A complete bundle of resources to support introducing ratios, includes shading ratios, simplifying ratios, Smarites ratios and word problems involving ratios. Over 40 pages of teaching sequence resources and 7 pupil task sheets.
An ancient Egyptian complete lesson pack that is easily edited to simplify or extend depending on year groups. Comes with teacher's presentation and differentiated pupil tasks. A pick up and teach resource.
A complete lesson pack focussing on using the expanded column method, and investigation calculations that can be made using digit cards. An excellent stepping stone before using the column method.
A lesson bundle with teaching tasks and pupil tasks focussing on describing, comparing and sorting 3D shapes according their properties, with a focus on prisms. Could easily be extended over several lessons.
A large selection of lesson, including number and calculation work and investigations. Each lesson comes with complete lesson presentation and up to 5 pupil tasks. A substantial resource that will keep the children learning through the Christmas period. Lessons come in Smart and Promethean format and can be adapted to suit specific year groups.
A greate visual lesson pack that explores adding tenths using 10 frame, including adding tenths to make more than one whole. Children can practically use the ten frame and counters to support their working.