A whole lesson pack that could be extended over several lessons, includes whole input, worksheets and task cards that could be explored in further detail
An introduction to adding 4 digit numbers, linking to varied methods of understanding and recording, include whole lesson Notebook and worksheets and investigation in PDF and fully editable format.
A large selection of resources that can be used with children working towards age related expectations to greater depth. Huge range of activities to support using equipment, so will support children who find maths a challenge as well as confident mathematicians.
A whole lesson pack that allows children the opportunity to practise column addition. Comes with challenge card that allows the children to explore how to arrange numbers to change the vertileft total.
A whole lesson pack to support using number lines and multi link cubes to work out the missing number. Extends to finding missing numbers in calculation with more than one step e.g. 3+3+? = 20 for MA.
Children apply their addition skills in an investigation looking at how they can make the biggest possible sum using digit cards. This uses the standard written method.
A nice resources that introduces consecutive numbers and then introduces the investigation, can any counting number be made by adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing consecutive numbers, gives opportunity to explore brackets and negative number e.g. 6 = (1-2) + ( 3+4) A 13 page resource.
A Stone Age Themed resource to introduce adding two and three digit number, including words problems. Includes two levels of children's activities and challenge questions, finishing with a reasoning problem for the plenary. A 10 page resource that can be easily adapted to simplify to 2 digit numbers or extend to adding two 3 digit numbers.
Some nice activities to teach adding 2 digit to 3 digit numbers within a stone age context, using interactive place value counters to support calculating.262562