theme 2 (2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 and 2.5). Answers are also included.
The crosswords can be used as:
Retrieval activities
Revision activities at the end of the two year GCSE course
Cover work, while department staff are absent
Starter or plenary activities

GCSE Business Studies - Pearson Edexcel - Theme 1 Crosswords
The resources available for purchase are five crosswords based on the GCSE Business (9-1) Pearson Edexcel syllabus (1BS0). Each crossword includes at least 10 clues allowing students to decipher the hidden keyterms and are based on one of the five units of work from Theme 1 (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5) Answers are also included.
The crosswords can be used as:
Retrieval activities
Revision activities at the end of the two year GCSE course
Cover work, while department staff are absent
Starter or plenary activities

A Level Business Studies - Pearson Edexcel - Revision Crosswords (Theme 1, 2, 3 and 4)
The crosswords available for purchase are designed to provide A Level pupils with an engaging way to revise and consolidate key content from the Pearson Edexcel A Level Business Studies syllabus. Each crossword includes:
Detailed clues
The correct answers designed to enable self, peer or teacher led opportunities
A larger version of each Crossword that can easily be illuminated on an interactive whiteboard.
A variety of syllabus content from across all four Pearson Edexcel themes.

A Level Business - Theme 4 - 4.1.2 - International Trade and Business Growth
The included resources are designed to teach the A Level Pearson Edexcel Business Theme 4 topic of 4.1.2 - International Trade and Growth (4.1.2). Included is:
A Powerpoint including the key theory, a recap activity to reinforce the previous topic, past paper exam questions and topic videos.
A homework task (past paper question) complete with mark scheme
A Peer assessment activity including two completed answers from the exam commentary of the 2020 exam series.
Extension task for high attainers or fast finishers
Pre Learning task to be given to students before they begin looking at the topic to improve understanding and enhance learning.

A Level Business Dynamic Markets Lesson
The presentation includes 26 slides slides giving the platform to teach an in depth lesson on Dynamic Markets. The presentation includes;
An exam question with mark scheme
Bulit in activitites
Main key theory of how markets can change and how businesses can adapt
Links to contextual examples
Further flip learning opportunities

A Level Economics Student Introduction Handbook
The handbook is designed to be given to Year 12 students starting the Pearson Edexcel A Level GCE Economics course (8EC0 and 9EC0). It includes;
A curriculum map
A detailed overview of the three externally examined papers
An essential reading list
Suggested films to watch with economic content
Suggested Youtube Channels related to economics
The exam skills needed to thrive in A Level Economics
22 pages in length, over 4000 words and can easily be adapted for individual departments.

GCSE Business Studies - Theme 2 - 2.3.2 - Working with Suppliers (Complete topic resources)
The resources are designed to teach the GCSE Businesss Studies Theme 2 topic of 2.3.2 - Working with suppliers from the Pearson Edexcel syllabus over at least two lessons (120 minutes) of teaching.
Included is;
Multiple self assessment opportunities
Youtube video clips to bring the topics to life
A range of activities to break up the learning and allow for less didactic teaching
Worksheets designed to be completed in pairs
Homework tasks - Past paper exam questions with scaffolding included.
An 9 graded exemplar 12 mark question answer for use as a peer assessment resource
In built power point timers to promote lesson pace

GCSE Business - 2.1.4 - Ethics, the Environment and Business (Complete topic resources)
The resources available for purchase are designed to teach the Pearson Edexcel GCSE Business Theme 2 topic of 2.1.4 - Ethics, the environment and business. Included in the power points are;
A recap activity to the previous topic (2.1.3 Business and Globalisation)
Youtube clips to bring contextual examples to life
Activities with built in self assessment opportunities
A past paper exam question with mark scheme and example answers
Multiple choice questions
The resources are designed for at least 60 minutes of class contact time.

A Level Business - Theme 3 - 3.2.3 - Organic Growth
The resources available for purchase are the designed to teach the Pearson Edexcel A Level Business Theme 3 topic of 3.2.3 - Organic Growth.
Included is;
A PowerPoint with a recap activity based on 3.2.2 - Mergers and Takeovers, contextual examples and engaging Youtube videos
A group activity asking students to evaluate Gregg’s recent growth in the UK
A peer assessment activity to help improve the ability of student’s to write effective conclusions
A scaffolded homework task (a 10 mark past paper exam question)

GCSE Business Taster Session
This resource is designed for Year 9 students who are thinking of choosing business as an option in Year 10.
Students have to design and plan a new theme park. This activity specifically looks at the marketing mix, branding and financial information of the theme park and can take up to 60 minutes to complete

A Level Economics - Theme 2 - 2.1.1 - Economic Growth
The resources available for purchase are designed to teach the Pearson Edexcel A Level Economics Theme 2 topic of 2.1.1 Economic Growth over at least 120 minutes of teaching time.
Further details on the content and structure of the resources are below:
First power point addresses the difference real, nominal GDP, GDP per capita and the comparison of growth rates between countries over time. A worksheet is also included to allow independent pupil research
The second power point addresses the use of GDP to compare living standards
between countries and over time. A small number of low mark past paper questions are included designed to be given to pupils as homework.
The third power point addresses the use of of Purchasing Power Parities (PPPs) and the use of PPP-adjusted figures in international comparisons and the relationship between real incomes and subjective happiness.
Each power point includes the key theory, concurrent Youtube videos, up to date statistics and activities to break up the learning and ensure lessons are less didactic in nature.

Multi lesson Dragons Den Activity Booklet
This is a Dragons Den activity designed to fill at least 5 lessons and can be taught to non business studies students at Keystage 3 or 4 and business students also.
The booklet contains activities that build student understanding of what it takes to be a entrepreneur. The booklet builds on the content of the Powepoint with activities and eventually students will be placed in groups and present their pitch to the Dragons.

A Level Business - Theme 3 - 3.3.1 - Quantitative Skills Forecasting
The resources available for purchase are designed to the teach the Pearson Edexcel Theme 3 topic of 3.3.1 - Quantiative Skills Forecasting.
Included is:
A PowerPoint with key theory and activities included.
A pair based activity designed to challenge students to predict sales and business performance for a business of their choice
A past paper 10 mark exam question with included mark scheme
A learning mat to serve a consolidation or plenary activity
10 mark exam question scaffold

Pearson Edexcel - A Level Economics - Flip Learning Booklets - Theme 1, 2, 3 and 4
The resources available for purchase are designed to be used to to promote Flip Learning to students studying the **Pearson Edexcel A Level Economics syllabus **
Further details are below:
Theme 1 Flip Learning Booklet - 31 pages (1649 words)
Theme 2 Flip Learning Booklet - 37 pages (1683 words)
Theme 3 Flip Learning Booklet - 33 pages (2331 words)
Theme 4 Flip Learning Booklet - 45 pages ( 4439 words)
Each booklet covers each unit of work from the specification (9EC0) and includes links to electronic resources such as Youtube videos, online articles , case studies and the textbook Edexcel AS/A Level Economics Student book + Active Book (Edexcel GCE Economics 2015) ISBN-10 1447990552

A Level Business - Pearson Edexcel - Theme 2 - 2.4.3 - Stock Control
The resources available for purchase are designed to teach the Pearson Edexcel A Level Business Theme 2 topic of 2.4.3 Stock Control
Included is:
A keyterms glossary
Key theory about Buffer Stocks, JIT, Waste Minimisation and Stock Control Diagrams
Youtube videos using Zara and Toyota to explain the concept of Just in Time production
Past paper exam questions (4 mark and 10 mark questions) and mark schemes
Scaffolding to help students write an effective answer for the 10 mark past paper exam question

A Level Business - Theme 3 - 3.2.4 - Reasons for staying small
The resources available for purchase are designed to teach the Pearson Edexcel A Level Business topic of 3.2.4 - Reasons for staying small
Included is:
Recap activity assessing key subject knowledge on the previous topic 3.2.3 - Organic Growth
Examples of how small businesses remain competitive including product differentiation, USP’s, customer service, e-commerce and flexibility in responding to customer needs
Two Youtube videos giving examples of successful small UK businesses
A pair or group activity giving pupils the opportunity to assess British Craft Beer Breweries and their recent success/es
Two past paper exam questions with mark schemes and an A* exemplar answer
A Keyterms glossary

A Level Business - Theme 3 - 3.2.1 - Business Growth
The resources available for purchase are designed to teach the Pearson Edexcel A Level Business Theme 3 topics of 3.2.1 - Business Growth over 2 hours of lesson time. Included is:
Two powerpoints including key topic material, concurrent examples and activities
Past paper questions (Two 4 mark and one 20 mark question) with markschemes
A scaffold for the 20 mark question
A worksheet designed to consolidate student understanding on the objectives of growth
A homework task (20 mark mark past paper question)