A pick up and test lesson pack covering the divisibility test 9. Allows children to explore and sort numbers using a Venn diagram, and explore creating calculations that would give an answer that is divisible by 9. Could be explored in more depth over several lessons.
A comprehensive lesson pack with teaching tasks - starter/ main / plenary, a pupil starter task, two differentiated task sheets with two levels of extension questions. A pick up and teach pack.
A complete lesson pack to support teaching bar model and part whole models to support children's understanding. Complete lesson pack and children's tasks.
A 6 week bundle of morning starters or Minute Maths tasks, designed to be completed at the start of each day, allowing children time to practise calculation methods.
Children explore adding two numbers with different numbers of decimal places, and consider how to arrange digits in order to get close to a target number.
A huge bundle of resources to support reasoning within place value and number across KS2. Complete set of task cards for Promethean and Smart Notebook. Please note that there is the same resource in each format for each year group
A lovely investigation exploring the number of legs and heads with different combinations of animals. Contains scaffolding before introducing the big task.
A engaging lesson that explores finding the difference between negative and positive numbers using dice. Can be extended to finding the difference between 3 digit negative and positive numbers.