Resources for busy teachers of Maths and PE. In most cases you can just download, print and teach! If you would like to purchase more than one product at a time and there is not a bundle for it email me for a custom bundle to get 15% off the total price at
Resources for busy teachers of Maths and PE. In most cases you can just download, print and teach! If you would like to purchase more than one product at a time and there is not a bundle for it email me for a custom bundle to get 15% off the total price at
These self-checking, no-prep printable maze worksheets will give KS3 students a fun way to practise Solving One Step Equations (with multiplying and dividing only). These maths mazes can be used for class work, warm-ups, additional practise, homework or you can give them to early finishers.
★3 mazes (labelled at the bottom left)
★Answer Key for each maze
★Easy to use
★At least 9 questions for students to answer
★Mark at a glance
★Full solutions
This is a more engaging way of reviewing solving equations. It is great because students can self-check the answers and most of the time they don’t realise they are answering multiple questions.
Students work their way through the maze, coloring the correct answers and following the path to the next question.
Other resources you might like
Solving 1 Step Equations Maths Maze Activity - Adding and Subtracting
Solving 1 Step Equations Maths Maze Activity
Excel workbook that randomises numbers to create a limitless supply of questions that can be copied and pasted into worksheets or lessons.
-percentage of amounts for calculator and non calculator
-percentage decrease
-percentage increase
-what was the original total?
Press F9 to refresh the numbers.
This hockey lesson is a comprehensive lesson plan for passing and receiving skills for more advanced hockey players. It will be most appropriate for teaching to a group with two units of hockey experience e.g. year 9. Skills included: receiving the ball from the left and right, receiving the ball on the reverse.
This lesson was created to save time for busy teachers and is made so teachers with little/no hockey experience can teach it just as well as those with lots. You should be able to teach a lesson with minimal preparation and I made these so in most cases they can be just picked up and taught.
All lessons have levelled outcomes. The levels are the old national curriculum levels 3-8 however they are easily editable and changeable to your own assessment levels.
Each lesson has assessment levels, diagrams, links to skill videos, differentiation , clear teaching points and afl opportunities. As well as clear explanations of the tasks. There are no timings included as each school can vary in terms of lesson time. They should provide enough tasks for lessons of 40 minutes and above.
If you need a whole SOW for year 9 please click here
Click here for other hockey lesson plans
An excel workbook that has a limitless supply of the following type of questions :
1 step equations, adding, multiplying, subtracting and dividing
2 step equations.
A massive time saver for teachers, you'll never have to make up your own questions again. Perfect for worksheets or powerpoints. If you press F9 all the numbers will randomise and the answers will recalculate so you have a limitless amount of questions to copy and paste!
This mystery picture colour by number will give students lots of practice of simplifying ratios. The Picture will reveal a slice of pizza. Automatic marking and colouring make this activity perfect for homework or home learning and students will be engaged from start to finishing wondering what the picture is!
Skills include simplifying integer ratios with 2 or 3 parts.
Check out the preview video for an example!
Students answer each question. For the ones they get correct the square next to it will go green and part of the mystery picture will automatically be revealed. Once the student gets all the answers correct they will reveal the entire picture.
This product includes:
★ A PDF with the link to the simplifying ratios digital activity for use on Google Sheets (24 questions included)
★ Answers, instructions and T&Cs (also on the PDF)
This is a Google Drive Activity for Google Sheets. When you purchase this product you will be given access to a link that will allow you make your own copy and open the file in Google Sheets. You’ll then be able to share that file with your students. Please DO NOT share my Google Drive link with your students, you need to make your own copy on your own Google Drive to share with them. I can’t grant edit access to my file if your student asks. This resource is not appropriate for students who like to print off their work and write by hand.
Any technical issues/problems please email me at rather than leaving a review as I will be able to sort it out a lot easier.
Please carefully read the terms of use before purchasing.
Terms and conditions:
This is a license for individual educational use only by the original purchaser. The purchaser has permission to make a copy of this resource for their own classroom use. Electronic distribution is limited to the purchasers class(es) only. The reproduction of all or any of the content, pixel art, formulas, the format or any of the questions of this product for any other use is strictly prohibited.
These self-checking, no-prep printable maze worksheets will give KS3 students a fun way to practise Solving One Step Equations (with adding and subtracting only). These maths mazes can be used for class work, warm-ups, additional practise, homework or you can give them to early finishers.
★3 mazes (labelled at the bottom left)
★Answer Key for each maze
★Easy to use
★At least 9 questions for students to answer
★Mark at a glance
★Full solutions
This is a more engaging way of reviewing solving equations. It is great because students can self-check the answers and most of the time they don’t realise they are answering multiple questions.
Students work their way through the maze, coloring the correct answers and following the path to the next question.
Other resources you might like
Solving 1 Step Equations Maths Maze Activity
An A4 differentiated gymnastics balance task card students can use in a gymnastics lesson on balances or routines to copy the group of 5+ balances from. Easiest to hardest: Green, Yellow, Red , Purple. There is at least one balance for groups of 5, 6, 7, and 8.
I would only suggest purple to those that are really competent gymnasts and have done some sports acro before - otherwise lots of support would be required. I also would suggest support for those attempting red if they do not have a gymnastics background.
Recommendations for use:
Give each group a copy of the resource and they can self differentiate
Give each group a copy and give them a colour to try based on their ability
Ask students to pick a balance and change one of the positions to create a new balance and show the class
Get students to adapt the balances for apparatus
Need other gymnastics balances? Click here
Please email me at if you would like a custom gymnastics balances product or bundle.
4 Stations/task cards for individual gymnastics balances. Useful in a lesson on balance or routines and great for independent work.There is a standing balances station, a kneeling and sitting balances station, a inverted balances station and a support balances station. There are enough balances on each station card to cater to complete beginners and for experienced gymnasts.
Colour and black and white versions included (to save on ink).
Recommendations for use:
Set up 4 different stations around the room and give students set times on each station then move them on (think circuit)
Split the group into 4 and give each group a station card - swap them over as needed
Place the balances in a central position and get students to pick on balance from each station that they should link together into a short sequence
Give to a non doer for them to see if their peers are accurately replicating the balances
Need other gymnastics balances? Click here
A Bundle of my 2 most popular Halloween multiplication activities - mazes and colour by number in a discounted bundle.
Lots more halloween resources here
This Halloween maths codebreaker uses skills learnt in ordering decimals, substutition, length conversions and coordiantes to reveal halloween jokes. Make your students feel like a spy trying to crack a code in a fun and novel way for students to practise ordering decimals, substitution, metric length conversions and coordinates in all 4 quadrants.
Each skill has a different sheet, so there are 4 total worksheets all with awesome Halloween clip art and answers included. The skills included here are normally covered in year 7 but could be used for any year group as a fun consolidation.
Students need to answer the questions and find each corresponding letters in order to reveal a halloween joke. Great starter for lessons or to give to early finishers.
Suggestions for use:
Give to students to do by themselves (self differentiated or teacher chooses)
Give for homework
Use as a collaborative task - (pairs/3s work out a column each)
See here for a FREE Halloween codebreaker that uses multiplcation skills.
If you would like more Halloween themed maths activities please click here.
This is a great, engaging activity for a lesson on roman numerals. Skills covered are converting from roman numerals to normal numbers and converting from normal numbers to roman numerals. Great for end of lesson consolidation, early finishers, homework or a starter . Especially if you want students to practise and consolidate roman numeral conversions without using a traditional worksheet.
This activity is great because students can check their own answers as they go through and most of the time they don’t realise they are answering multiple questions.
This product includes 8 unique mazes with full solutions:
Converting from roman numerals to ordinary numbers up to 10
Converting from ordinary numbers to roman numerals up to 20
Converting from roman numerals to ordinary numbers in multiples of 10
Converting from ordinary numbers to roman numerals in multiples of 10
Converting from roman numerals to ordinary numbers up to 100 x 2
Converting from ordinary numbers to roman numerals up to 100 x 2
Students work their way through the maze, coloring the correct answers and following the path to the next question.
Full solutions included.
Adding and subtracting negative numbers mazes. 8 mazes with full solutions are included, great for use in a lesson on negative numbers when you don’t want to use traditional worksheets. Skills include positive subtract positive, negative subtract positive, negative add positive, negative add negative, subtracting a negative and a mixture. This is a fun way for students to consolidate adding and subtracting negative numbers.
This activity is great because students can self-check the answers and most of the time they don’t realise they are answering multiple questions.
Included in this product:
1 x positive subtract positive maze
1 x negative subtract positive maze
1 x negative add positive maze
1 x negative add negative maze
1 x subtracting a negative maze
3 x mixtures of the above mazes
Recommended uses for this activity
★a revison tool for students who have complete a unit on negative numbers
★A task for quick finishers and more able students
★ A starter to check for prior learning
Students work their way through the maze, colouring the correct answers and following the path to the next question.
Click here for more negative number resources, including lessons worksheets and treasure hunts.
A set of differentiated treasure hunts. Answers included.
Please see here for a FREE version of the Blue treasure hunt.
The 3 levels of difficulty are:
• Blue (easy) - solve simultaneous equations where the coefficient of x OR y is 1. E.g.
10x + y = 4
8x + y = 25
•Gold (medium) - solve simultaneous equations where the coefficient of x OR y is a factor of the other x or y E.g.
4y + 7x = 117
2y + 2x = 40
•Red (harder) - solve simultaneous equations where x and y are random integers or decimals E.g.
4y - 3x = 34.5
6y + 5x = 56.5
This Christmas maths colour by numbers bundle will give students lots of practice of their times tables and division. A great seasonal activity to engage students this Christmas. Perfect activities for starters or reward for early finishers.
Students need to answer the questions and find which colour corresponds to the answers in order to reveal a Christmas picture. Fun Christmas clip art border included.
The pictures are:
⁂ Multiplication - Rudolph
⁂ Division -Christmas pudding
If you would like more Christmas themed maths activities please click here.
Circumference of circles treasure hunts. 3 different difficulties for circumference of circles included with these treasure hunts. Skills included are: finding the circumference when given the radius or diameter, finding the diameter or radius when given the circumference and finding the arc length and perimeter of sectors.
Updated - Changed some of the gold answers so they show the radius rather than the diameter of the circle.
Answers and pupil record cards included.
Please see herefor a free version of the blue treasure hunt.
The 3 levels of difficulty are:
• Blue (easy) -Find the circumference of a circle
•Gold (medium) - Find the diameter or radius when given the circumference
•Red (harder) - Find the arc length and perimeter of sectors
My other resources for circumference of a circle:
Differentiated worksheet on Circumference of circles
Circumference and parts of a circle whole lesson (download, print and teach)
This Christmas maths codebreaker uses skills learnt in multiplying 4 digits by 2 digits, Rounding to decimal places, rounding to significant figures and simplifying fractions to reveal Christmas jokes. Make your students feel like a spy trying to crack a code in a fun and novel way for students to practise rounding, multiplying and simplifying fractions.
UPDATED 16/12/19 - fixed the code box on rounding to decimal places. It was showing the incorrect on on the question sheet.
Each skill has a different sheet, so there are 4 total worksheets all with awesome Christmas clip art and answers included. The skills included here are normally taught/covered in lower KS3 but could be used for any year group as a fun consolidation.
Students need to answer the questions and find each corresponding letters in order to reveal a christmas joke. Great starter for lessons or to give to early finishers.
Suggestions for use:
Give to students to do by themselves (self differentiated or teacher chooses)
Give for homework
Use as a collaborative task - (pairs/3s work out a column each)
See here for a FREE Christmas codebreaker that uses multiplcation skills.
If you would like more Christmas themed maths activities please click here.
This is a lesson on function machines which includes a powerpoint, workbook and treasure hunt. Objectives include finding outputs of function machines, inputs of function machines(using inverse operations), operations and creating expressions using function machines.
This is a time saving resource for busy teachers. You should be able to teach a lesson with hardly any preparation (mainly printing).
Fully differentiated objectives:
Blue: Find the output of a function machine
Gold:Use inverse operations to find the input of a function machine
Red:Find the operations of a function machine
Challenge (Purple): Use function machines to create expressions
This resource includes:
• A PowerPoint
• A differentiated Work booklet that includes self-assessment sections
•A treasure hunt for using inverse operations to find the input of a function machine
• Full answers
The PowerPoint includes the following format:
• Objective and levels
• A “how to teaching portion” with animated examples
•A miniwhiteboard AFL check
•Answers to the booklet questions
• Plenary (with answers)
You can input your own grades to reflect your own schools assessment criteria. In the word booklet (in the first table) if you input a grade (e.g the blue section) it should automatically change the rest of that colour into the same grade.
This will take up a whole lesson at least.
Click Here for more function machines resources. Including worksheets and treasure hunts.
This is a powerpoint and workbooklet for constructions and accurate drawings where students will learn how to recap how to construct lines, angles, circles and triangles using a ruler and protractor. Then they will move onto constructing perpendicular bisectors and angles.
This is a time saving resource for busy teachers. You should be able to teach a lesson with hardly any preparation (mainly printing and maybe some cutting!).
Fully differentiated objectives:
Blue: Draw accurate lines, angles, circles and triangles (using ruler and protractor)
Gold:Construct perpendicular bisectors (including through a point)
Red:Construct angle bisectors
Challenge (Purple): construct a triangle using a compass (this is not on the powerpoint and is an independent task for students to see if they can work it out)
This resource includes:
• A PowerPoint
• A differentiated Work booklet that includes self-assessment sections
• Answers ( I recommend printing them onto tracing paper as it is very easy to mark then!)
• 3 foldable how to guides for how to do constructions (perpendicular bisector, perpendicular bisector through a point, angle bisector). This is for students to have some independent learning/to help with revision in place of putting it all on the powerpoints. See the preview pictures for what they look like.
The PowerPoint includes the following format (watch the preview video Here):
• Objective and levels
• A “how to teaching portion” with animated examples
• Plenary (with answers)
Print off the 3 per page foldables on different colours for different topics (see the cover image for an example) -This will involve some extra preparation from the teacher
Print off the 3 topics on one page foldables on white and students can colour the titles in and cut out the foldables themselve - less preparation for the teacher
The powerpoint and booklet are currently set up for GCSE maths grades, however you can edit the grades to reflect KS3 or your own schools assessment criteria. In the word booklet if you change any grade (e.g the blue section) it should automatically change the rest of that colour into the same grade.
This will take up a whole lesson at least.
This Halloween maths transformations activity will give students lots of practice at different types of transformations using a halloween theme! Skills include – Translations using vectors, rotations, reflections in a y= or x= line and enlargements (fractional and positive). Help your students to engage with transformations this seasonal Halloween activity!
☠Howling wolf
☠ Cat
☠ Zombie
☠ witches hat
All answers are included.
If you would like more Halloween themed maths activities please click here.
A set of function machines worksheets. Skills covered are finding the output of a function machine, finding the input of a function machine using the inverse operations, finding the operations of a function machine and writing an expression from a function machine. There are approximately 34 questions per difficulty in these worksheets. Each topic is colour coded by difficulty. Full solutions included in the same format as the questions to make it easier to mark!
Difficulties include
★ Blue (easy) Finding the output of a function machine with 2 operations
★ Gold (medium) - Finding the input of a function machine by using inverse operations
★ Red (Hard) Finding the operations of a function machine
★ Purple (challenge) - - Writing the algebraic expression from a function machine
See here for more function machines resources, including lessons, worksheets and treasure hunts.