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GCSE Business Aims and Objectives Whole Lesson Resource Bundle

GCSE Business Aims and Objectives Whole Lesson Resource Bundle

The worksheets are differentiated to allow low attainers and high attainers to understand the topic. There is also a master copy to allow teachers to assess students work or introduce peer or self assessment. The power point follows the structure of the worksheets themselves. Lastly a key terms sheet is included to allow students to include this in their revision notes
AQA Business End of Unit 4 Revision Quiz

AQA Business End of Unit 4 Revision Quiz

This quiz is designed to test students knowledge on the A2 Business Unit 4 AQA Business Module. The quiz contains 20 questions that are hidden behind various different numbers. Behind some numbers there are a prize - which is originally set to be a chocolate bar but this can be changed.
Business A-level Ratio Analysis Whole Lesson Resource Bundle

Business A-level Ratio Analysis Whole Lesson Resource Bundle

This lesson is designed to teach Year 12 students the introductory profitability (NPM, GPM, OPM and ROCE) and liquidity ratios (Current Ratio and Acid Test Ratio) needed during the majority of A-level Business Courses. Worksheets and teacher answers are provided to test student knowledge.
A-level business relocation resources

A-level business relocation resources

Available for sale is a power point including a starter activity based on the previous strategy, growth and implementation lesson topic of Rationalisation. The power point also details the main ways businesses can grow and also the key criteria students must be aware of why businesses relocate. Then included is a relocation activity where students must look at a number of international sites and then carry out further research to find a suitable location. This can be done as a group, paired or individual task.
Stock Control Year 12 Lesson Resources

Stock Control Year 12 Lesson Resources

Included in this purchase is a worksheet and powerpoint with an exam question and recap from the previous lesson about production types. The resources are designed to fulfill around 45 minutes of lesson time.
Employers and employees legislation

Employers and employees legislation

The resources available here are a starter activity, plenary, power point and exam question based activity all designed to improve student knowledge on employer and employee relationships and the legislation that governs this.
GCSE Business Franchising Whole Lesson

GCSE Business Franchising Whole Lesson

These resources are designed to teach a 60 minute lesson on the business topic of Franchising within any GCSE business exam board. Included are worksheets, an extension activity, power point and homework activity.
Changes in Working Practice Lesson Resources

Changes in Working Practice Lesson Resources

Included is a powerpoint that discusses the changes in working practice in the 20th and 21st century. There is a research based activity included in this where students have to investigate the main ways businesses use hot desking, working from home and other practices to improve employee motivation and productivity. Also in the power point there is an exam question and mark scheme included to test student knowledge.