. This resource is a Power Point (21 slides) to introduce Module 2 Mi vida en el insti. It follows the textbook AQA GCSE Viva Higher.
. I also include a worksheet with all the vocab, activities and explanations on a word document which is easy to print for your students and the lessons will go smoothly and quicker than if they have to copy everything down.
. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me: gimenez.srta@gmail.com
. An introduction lesson on the Spanish regional identity with worksheet for students.
. Power Point (15 slides) on Traditions in Spain with a different range of activities to explore the topic and worksheet for the students to follow the lessons.
. Power Point (10 slides) with present subjunctive explanation and a song as well as worksheet for the students.
. This is to be accompanied with AQA Spanish textbook by OUP.
. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me:
. Power Point Presentation (39 slides) on the study of The House of Bernarda Alba - Analysis of characters.
These include:
. description of characters with most famous quotations for all of them.
. oral questions to discuss as a class about the characters and opinions.
. Word Document (17 pages) for the students with all the information .
. The book I use is The House of Bernarda Alba/La Casa de Bernarda Alba, Federico García Lorca. Bloomsbury, GB 2015.
. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me: gimenez.srta@gmail.com
Power Points and Worksheets for students on the full topic on El patrimonio cultural.
These are to accompany with AQA Spanish textbook by OUP.
This bundle includes:
. An introduction lesson on the cultural heritage to accompany with AQA Spanish textbook by OUP. It includes a Power Point (11 slides) with a worksheet for your students with all the information.
. Lessons on historical places and pre-Hispanic civilisations: Power Point (19 slides) with a worksheet for your students to follow the PPT and the AQA textbook. Listening, reading, speaking, summary activities about the topic and introduction to the research project.
. Lessons on art and architecture to accompany with AQA Spanish textbook by OUP: Power Point (25 slides) with a worksheet for your students to follow the PPT and the AQA textbook. Listening, reading, writing, speaking and summary activities about the topic.
. Lessons on musical heritage and its diversity to accompany with AQA Spanish textbook by OUP: Power Point (20 slides) with a worksheet for your students to follow the PPT and the AQA textbook. Listening, reading, speaking, summary and research activities about the topic.
If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me: gimenez.srta@gmail.com
It includes:
. Power Point presentation (31 slides) exploring el barrio, el pueblo, el barrio versus el pueblo, las costumbres, la telebasura and la mujer en el s.XXI.
. Worksheet with al the information for students and activities.
. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me: gimenez.srta@gmail.com
An introduction lesson for the topic Spanish youngsters of nowadays for AQA Spanish textbook by OUP.
Lessons on Youngsters and politics to accompany with AQA Spanish textbook by OUP.
This includes a Power Point Presentation (20 slides) with vocab, translations and activities. It also has a worksheet for the students.
Lessons on Youth unemployment in Spain to accompany with AQA Spanish textbook by OUP.
This includes a Power Point Presentation (15 slides) with vocab, translations and activities. It also has a worksheet for the students.
Lessons on Their ideal society to accompany with AQA Spanish textbook by OUP.
This includes a Power Point Presentation (15 slides) with vocab, translations and activities. It also has a worksheet for the students.
A document that includes 12 stimulus cards on Jóvenes de hoy, 4 stimuli per topic (Los jóvenes y su actitud hacia la política, El paro entre los jóvenes and Su sociedad ideal).
The stimulus cards are:
1. De pasotas a activistas comprometidos
2. El ciberactivismo
3. La marea verde
4. Los partidos políticos son la causa de la apatía de los jóvenes
5. Ayudas para los ni-nis
6. Del desempleo juvenil al desempleo a secas
7. El desempleo juvenil toca fondo
8. La generación ni-ni
9. La crisis económica anima a los jóvenes a ser más proactivos
10. Los jóvenes ven difícil que haya una sociedad ideal
11. Piensa globalmente actúa localmente
12. Si ayudamos se nota la diferencia
If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me: gimenez.srta@gmail.com
Lessons on the power of trade unions to accompany with AQA Spanish textbook by OUP.
This includes a Power Point Presentation (23 slides) with summary, translations, speaking and activities. It also has a worksheet for the students.
If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me: gimenez.srta@gmail.com
Lessons on Positive and negatives aspects for immigration to accompany with AQA Spanish textbook by OUP.
This includes a Power Point Presentation (18 slides) with vocab, translations and activities. It also has a worksheet for the students.
You can download the introduction of the topic La inmigración for free: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/aqa-new-a-level-spanish-la-inmigraci-n-introducci-n-11682521
If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me: gimenez.srta@gmail.com
. This resource is a Power Point (31 slides) to introduce Module 6 De costumbre. It follows the textbook AQA GCSE Viva Higher.
. I also include a worksheet with all the vocab, activities and explanations on a word document which is easy to print for your students and the lessons will go smoothly and quicker than if they have to copy everything down.
. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me: gimenez.srta@gmail.com
An introduction lesson and the first lessons on the influence of celebrities to accompany with AQA Spanish textbook by OUP.
La influencia de los ídolos intro: 18 slides with a worksheet for your students to discuss positive and negatives attitudes regarding singers.
Cantantes y músicos: 27 slides with a worksheet for your students following AQA textbook. Listening, reading, writing, speaking, translation and summary activities about the topic with answers.
Los pronombres de objeto indirecto: 8 slides with explanation on how to use IO pronouns with activities and a worksheet for your students.
If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me: gimenez.srta@gmail.com
Introduction to the topic Los movimientos populares. The resource includes a Power Point and a worksheet for your students with translation, reading and speaking activities plus a research on Movimiento 15m and Las madres de la Plaza de Mayo.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me: gimenez.srta@gmail.com
Lessons on musical heritage and its diversity to accompany with AQA Spanish textbook by OUP: Power Point (20 slides) with a worksheet for your students to follow the PPT and the AQA textbook. Listening, reading, speaking, summary and research activities about the topic.
If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me: gimenez.srta@gmail.com
It includes:
. Power Point presentation (20 slides) exploring history of Spain, the literature of the period, Lorca´s plays. There are opportunities for the students to create mind maps in preparation for the writing and plenty of research for them to get used to the IRP and explore the other plays of Federico García Lorca. Worksheet with al the information for students and activities.
. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me: gimenez.srta@gmail.com
A Power Point to introduce past holidays and verb ir in the preterite tense. It includes activities to drill new vocabulary, translations and activities from Viva Libro 2 pages 8 and 9.
If you have any questions feel free to email me: gimenez.srta@gmail.com
A Power Point to teach activities you did on holidays. It includes activities to drill new vocabulary, translations and activities from Viva Libro 2 pages 10 - 13.
If you have any questions feel free to email me: gimenez.srta@gmail.com
This is a very simple and straightforward Power Point to introduce the course to Y12 students and it is completely editable.
It includes an overview of what it is studied, the exam and expectations.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me on gimenez.srta@gmail.com
A Power Point to introduce me gusta + free time activities. It includes activities to drill new vocabulary, translations and activities from Viva Libro 1 pages 30 and 31.
If you have any questions feel free to email me: gimenez.srta@gmail.com