Resources for busy teachers of Maths and PE. In most cases you can just download, print and teach! If you would like to purchase more than one product at a time and there is not a bundle for it email me for a custom bundle to get 15% off the total price at
Resources for busy teachers of Maths and PE. In most cases you can just download, print and teach! If you would like to purchase more than one product at a time and there is not a bundle for it email me for a custom bundle to get 15% off the total price at
Help your students to engage with these seasons Halloween maths activities. Skills covered currently include ordering decimals, transformations, tessellations, converting lengths, coordinates in 4 quadrants and substitution.
Included so far:
☠Halloween codebreakers on multiplication, decimals, substitution, converting lengths and coordinates
☠transformations mystery pictures
☠Colour by number x and divide(added 20/10 and 23/10/18)
☠Mazes - multiplication (added 24/10/18)
☠Treasure hunt - multiplication (added 29/10/18)
☠Bingo - timestables (added 29/10/18)
If you purchase this bundle now you will get all future updates for free. Every time something new is added the price will increase, so grab yourself a bargain now! Please note - No new products will be added until 2019
If you have previously bought this product and you cannot download the additional items in the bundle please email me at
A set of Treasure hunts with questions on the Order of Operations (BIDMAS/BODMAS) for students to complete in class. Skills covered include - using order of operations without brackets or indices, using it with brackets and using it with indices. Answers and student record cards included.
The 3 levels of difficulty that have been included:
★★Blue(easy):Know and use the order of operations with simple calculations (no brackets)
★Gold(medium):Use the order of operations with more complex calculations including brackets
★Red(hard):Use the order of operations with more complex calculations including brackets and indices
See here for more BIDMAS resources, including powerpoint lessons, worksheets and codebreaker activities.
This rounding to the nearest ten BINGO activity is a really fun way of practising rounding. Skills include rounding numbers from 1 million to 10 million to the nearest ten.
Show the questions on a Smart Board or projector. Your students will love it and won’t realise how many questions they are answering!
Try out a Rounding BINGO for free here.
This product includes:
★ A PowerPoint display with instructions, student choice bingo numbers and 40 questions
★All 40 numbers on screen for students to make their own 4 by 4 grid and pick their own numbers (saves on printing)
★32 unique student cards (4 per page of paper to save on printing)
★ Answers for the teacher to check if students have crossed off the right numbers!
This rounding maths bingo is useful for revision, prior learning checks, assessment for learning activities, a starter, a plenary or just a fun activity at the end of the lesson.
Click here for more rounding activities, including mazes, dominos and treasure hunts.
This Valentine’s day themed colour by number will give students lots of practice of finding the mean, median, mode and range. A great seasonal activity to engage students this Valentine’s. The Picture will reveal an Emoji with Love Hearts! Great for display!
Use as a plenary, for early finishers or a fun activity. It’s also great if you want students to practice and consolidate finding the mean, median, mode and range without using a traditional worksheet.
All the squares have a number in them and students need to answer the question and colour in all the squares that correspond to their answer, in the colour given, in order to reveal an emoji. There is also a clip art border for students to color in.
This product includes:
♥A Color by Number sheet
♥2 question sheets with space for workings
♥An Answer sheet for teachers
♥♥ Find other Valentine’s Day Maths resources here ♥♥
This Valentine’s day themed colour by number will give students lots of practice of finding the area of rectangles, triangles, trapezium and parallelograms. A great seasonal activity to engage students this Valentine’s. The Picture will reveal an Emoji with Love Hearts! Great for display!
Use as a plenary, for early finishers or a fun activity. It’s also great if you want students to practice and consolidate finding area without using a traditional worksheet.
All the squares have a number in them and students need to find the area of the given shape and colour in all the squares that correspond to their answer, in the colour given, in order to reveal an emoji. There is also a clip art border for students to color in.
This product includes:
♥A Color by Number sheet
♥2 question sheets with space for workings
♥An Answer sheet for teachers
♥♥ Find other Valentine’s Day Maths resources here ♥♥
This Valentine’s day themed colour by number will give students lots of practice of substituting into expresssions. A great seasonal activity to engage students this Valentine’s. The Picture will reveal an Emoji. Great for display! Skills include substituting values that are positive and negative using a variety of operations.
Use as a plenary, for early finishers or a fun activity. It’s also great if you want students to practice and consolidate substituting into expressions without using a traditional worksheet.
All the squares have a number in them and students need to evaluate the expression and colour in all the squares that correspond to their answer, in the colour given, in order to reveal an emoji. There is also a clip art border for students to color in.
This product includes:
♥A Color by Number sheet
♥1 question sheet with space for workings
♥An Answer sheet for teachers
♥♥ Find other Valentine’s Day Maths resources here ♥♥
This mystery picture colour by number will give students lots of practice of simplifying ratios. The Picture will reveal a slice of pizza. Automatic marking and colouring make this activity perfect for homework or home learning and students will be engaged from start to finishing wondering what the picture is!
Skills include simplifying integer ratios with 2 or 3 parts.
Check out the preview video for an example!
Students answer each question. For the ones they get correct the square next to it will go green and part of the mystery picture will automatically be revealed. Once the student gets all the answers correct they will reveal the entire picture.
This product includes:
★ A PDF with the link to the simplifying ratios digital activity for use on Google Sheets (24 questions included)
★ Answers, instructions and T&Cs (also on the PDF)
This is a Google Drive Activity for Google Sheets. When you purchase this product you will be given access to a link that will allow you make your own copy and open the file in Google Sheets. You’ll then be able to share that file with your students. Please DO NOT share my Google Drive link with your students, you need to make your own copy on your own Google Drive to share with them. I can’t grant edit access to my file if your student asks. This resource is not appropriate for students who like to print off their work and write by hand.
Any technical issues/problems please email me at rather than leaving a review as I will be able to sort it out a lot easier.
Please carefully read the terms of use before purchasing.
Terms and conditions:
This is a license for individual educational use only by the original purchaser. The purchaser has permission to make a copy of this resource for their own classroom use. Electronic distribution is limited to the purchasers class(es) only. The reproduction of all or any of the content, pixel art, formulas, the format or any of the questions of this product for any other use is strictly prohibited.
This mystery picture colour by number will give students lots of practice of scaling up a ratio. The Picture will reveal a slice of pizza. Automatic marking and colouring make this activity perfect for homework or home learning and students will be engaged from start to finishing wondering what the picture is!
Skills include scaling up ratios with 2 parts. Example questions include:
★ A tiled floor has black and white tiles in the ratio 3:10. If there are 50 white tiles, how many black tiles are there?
★ The ages of a mother and son are in the ratio 5:2. If the mother is 35, how old is the son?
★IMPORTANT★ Students only need to put in the numerical answer. If they put in the units it will be marked incorrect.
Check out the preview video for an example!
Students answer each question. For the ones they get correct the square next to it will go green and part of the mystery picture will automatically be revealed. Once the student gets all the answers correct they will reveal the entire picture.
This product includes:
★ A PDF with the link to the simplifying ratios digital activity for use on Google Sheets (24 questions included)
★ Answers, instructions and T&Cs (also on the PDF)
This is a Google Drive Activity for Google Sheets. When you purchase this product you will be given access to a link that will allow you make your own copy and open the file in Google Sheets. You’ll then be able to share that file with your students. Please DO NOT share my Google Drive link with your students, you need to make your own copy on your own Google Drive to share with them. I can’t grant edit access to my file if your student asks. This resource is not appropriate for students who like to print off their work and write by hand.
Any technical issues/problems please email me at rather than leaving a review as I will be able to sort it out a lot easier.
Please carefully read the terms of use before purchasing.
Terms and conditions:
This is a license for individual educational use only by the original purchaser. The purchaser has permission to make a copy of this resource for their own classroom use. Electronic distribution is limited to the purchasers class(es) only. The reproduction of all or any of the content, pixel art, formulas, the format or any of the questions of this product for any other use is strictly prohibited.
This Valentine’s day themed colour by number will give students lots of practice of finding the Highest Common Factor and Lowest Common Multiple. A great seasonal activity to engage students this Valentine’s. The Picture will reveal an Emoji with Love Heart eyes! Great for display!
Use as a plenary, for early finishers or a fun activity. It’s also great if you want students to practice and consolidate finding the HCF and LCM without using a traditional worksheet.
All the squares have a number in them and students need to answer the question and colour in all the squares that correspond to their answer, in the colour given, in order to reveal an emoji. There is also a clip art border for students to color in.
This product includes:
♥A Color by Number sheet
♥A question sheet with space for workings
♥An Answer sheet for teachers
♥♥ Find other Valentine’s Day Maths resources here ♥♥
These self-checking, no-prep printable maze worksheets will give KS3 students a fun way to practise Solving One Step Equations (with adding and subtracting only). These maths mazes can be used for class work, warm-ups, additional practise, homework or you can give them to early finishers.
★3 mazes (labelled at the bottom left)
★Answer Key for each maze
★Easy to use
★At least 9 questions for students to answer
★Mark at a glance
★Full solutions
This is a more engaging way of reviewing solving equations. It is great because students can self-check the answers and most of the time they don’t realise they are answering multiple questions.
Students work their way through the maze, coloring the correct answers and following the path to the next question.
Other resources you might like
Solving 1 Step Equations Maths Maze Activity
A poster with pictures with the following formulae on:
Circumference of a circle
Length of an arc
Area of a circle
Area of a sector
Volume of a cone
Volume of a sphere
Volume of a cylinder
Surface area of a cone
Surface area of a sphere
Surface area of a cylinder
There are 4 of the same picture on a page. I have used these as flash cards for pupils to remind them of the rules used in the lesson. They are pictures with ticks and crosses on for right use of the rule.
For the AQA new specification for GCSE PE but just as useful for any other specification.
Drag and drop- drag the bone names to the correct location, students playing this will be scored on how many attempts they take for each bone. There is also the facility to print so students can print it off and bring in the evidence of homework.
Locations and names - answer 10 random questions about the location and names of bones. Scored out of 10.
Flash required.
A task sheet that pupils can work through at their own pace. I have made pupils go into pairs with people of their own standard for this. I have used this as an introduction to badminton, and also as a warm up for pupils who are more experienced.
Find the area of a circle treasure hunt
Treasure hunt to find the area of a circle.
These could be used as follows:
★Printed on A4 and placed around the room for an active task
★Printed 4 on one sheet and used individually on desks used as loop cards
These cards include the following objectives:
★Finding the area of a circle (blue)
There are 10 different cards and student record cards. They should write the letter of the card they visited into the box, they should then write the letter of the next card they visit in the next box, following the arrows.
All answers included.
*** Other products you might like***
★Area of a circle worksheets
★Area of a circle flash cards
★Differentiated area of a circle task cards
A fun 10 card treasure hunts for a function machines lesson. Skills covered are: writing an expression from a function machine. Student record card and solutions included. Use as a starter for a lesson on writing expressions, solving equations or as AFL/ a plenary for a lesson on function machines.
Difficulties include
★ Purple (challenge) - - Writing the algebraic expression from a function machine
Students need to start on any random card and note down the letter on their recording card (first page). They answer the question on that card then find another card that has the answer on (they then note down that letter and so on).
Suggestions for use:
★Print them off on A4 and scatter them around the room (students love getting out of their seats!)
★Print the cards off 4 to a page and give them to students individually to do on their desk
See here for more function machines resources, including lessons and other treasure hunts.