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MissR's Shop

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These resources span my career; from my period of teaching unqualified, through to an AST of English & Director of Teaching & Learning. Although my specialism is English, I have taught GCSE Citzienship, Language and Lit, Media Studies, Maths & History. I have also taught all of those at Key Stage 3, so there is an eclectic mix here. As the main trainer in my previous school, I have uploaded many insets and training session powerpoints too.




These resources span my career; from my period of teaching unqualified, through to an AST of English & Director of Teaching & Learning. Although my specialism is English, I have taught GCSE Citzienship, Language and Lit, Media Studies, Maths & History. I have also taught all of those at Key Stage 3, so there is an eclectic mix here. As the main trainer in my previous school, I have uploaded many insets and training session powerpoints too.
Amazing Places – Human / Physical Environment

Amazing Places – Human / Physical Environment

Amazing Places – Human / Physical Environment This is a full lesson PowerPoint that is ready to teach (with resources if applicable) – although you will wish to adapt it for your own context – it’s part of a Humanities curriculum that is taught to Year 7 pupils, so covers Geography, History and Literacy skills. There are a series of lessons that I have uploaded. They can be taught as a group, or as a standalone as each is an entire complete lesson. The L/Os for this lesson are: To know where Okavango delta is, and what impact it has on the human and physical environment
Germany GCSE History – Nazi Propaganda

Germany GCSE History – Nazi Propaganda

Germany GCSE History – Nazi Propaganda This is one of many lessons that I have uploaded on the history of Germany for GCSE pupils. All of the lessons can be taught together, but each covers a topic so can also be picked up separately. For ease of locating, the title stem is the same: 'Germany GCSE History -'. This is a full PowerPoint lesson, ready to teach, and any relevant resources are also uploaded with it. This lesson’s L/O: To describe how the Nazi Party changed between 1924-29 using propaganda
Introduction To History Scheme Of Work Lessons 1-8

Introduction To History Scheme Of Work Lessons 1-8

This is an old sceme of work from when I first started teaching History. Howevever, I am sharing it because it may help others to use as a springboard. I'll be honest, the lessons need some work in order to get to the kind of standards that we need today. However, if nothing else, they will be a starting point for ideas. The scheme covers what history is and these lessons are about Julius Ceaser and Elizabeth.
Lesson PP on Jews In Germany

Lesson PP on Jews In Germany

Full lesson PP on the persicution of the jewosh in germany with LOs:\n1. TO DEFINE KEY WORDS\n2. TO DESCRIBE THE DIFFERENT STAGES IN THE PERSECUTION OF JEWISH PEOPLE
Introduction To History Scheme  Lessons 8-End

Introduction To History Scheme Lessons 8-End

These are the remainder of the History unit on Introduction To History unit. The others - first 8, plus differentiated versions are also uploaded. I think they will only act as springboards and ideas, ad they will need some adapting.
Nazis & Their Opposition lesson PP

Nazis & Their Opposition lesson PP

This is a full lesson PP that is ready to teach, although you may wish to adapt it for you’re your own context. This lesson LO: To answer the question: Was military opposition to the Nazis during the war the only form of opposition
History Test review Lesson PP Hitler

History Test review Lesson PP Hitler

This is a full lesson PP that is ready to teach and , equally, it could be adapted and printed off as a review handout. This covers factors that enabled Hitler to become Chancellor.
10 Minute History Starter – Jewish Children

10 Minute History Starter – Jewish Children

10 Minute History Starter – Jewish Childre. These are a few PP slides that can be added to any History lesson to keep the exam topic fresh in students' minds after you have taught the unit. This starter gets students to review and practice extended respon
History Test Revision Lesson Nazi Power

History Test Revision Lesson Nazi Power

History Exam Review Lesson Nazi Power This is a full lesson PP that is ready to teach and, equally, it could be adapted and printed off as a revision booklet. This covers factors how the Nazis/Hitler consolidated their/his power in 1932-33
Germany GCSE History – Hitler’s Economic Policies

Germany GCSE History – Hitler’s Economic Policies

Germany GCSE History – Hitler’s Economic Policies This is one of many lessons that I have uploaded on the history of Germany for GCSE pupils. All of the lessons can be taught together, but each covers a topic so can also be picked up separately. For ease of locating, the title stem is the same: &qu More…ot;Germany GCSE History -'. This is a full PowerPoint lesson, ready to teach, and any relevant resources are also uploaded with it. This lesson’s LO: To be able to describe Hitler’s economic policies
Henry VIII - Hitting Level 5 - Explaining Marriage

Henry VIII - Hitting Level 5 - Explaining Marriage

This is one of many lessons that I have uploaded on Henry VIII for a KS3 History Group working at level 4/5. All of the lessons can be taught together but each covers a topic so can also be picked up separately. This is a full powerpoint lesson, ready to teach but you will want to adapt it / update it for your own context and any resources are also uploaded with it. This lesson shows pupils how to hit level 5 criteria by explaining why Henry got married so many times.
Holocaust Survivors - Their Story - Lesson PP

Holocaust Survivors - Their Story - Lesson PP

This is one of many lessons that I have uploaded on the rise of Hitler and Germany under his rule, this one has a focus on the Holocaust. This lesson is for Key Stage 3 pupils; year 9. All of the lessons can be taught together but each covers a topic so can also be picked up separately. This is a full powerpoint lesson, ready to teach but you will want to adapt it / update it for your own context and any resources are also uploaded with it. This lesson covers Holocaust survivors and their stories alongside the liberation of the camps.
WW1 Lesson PP – Enlisting and Recruiting

WW1 Lesson PP – Enlisting and Recruiting

WW1 Lesson PP – Enlisting and Recruiting This is one of several lessons that I have uploaded that covers WW1 for GCSE History pupils. All of the lessons can be taught together, but each covers a topic so can also be picked up separately. For ease of locating, the title stem is the same: ' WW1 Lesson PP'. This is a full PowerPoint lesson, ready to teach, but you will want to adapt it / update it for your own context and any resources are also uploaded with it. This lesson explores how people joined the army.
WW1 Lesson PP – Reality Of War

WW1 Lesson PP – Reality Of War

WW1 Lesson PP – Reality Of War This is one of several lessons that I have uploaded that covers WW1 for GCSE History pupils. All of the lessons can be taught together, but each covers a topic so can also be picked up separately. For ease of locating, the title stem is the same: ' WW1 Lesson PP'. This is a full PowerPoint lesson, ready to teach, but you will want to adapt it / update it for your own context and any resources are also uploaded with it. This lesson explores what life was like in the trenches.