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I am an English teacher and SENDCo in my 9th year of teaching. I am an English and American Literature and Creative Writing specialist but have taught across a range of areas within English, Media Studies and SEND. I also have my MissC YouTube channel for English revision videos for students! Please subscribe and support. Feel free to message me directly with any video or resource requests! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZ0s1bwC0V6qohf-YBtWyvw




I am an English teacher and SENDCo in my 9th year of teaching. I am an English and American Literature and Creative Writing specialist but have taught across a range of areas within English, Media Studies and SEND. I also have my MissC YouTube channel for English revision videos for students! Please subscribe and support. Feel free to message me directly with any video or resource requests! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZ0s1bwC0V6qohf-YBtWyvw
Showing Not Telling - Descriptive Writing

Showing Not Telling - Descriptive Writing

A 23 slide PowerPoint on ‘show not tell’ description to engage the reader as well as exploration of a variety of engaging sentence types and openers. Includes: Defining ‘show not tell’. Activity exploring its use and effectiveness in a piece of writing. Activity for students to compare the use of different ‘show not tell’ description in exemplar texts. Engaging sentence opener examples. Activity for students to improve their sentence openers in order to engage a reader. A plenary that consolidates learning surrounding ‘show not tell’ and engaging sentence structures and types.
Poem Analysis- 'Disabled' by Wilfred Owen

Poem Analysis- 'Disabled' by Wilfred Owen

An analysis lesson for Wilfred Owen’s famous poem ‘Disabled’. Includes differentiated tasks and full annotations. Also includes a poetry analysis checklist and revision material for how to analyse a poem. Easily adaptable, challenging and engaging for pupils of KS3 and KS4!
Topic Sentences & Thesis Statements

Topic Sentences & Thesis Statements

A 22 slide PowerPoint on thesis statements and topic sentences, understanding them, their importance and how to use them in preparation for extended writing. Includes: Strong and weak exemplar thesis statements. Strong and weak exemplar topic sentences. The ingredients of a thesis statement and its location within an essay. The ingredients of a topic sentences and its location within an essay. How to use both. The differences between topic sentences and thesis statements. An activity on how to spot a strong and weak thesis statement and topic sentence. An activity allowing students to provide their own revision resource for topic sentences and thesis statements.
Persuasive Writing

Persuasive Writing

A 33 slide lesson on Persuasive writing using DAFOREST TECHNIQUES, asking students to identify persuasive techniques within a model paragraphs and create their own persuasive text before assessing. Easily editable and adaptable but ideally suited to KS3-KS4. Also included, all related resources.
Film Review Writing

Film Review Writing

A 10 slide PowerPoint exploring the ingredients of a solid and engaging film review. Includes an activity for students to analyse a model film review on Bond movie ‘SkyFall’ and a template/plan to begin creating their own! Suitable for primary and secondary age students of both English and Media Studies
'Book Ninjas' Library Tasks

'Book Ninjas' Library Tasks

30 engaging tasks for students to complete in the library. I created these little library challenge cards for my boys group who really engaged with them! The idea is that ninjas are silent and focused and a class in the library should be too. These vary in ability and challenge and be easily adapted! Suitable for KS2 or KS3!
'An Inspector Calls' - Dramatic Devices

'An Inspector Calls' - Dramatic Devices

A detailed 19 slide PowerPoint lesson on dramatic devices employed by J.B. Priestley within 'An Inspector Calls. Includes a list of dramatic devices within the play as well as tasks for students to identify and analyse devices independently. Lesson ends in questions for students to respond to using a P.E.A. structure (colour coded for difficulty).
The Color Purple - Context

The Color Purple - Context

A 15 slide PowerPoint on the contextual background (historical, religious and social) for Alice Walker’s ‘The Color Purple’. Includes questions for consideration and facts surrounding slavery in America. Concludes with a list of key vocabulary for students to learn.
Poem Analysis- 'Prayer before Birth' by Louis Macneice

Poem Analysis- 'Prayer before Birth' by Louis Macneice

A 12 slide lesson on Louis Macneice’s poem ‘Prayer before Birth’ with line by line annotation, and analysis of linguistic and structural features employed by the poet. Also includes a poetry analysis checklist for students to complete, questions to promote student response and a how-to on analysing an unseen poem. Easily adaptable and suitable for KS3/KS4!
Poem Analysis - 'The British' by Benjamin Zephaniah

Poem Analysis - 'The British' by Benjamin Zephaniah

A 21 slide PowerPoint lesson analysing Zephaniah’s poem ‘The British’ - includes thought-provoking questions, engaging video clips and tasks for students to complete in response to the poem. Easily adaptable and suitable for KS2/KS3!
Poetry Analysis - 'If' by Rudyard Kipling

Poetry Analysis - 'If' by Rudyard Kipling

A 24 slide PowerPoint exploring and analysing Rudyard Kipling’s poem ‘If’. With contextual detail surrounding the lives of Kipling and those who influenced him, including his son John. Includes a break down of the stanzas and message behind the poem. Suitable for all ages!
Poetic Devices

Poetic Devices

A 23 slide PowerPoint on poetic devices and their effect on the reader. Includes: Examples of simile, metaphor, personification, repetition, imagery, onomatopoeia, rhyme and alliteration. Exploration of their effect on the reader. Exploration of why the writer may choose to employ that device in their poem specifically. Activity for students to analyse an unseen poem for poetic techniques - Merrill Glass - 'But you didn't'.
Poem Analysis - 'Havisham' by Carol Ann Duffy

Poem Analysis - 'Havisham' by Carol Ann Duffy

Includes a 15 slide PowerPoint on Duffy’s poem ‘Havisham’. Includes detailed annotation of the poem as well as key themes and questions for students to complete as independent study. Also includes a poetry study checklist and advice on how to approach reading a poem. Engaging and thought-provoking lessons for KS3 and KS4. Easily adaptable for ability!
Creative Writing - The Storm

Creative Writing - The Storm

Engaging lesson on creative writing in which the students describe a storm. Includes snippets of other writing to analyse for linguistic/structural techniques used for effect and to engage a reader. Includes interesting adjectives list and model written piece with questions for students to analyse. Suitable for KS2-KS3!
Writing a successful Newspaper article

Writing a successful Newspaper article

A free resource detailing the criteria for writing a successful newspaper article. Also includes an activity for students to analyse a sample article and identify the WHO WHAT WHERE WHY WHEN and HOW key information.
Creative Writing - Message in a Bottle

Creative Writing - Message in a Bottle

Engaging lesson on creative writing in which the students create a message in a bottle. Includes snippets of other writing to analyse for linguistic/structural techniques used for effect and to engage a reader. Includes interesting adjectives list and model written piece with questions for students to analyse. Suitable for KS2-KS3!
Poem Analysis - 'Out Out' by Robert Frost

Poem Analysis - 'Out Out' by Robert Frost

A 16 slide PowerPoint on Robert Frost’s poem ‘Out Out’ with differentiated questions for pupils to respond to and full analysis and annotation of the poem. Easily adaptable for different abilities, this lesson is challenging, engaging and thought provoking! Suitable for KS3/KS4.
Exciting Adjectives List

Exciting Adjectives List

An alphabetical list of interesting and alternative adjectives for students to use to develop their vocabulary. Suitable for all ages. Can be easily differentiated