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Srta Gimenez Shop

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Head of Spanish in an independent school in the UK. AQA and Edexcel examiner. I love teaching and creating resources :)




Head of Spanish in an independent school in the UK. AQA and Edexcel examiner. I love teaching and creating resources :)
KS3 Viva 2 - Module 1 Mis vacaciones

KS3 Viva 2 - Module 1 Mis vacaciones

A Power Point to teach the whole Module 1 (61 slides). It includes activities to drill new vocabulary, grammar and activities from Viva Libro 2 pages 8 and 25. If you have any questions feel free to email me: gimenez.srta@gmail.com
Viva GCSE Higher - Módulo 7 A currar! - Punto de partida 1

Viva GCSE Higher - Módulo 7 A currar! - Punto de partida 1

. This resource is a Power Point (12 slides) to introduce Module 7 A currar! It follows the textbook AQA GCSE Viva Higher. . I also include a worksheet with all the vocab and activities on a word document which is easy to print for your students and the lesson will go smoothly and quicker than if they have to copy everything down. . If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me: gimenez.srta@gmail.com
Mira Express 1 Spanish - All the vocabulary on Memrise

Mira Express 1 Spanish - All the vocabulary on Memrise

Here is a poster for your class with QR Codes for all the units of Mira Express 1 on Memrise. Students love downloading the app or having a competition amongst their peers by practising vocabulary for tests. It is a very good tool for independent learning :) You can also track how much they have been practising by looking at the leaderboards.
Una visita a la National Gallery de Londres

Una visita a la National Gallery de Londres

If you ever go to London on a school trip related to Spanish, you can always go to the National Gallery (rooms 39 and 30) to see the paintings of Goya, Murillo and Velázquez. Here there is a little booklet with biographies and the paintings with some questions to have your students engaged and interested in the masterpieces whilst you are visiting the museum. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me: srta.gimenez@gmail.com
KS3 Viva 3 Rojo - Module 1 Somos así

KS3 Viva 3 Rojo - Module 1 Somos así

A Power Point to teach the whole Module 1 (43 slides). Activities from Viva Libro 3 Rojo pages 6 and 27. If you have any questions feel free to email me: gimenez.srta@gmail.com
AQA GCSE Spanish Higher - Módulo 3 Esta es mi gente

AQA GCSE Spanish Higher - Módulo 3 Esta es mi gente

. This resource is a Power Point (20 slides) to teach 3.1 Esta es mi gente. It follows the textbook AQA GCSE Spanish Higher. . I also include a worksheet to print for your students and a link to practise vocabulary on Memrise Community courses. . If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me: gimenez.srta@gmail.com
A-level Spanish: La Casa de Bernarda Alba - Análisis del acto primero

A-level Spanish: La Casa de Bernarda Alba - Análisis del acto primero

- A worksheet with 30 questions for your students to analyse La Casa de Bernarda Alba’s Act One. - It includes some quotations to analyse, plot, themes, characters, etc. through the knowledge students acquire after reading Act One. - I include a file with possible answers. - It can be used as written and/or oral class in pairs, as a group in class or as homework to consolidate knowledge. - If you have any questions do not hesitate to email me: gimenez.srta@gmail.com
A-level Spanish: La Casa de Bernarda Alba - Análisis del acto segundo

A-level Spanish: La Casa de Bernarda Alba - Análisis del acto segundo

- A worksheet with more than 30 questions for your students to analyse La Casa de Bernarda Alba’s Act Two. - It includes some quotations to analyse, plot, themes, characters, etc. through the knowledge students acquire after reading Act Two. It also includes a sheet with possible answers. - It can be used as written and/or oral class in pairs, as a group in class or as homework to consolidate knowledge. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me: gimenez.srta@gmail.com
A-level Spanish: La Casa de Bernarda Alba - Análisis del acto tercero

A-level Spanish: La Casa de Bernarda Alba - Análisis del acto tercero

- A worksheet with more than 30 questions for your students to analyse La Casa de Bernarda Alba’s Act Three. - It includes some quotations to analyse, plot, themes, characters, etc. through the knowledge students acquire after reading Act Three. It also includes a sheet with possible answers. - It can be used as written and/or oral class in pairs, as a group in class or as homework to consolidate knowledge. - If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me: gimenez.srta@gmail.com
AQA New AS/A Level Spanish El patrimonio cultural: Sitios históricos y civilizaciones prehispánicas

AQA New AS/A Level Spanish El patrimonio cultural: Sitios históricos y civilizaciones prehispánicas

An introduction lesson on the cultural heritage to accompany with AQA Spanish textbook by OUP. It includes a Power Point (11 slides) with a worksheet for your students with all the information. Lessons on historical places and pre-Hispanic civilisations: Power Point (19 slides) with a worksheet for your students to follow the PPT and the AQA textbook. Listening, reading, speaking, summary activities about the topic and introduction to the research project. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me: gimenez.srta@gmail.com
Viva GCSE Higher - Módulo 5 Ciudades - Whole unit

Viva GCSE Higher - Módulo 5 Ciudades - Whole unit

This resource includes: A Power Point (21 slides) to introduce Module 5 Ciudades. It follows the textbook AQA GCSE Viva Higher with a worksheet for students. . A Power Point with the whole unit (45 slides) with grammar, different activities, written tasks, explanation of a role-play and translations. . I also include a worksheet with all the vocab, activities and explanations on a word document which is easy to print for your students and the lessons will go smoothly and quicker than if they have to copy everything down. . If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me: gimenez.srta@gmail.com
AQA New AS/A Level Spanish El patrimonio cultural: Arte y arquitectura

AQA New AS/A Level Spanish El patrimonio cultural: Arte y arquitectura

Lessons on art and architecture to accompany with AQA Spanish textbook by OUP: Power Point (25 slides) with a worksheet for your students to follow the PPT and the AQA textbook. Listening, reading, writing, speaking and summary activities about the topic. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me: gimenez.srta@gmail.com
UPDATED AQA New AS/A Level Spanish La influencia de los ídolos: Cantantes y músicos

UPDATED AQA New AS/A Level Spanish La influencia de los ídolos: Cantantes y músicos

An introduction lesson and the first lessons on the influence of celebrities to accompany with AQA Spanish textbook by OUP. La influencia de los ídolos intro: 18 slides with a worksheet for your students to discuss positive and negatives attitudes regarding singers. Cantantes y músicos: 27 slides with a worksheet for your students following AQA textbook. Listening, reading, writing, speaking, translation and summary activities about the topic with answers. Los pronombres de objeto indirecto: 8 slides with explanation on how to use IO pronouns with activities and a worksheet for your students. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me: gimenez.srta@gmail.com
AQA New A Level Spanish El poder de los sindicatos

AQA New A Level Spanish El poder de los sindicatos

Lessons on the power of trade unions to accompany with AQA Spanish textbook by OUP. This includes a Power Point Presentation (23 slides) with summary, translations, speaking and activities. It also has a worksheet for the students. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me: gimenez.srta@gmail.com
AQA New A Level Spanish Volver: Los temas

AQA New A Level Spanish Volver: Los temas

It includes: . Power Point presentation (31 slides) exploring the themes of the film Volver. . Worksheet with all the information for students and activities. . If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me: gimenez.srta@gmail.com
A-level Spanish: La Casa de Bernarda Alba - Contexto histórico, social y cultural

A-level Spanish: La Casa de Bernarda Alba - Contexto histórico, social y cultural

It includes: . Power Point presentation (20 slides) exploring history of Spain, the literature of the period, Lorca´s plays. There are opportunities for the students to create mind maps in preparation for the writing and plenty of research for them to get used to the IRP and explore the other plays of Federico García Lorca. Worksheet with al the information for students and activities. . If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me: gimenez.srta@gmail.com
AQA New A Level Spanish La efectividad de las manifestaciones y las huelgas

AQA New A Level Spanish La efectividad de las manifestaciones y las huelgas

Lessons on the effectivity on demonstrations and strikes to accompany with AQA Spanish textbook by OUP. This includes a Power Point Presentation (18 slides) with summary, translations, speaking and activities. It also has a worksheet for the students. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me: gimenez.srta@gmail.com
AQA New AS/A Level Spanish La identidad regional: Tradiciones y costumbres

AQA New AS/A Level Spanish La identidad regional: Tradiciones y costumbres

. An introduction lesson on the Spanish regional identity with worksheet for students. . Power Point (15 slides) on Traditions in Spain with a different range of activities to explore the topic and worksheet for the students to follow the lessons. . Power Point (10 slides) with present subjunctive explanation and a song as well as worksheet for the students. . This is to be accompanied with AQA Spanish textbook by OUP. . If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me: