Punctuation people literacy resource. All punctuation marks included have a character name and explanation. Colour coded for easy matching.
This resource is free however if you find it useful and would like to purchase a book or resource for my class you can do so following the link in my Instragram bio. If you decide to share this resource on social media please credit my Instagram (@MissFeeney) or Twitter (@MissFeeney20).
Display telling children what they should do when finished a task. Best used alongside a task board.
This resource is free however if you find it useful and would like to purchase a book or resource for my class you can do so via the link at the top of my profile . If you decide to share this resource on social media please credit my Instagram (@MissFeeney) or Twitter (@MissFeeney20).
Calendar display with dates, days and months. Pastel Rainbow design.
This resource is free however if you find it useful and would like to purchase a book or resource for my class you can do so via the link at the top of my profile. If you decide to share this resource on social media please credit my Instagram (@MissFeeney) or Twitter (@MissFeeney20).
Roald Dahl Day is on September 13th. Here is a bundle of activities I have created over the years to mark the occasion. Some documents contain links to other videos/websites that I am not affiliated with.
The Roald Dahl Day pack contains:
Roald Dahl Starter Task Slide
Roald Dahl Activity Grid
Matilda Lyrics Analysis - When I Grow Up (including questions and drawing task)
BFG Dream Jar STEM Experiment (lava lamps) - Powerpoint and Recording Sheet
I share my resources for free however if you find this resource useful and would like to purchase an Outdoor Learning resource or book for my class you can do so by following the link on my Instagram. We are very grateful for any gifts we receive.
If you decide to share this resource on social media please credit my Instagram (@MissFeeney) or Twitter (@MissFeeney20)
A range of fixed mindset phrases and their growth mindset equivalent. I added my Bitmoji to mine, however I have removed this for the downloadable version.
This resource is free however if you find it useful and would like to purchase a book or resource for my class you can do so via the link on my Instagram. If you decide to share this resource on social media please credit my Instagram (@MissFeeney) or Twitter (@MissFeeney20).
Insta-credible work display resource. Mini cameras can be attached to pegs to allow children to ‘request a selfie’ with their work. Can be printed on white or coloured paper.
This resource is free however if you find it useful and would like to purchase a book or resource for my class you can do so via the link on my Instagram. If you decide to share this resource on social media please credit my Instagram (@MissFeeney) or Twitter (@MissFeeney20).
This download includes:
Blank weekly template that you can edit to create your own starter slides
Full term’s worth of starter slides with a choice of 3 tasks per day, positive quotes, riddles, kindness challenges and space for important information.
I have used this format of starter tasks with my previous class and they enjoyed the element of choice it gave them. Each day there is the choice of a spelling starter, maths starter and challenge starter.
Original Fonts used: AMATIC, AMATIC SC and Sassoon Primary.
This resource is free however if you find it useful and would like to purchase a book or resource for my class you can do so via the linktree on my Instagram. If you decide to share this resource on social media please credit my Instagram (@MissFeeney) or Twitter (@MissFeeney20).
Fully editable Ideal as a first day/week back activity. Children can work individually, with partners or as a class to crack the code. Mixture of maths and literacy problem solving puzzles - aimed at CfE 2nd level/KS2 but template can be edited. I have removed some parts of my original due to having personal information relating to my school.
This resource is free however if you find it useful and would like to purchase a book or resource for my class you can do so via the link in my Instagram bio. If you decide to share this resource on social media please credit my Instagram (@MissFeeney) or Twitter (@MissFeeney20).
This ‘All About iPhone’ resource is great for first week back/getting to know you activities. 2 versions available - basic version with 9 boxes about me and fold out version for more information. Word and PDF versions available - Fully Editable
This resource is free however if you find it useful and would like to purchase a book or resource for my class you can do so via the link on my Instagram. If you decide to share this resource on social media please credit my Instagram (@MissFeeney) or Twitter (@MissFeeney20).
The Greatest Showman inspired getting to know you resource. Ideal for first week back activities. Allows the children to express themselves however they choose.
This resource is free however if you find it useful and would like to purchase a book or resource for my class you can do so via the link in my Instagram. If you decide to share this resource on social media please credit my Instagram (@MissFeeney) or Twitter (@MissFeeney20).
This display can be used to display a daily countdown challenge for children. Both numbers and letters version available.
This resource is free however if you find it useful and would like to purchase a book or resource for my class you can do so via the link in my Instagram bio. If you decide to share this resource on social media please credit my Instagram (@MissFeeney) or Twitter (@MissFeeney20).
Icebreaker game for first week back at school. To be played like ‘Would you rather’ - children to sit down or stand up to show their choice. PDF and Word version available so can be edited to suit your own class. Some fonts may need to be downloaded.
This resource is free however if you find it useful and would like to purchase a book or resource for my class you can do so via the link at the top of my profile… If you decide to share this resource on social media please credit my Instagram (@MissFeeney) or Twitter (@MissFeeney20).
This download includes:
Float away with a good book display lettering
Float away book club rules
Hot air balloon book club tickets
Positive book quotes on clouds
Can be used as a stand alone library display or incorporated into current library/reading area.
This resource is free however if you find it useful and would like to purchase a book or resource for my class you can do so via the link on my Instagram. If you decide to share this resource on social media please credit my Instagram (@MissFeeney) or Twitter (@MissFeeney20).
Camping themed class birthdays display. Children’s names can be written on the marshmallow templates and stuck onto correct birthday month.
Download includes:
12x tents with birthday months
campfire centre piece
8 to a page marshmallow template
Happy Birthday Campers lettering
This resource is free however if you find it useful and would like to purchase a book or resource for my class you can do so via the link at the top of my profile… If you decide to share this resource on social media please credit my Instagram (@MissFeeney) or Twitter (@MissFeeney20).
Dobby’s Class Jobs display resource. Display lettering and poster available as PDF. Editable template for different class jobs and children’s names on socks.
This resource is free however if you find it useful and would like to purchase a book or resource for my class you can do so via the link at the top of my profile… If you decide to share this resource on social media please credit my Instagram (@MissFeeney) or Twitter (@MissFeeney20).
A selection of book covers in different colours. Could be used to re-create hot air balloon book display or similar reading display.
This resource is free however if you find it useful and would like to purchase a book or resource for my class you can do so via the link at the top of my profile. If you decide to share this resource on social media please credit my Instagram (@MissFeeney) or Twitter (@MissFeeney20).
This download includes:
Blank weekly template that you can edit to create your own starter slides
2 months worth of starter slides with a choice of 3 tasks per day, positive quotes, riddles, kindness challenges and space for important information.
2 colour choices available: autumn tones or pastel rainbow.
I have used this format of starter tasks with my previous class and they enjoyed the element of choice it gave them. Each day there is the choice of a spelling starter, maths starter and challenge starter. Term 1 starter slides are also available on my TES (August to October).
Original Fonts used: AMATIC, AMATIC SC and Sassoon Primary.
This resource is free however if you find it useful and would like to purchase a book or resource for my class you can do so via the link at the top of my profile… If you decide to share this resource on social media please credit my Instagram (@MissFeeney) or Twitter (@MissFeeney20).
This download includes:
9 weeks worth of starter slides with a choice of 3 tasks per day: word of the week, maths starter and challenge starter
Daily positive quotes, riddles, kindness challenges and space for important information.
Pastel themed colour scheme
Blank weekly template that you can edit to create your own slides in 2 colour choices: pastels and neutrals
Term 1, Term 2 and Term 3 starter slides are also available on my TES as well as a Christmas set of slides.
Original Fonts used: AMATIC, AMATIC SC, Google Spies and Sassoon Infant.
I share my resources for free however if you find this resource useful and would like to purchase a book for my class you can do so via the link at the top of my profile… We are very grateful for any gifts we receive.
If you decide to share this resource on social media please credit my Instagram (@MissFeeney) or Twitter (@MissFeeney20).
This download includes:
Blank weekly template that you can edit to create your own starter slides
12 weeks worth of starter slides with a choice of 3 tasks per day: word of the week, maths starter and challenge starter
Daily positive quotes, riddles, kindness challenges and space for important information.
New winter themed colour palette
Term 1 and Term 2 starter slides are also available on my TES as well as a Christmas set of slides.
Original Fonts used: AMATIC, AMATIC SC, Google Spies and Sassoon Infant.
I share my resources for free however if you find this resource useful and would like to purchase a book for my class you can do so via the link at the top of my profile.
If you decide to share this resource on social media please credit my Instagram (@MissFeeney) or Twitter (@MissFeeney20).
This download includes:
Christmas themed starter slides for month of December
Each slide contains space for important information, daily fact/quote, countdown to Christmas, starter task and Christmas craft.
All fully editable
Term 1 and Term 2 starter slides are also available on my TES.
Original Fonts used: AMATIC, AMATIC SC and Sassoon Primary.
This resource is free however if you find it useful and would like to purchase a book or resource for my class you can do so via the link at the top of my profile. If you decide to share this resource on social media please credit my Instagram (@MissFeeney) or Twitter (@MissFeeney20).