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A Level Economics - Pearson Edexcel - Theme 4 - 4.3.1 - Measures of Development

A Level Economics - Pearson Edexcel - Theme 4 - 4.3.1 - Measures of Development

The resources available for purchase are designed to teach the complete topic of 4.3.1 - Measures of Development from the Pearson Edexcel Theme 4 A Level Economics specification. Included is: A powerpoint with engaging examples, Youtube videos and built in self assessment opportunities. A retrieval task recapping the previous topic (4.2.2 - Inequality) Two past paper exam questions from the May 2017 exam sitting.
GCSE Business Studies - Theme 2 - 2.4.1 - Business Calculations

GCSE Business Studies - Theme 2 - 2.4.1 - Business Calculations

The resources available for purchase are designed to teach the Pearson Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Theme 2 topic of 2.4.1 - Business Calculations. Included is: A recap activity based on the previous topic - 2.3.4 - The sales process A powerpoint with activities, key theory and AFL opportunities Past paper exam questions with mark schemes included An extension activity with the correct answers included
GCSE Business Studies - Pearson Edexcel - Theme 2 - 2.2.1 Product

GCSE Business Studies - Pearson Edexcel - Theme 2 - 2.2.1 Product

The resources available for purchase are designed to teach the Pearson Edexcel GCSE Business syllabus Theme 2 topic of 2.2.1 Product over 120 minutes of teaching time. Included is: Examples of products and services that utilise different parts of the Design Mix Past paper exam questions (Multiple choice and 3 mark questions) with included mark schemes A peer assessment activity comparing two 9 mark past paper exam question answers Real life examples of product differentiation Examples of popular products that are currently in different stages of the product life cycle Examples of extension strategies A research activity based on the use of extension strategies
Pearson Edexcel - A Level Economics - Flip Learning Booklets - Theme 1, 2, 3 and 4

Pearson Edexcel - A Level Economics - Flip Learning Booklets - Theme 1, 2, 3 and 4

The resources available for purchase are designed to be used to to promote Flip Learning to students studying the **Pearson Edexcel A Level Economics syllabus ** Further details are below: Theme 1 Flip Learning Booklet - 31 pages (1649 words) Theme 2 Flip Learning Booklet - 37 pages (1683 words) Theme 3 Flip Learning Booklet - 33 pages (2331 words) Theme 4 Flip Learning Booklet - 45 pages ( 4439 words) Each booklet covers each unit of work from the specification (9EC0) and includes links to electronic resources such as Youtube videos, online articles , case studies and the textbook Edexcel AS/A Level Economics Student book + Active Book (Edexcel GCE Economics 2015) ISBN-10 1447990552
GCSE Business Studies - Pearson Edexcel - Theme 1 Crosswords

GCSE Business Studies - Pearson Edexcel - Theme 1 Crosswords

The resources available for purchase are five crosswords based on the GCSE Business (9-1) Pearson Edexcel syllabus (1BS0). Each crossword includes at least 10 clues allowing students to decipher the hidden keyterms and are based on one of the five units of work from Theme 1 (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5) Answers are also included. The crosswords can be used as: Retrieval activities Revision activities at the end of the two year GCSE course Cover work, while department staff are absent Starter or plenary activities
GCSE Business  - Pearson Edexcel - Theme 2 Crosswords

GCSE Business - Pearson Edexcel - Theme 2 Crosswords

The resources available for purchase are five crosswords based on the GCSE Business (9-1) Pearson Edexcel syllabus (1BS0). Each crossword includes at least 10 clues allowing students to decipher the hidden keyterms and are based on one of the five units of work from Theme 2 (2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 and 2.5). Answers are also included. The crosswords can be used as: Retrieval activities Revision activities at the end of the two year GCSE course Cover work, while department staff are absent Starter or plenary activities
GCSE Business Studies - Pearson Edexcel - Theme 1 and 2 Crosswords

GCSE Business Studies - Pearson Edexcel - Theme 1 and 2 Crosswords

The resources available for purchase are ten individual crosswords based on the GCSE Business (9-1) Pearson Edexcel syllabus (1BS0). Each crossword includes at least 10 clues allowing students to decipher the hidden keyterms and are based on one of the ten units of work from Theme 1 (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5) and Theme 2 (2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 and 2.5). Answers are also included. The crosswords can be used as: Retrieval activities Revision activities at the end of the two year GCSE course Cover work, while department staff are absent Starter or plenary activities
A Level Economics - Pearson Edexcel - Crosswords

A Level Economics - Pearson Edexcel - Crosswords

The resources available for purchase are six individual crosswords based on the A Level Eonomics Pearson Edexcel syllabus (9EC0). Each crossword includes at least 10 clues, allowing students to decipher the hidden keyterms. Four crosswords are based on content from Theme 1, 2,3 and 4. The other two included crosswords are based on content from Year 12 (Theme 1 and 2) and Year 13 (Theme 3 and 4). Answers are also included, to allow AFL opportunities. The crosswords can be used as: Retrieval activities Revision activities at the end of the two year A Level course Cover work, while department staff are absent Starter or plenary activities