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Miss Top's_MFL Shop

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Teacher of French and Spanish (French native) at Secondary level. Teaching towards real life, through GCSE Edexcel. What to expect: -> Quality lessons ->Scaffolded activity, increasing in challenge ->Differentiated activities within the lesson -> KS4: a Higher / Foundation lesson -> Spiral learning to support retrieval -> Dual coding to support memorisation -> exam skills with past papers where applicable Check out the French lesson on Jobs (free) to see an example of what to expect!




Teacher of French and Spanish (French native) at Secondary level. Teaching towards real life, through GCSE Edexcel. What to expect: -> Quality lessons ->Scaffolded activity, increasing in challenge ->Differentiated activities within the lesson -> KS4: a Higher / Foundation lesson -> Spiral learning to support retrieval -> Dual coding to support memorisation -> exam skills with past papers where applicable Check out the French lesson on Jobs (free) to see an example of what to expect!
French Theme 2 - Problems on holidays (Foundation)

French Theme 2 - Problems on holidays (Foundation)

Lesson aimed at a lower set of Yr11s and covering the problems that can happen on holidays (dirty hotel, lost items, broken limbs…) and what they had to do. A four-hour lesson. Lesson 1: Practice of ER verbs at the first person singular in the perfect tense, present tense, near future, future. Leads to mwb activity and a translation involving several tenses. Lesson 2: Introduction of various problem that happened during the holidays through reading (with reading / translation strategies). Practice through listening / translation. Lesson 3: Practice of previously introduced sentences (j’ai perdu mon passport) in a translation (extension: writing) and listening. Quick look into the imperfect tense to describe (c’était, il y avait…), then focus on vocabulary related to problems in a hotel (with recap of prior hotel vocab). Lesson 4: Vocab recap through translation game. Leads to a guided writing that includes vocabulary and tenses of the whole lesson. Leads to an open question writing.
French - Christmas letter to Santa (perfect tense)

French - Christmas letter to Santa (perfect tense)

Lettre au Père Noël Lesson aimed at a class of Year 9s, recapping the perfect tense, to write a letter to Father Christmas to say why you have been good this, what you did in school, at home, etc… With the website https://pere-noel.laposte.fr/ , students get to send their letter to La Poste to get an answer ! (Whilst I have taught this lesson, I have not received answers yet as it has been taught recently – dec 2023) 2 hour lesson. **Lesson 1 ** Recap and practice of the perfect tense. Study of a model of a letter. Lesson 2 Writing prep using vocab and verbs needed for the letter. Writing of the letter How to post it online to get a response Extra: send a drawing to a child in hopsital in France, with a note!
French Theme 2 - Transports, ticket booking & comparatives (Foundation)

French Theme 2 - Transports, ticket booking & comparatives (Foundation)

Lesson aimed at a higher set of Yr11s and covering the vocabulary of transports, leading to a role play on booking your own train ticket and giving your opinion on which means of transport you would rather travel in, using comparatives. A four-hour lesson. Lesson 1: Starts with chunks of sentences to do with transports (plane, car, train) such as “quai”, “guichet”, “aéroport” then introduces the discussion of a train ticket booking through a listening. Lesson 2: Study of questions of a ticket booking, model through a listening. Leads to a role play where each student has a different train ticket that they want to buy with different information on them (destination, time, platform number, single / return, etc…). Lesson 3: Study of 12 sentences with different tenses and the verb “voyager”. Recap of the comparative structure. Lesson 4: Recap of comparative and adding justifications as to why one transport has their preference over another. Leads to a guided writing.
French Theme 2 - Restaurant outing (Higher)

French Theme 2 - Restaurant outing (Higher)

Lesson aimed at a higher set of Yr11s and covering the vocabulary of food (recap), how to order food and take orders, and give your opinion about food. A four-hour lesson. Lesson 1: Tenses practice with “avoir” (imperfect, perfect tense, present tense, near future, future and conditional). Leads to a mwb activity then a translation mixing tenses with the following expressions: avoir faim avoir soif avoir besoin de avoir envie de Lesson 2: Practice of a dialog in a restaurant. Practice through translation of key sentences, reading and listening (differentiated worksheets available for the whole class to access the activity). Lesson 3: Focus on giving your opinion of a restaurant outing, with the help of a sentence builder. Practice through a reading (differentiated worksheets) and another reading with open answer questions. Lesson 4: Students create their own menu. Work on a role play to go order at their “classmates’ restaurant”. Writing a Trip advisor review for their classmates’ restaurant, giving their opinion.
French GCSE Conversation booklet (Speaking) Edexcel

French GCSE Conversation booklet (Speaking) Edexcel

Free preview available ! (Link at the end of the description). Concept of the booklet: The concept of this Conversation booklet is straightforward - Simple questions, Complex answers. The aim of this speaking booklet is to enhance students’ results by removing (as much as possible) the first layer of difficulty when it comes to the conversation task: understanding the question. To do this, the 9 questions per theme follow the pattern below: Parle-moi de…  present tense (x2) Qu’est-ce que tu penses de…  Opinion (x3) ____ dernier/dernière, …  past tense (x2) _____ prochain / prochaine,…  future tense (x2) Opinion questions: you can also ask them a closed question always starting with « tu aimes…? » and coach them to develop their answers. Eg: « tu aimes le foot? » rather than «Qu’est-ce que tu penses du foot? » The booklet also contains: Presentation of the conversation task (what, timings, themes and topics) Presentation of the top band markscheme for Higher and Foundation. Language elements to meet each requirement of the markscheme. One minute presentation: writing frame (designed by a colleague of mine) for Higher and Foundation + space to write. 5 themes that each includes: –> A list of what is included in the theme –> Model answers (WAGOLL), divided in “Grade 3”, “Grade 4/5”, “Grade 6+”, translated and with a paragraph explaining why it’s a good answer against the markscheme. This is being done for a question asking for present tense, for an opinion, for past tenses and for future tenses, for each theme (a total of 20 models analysed against the mark scheme). –> 9 questions as detailed above –> Elements to stretch their answers. Click here for a free preview document
French Theme 2 - Topic: My holidays Higher- Whole term Bundle

French Theme 2 - Topic: My holidays Higher- Whole term Bundle

6 Resources
Bundle regrouping all the Foundation lessons, meant to last a whole term with 2-to-4-hour lessons. You will find lessons on: Countries, accommodation and transports (conditional) Hotel room booking - leads to a role play Transports & ticket booking - leads to a role play (+ comparative). Holidays activities (present and past tense + perfect tense of reflexive verbs). Restaurant outing - leads to a role play + writing to review a restaurant Problems on holidays (including perfect tense, some imperfect tense + “j’aurais/j’ai dû… + inf” and pluperfect)
French Theme 2 - Problems on holidays (F&H)

French Theme 2 - Problems on holidays (F&H)

2 Resources
Bundle containing the Higher and Foundation version of the lesson “Problem on holidays”, covering the vocabulary of what can go wrong (dirty hotel, broken limb, things stolen…) and what they had to do. Both lessons have a quick look at the imperfect tense, what it is, when to use it, but keep it as the use of “c’était” and “il y avait”. Higher lesson introduces and practises the pluperfect.
French Edexcel_Introduction to Role Play

French Edexcel_Introduction to Role Play

Two lessons of 50 min / an hour each Lesson 1: revision of question word + questions that will be used to prepare the Role play (from lesson On se retrouve où?) Lesson 2: introduction of Speaking exam + what a Role play looks like + practice of a role play. Edit: 12/02/2024 Lesson two now contains a peer-assessment grid, including pronunciation and flow (useful to train for the picture task and conversation).
Speaking prep_ Edexcel (Role Play, Picture, Conversation)

Speaking prep_ Edexcel (Role Play, Picture, Conversation)

3 Resources
This Bundle regroups a conversation booklet, an introduction to the Role Play (2 hour lesson) and an introduction to the Picture Card (4 hour lesson). Both lessons include an introduction of the exam, a look at a RP/PC question, writing answers with teacher modelling and peer assessment. Both include a peer-assessment grid based from an interpretation of the Edexcel mark scheme (H/F). The conversation booklet is based on 9 simple questions per theme, removing the barrier of understanding complex question, and focusing on how to develop and stretch answers. Contains a detailed example (put against the markscheme) of a question about opinion, a present tense question, a past tense question and a future tense question per theme (translated and analysed). Check out the FREE PREVIEW of Conversation booklet: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12932275
Speaking exam prep_Role Play and Picture Card

Speaking exam prep_Role Play and Picture Card

2 Resources
This Bundle regroups an introduction to the Role Play (2 hour lesson) and an introduction to the Picture Card (4 hour lesson). Both include an introduction of the exam, a look at a RP/PC question, writing answers with teacher modelling and peer assessment. Both include a peer-assessment grid based from an interpretation of the Edexcel mark scheme (H/F).
French Theme 1 - La télévision et les séries - TV shows (higher opinion)

French Theme 1 - La télévision et les séries - TV shows (higher opinion)

Lesson covering vocabulary related to TV shows as well as higher opinions, with adjective agreement eg: ça m’intéresserait de regarder les émissions de télé-réalité parce qu’elles sont amusantes. Lesson 1: Recap of TV shows from Yr8, recaping and adding higher opinions. Lesson 2: Study of adjective agreements in the context of justified opinions. Lesson 3: Leads to a guided writing where students use higher opinions and adjective agreement to describe tastes in TV shows. Lesson 4: Speaking practice mixing present tense, opinion + infinitive and past tense.
French Theme 1 - Topic: Hobbies - Whole Term Bundle

French Theme 1 - Topic: Hobbies - Whole Term Bundle

7 Resources
Bundle with the following resources (lasts a whole term): Sports (play) + since and pronoun “y” Sports (do), Instruments + since and pronoun “en” Internet Reading ( + paper books vs e-books) TV shows (higher opinions and adjective agreement). TV shows (comparative) Hobbies in the past (passé composé)
French & Spanish GCSE Past paper - per theme

French & Spanish GCSE Past paper - per theme

2 Resources
Make your planning easier with this Powerpoint ! French and Spanish Listening, Reading and Writing exercises from Edexcel past papers from 2018 to 2023 (included) sorted per theme. Included: transcript and answers. Included: in the note under the side, you will see the year of the paper (that way you can plan around the papers you are going to use for MOCKs). What I usually do: I have a look at my lesson’s objective and then scan the PPT of the theme I am currently teaching to see if any paper would work well (as a recap / practice / end production).
Spanish GCSE Past papers - per theme (Edexcel)

Spanish GCSE Past papers - per theme (Edexcel)

Listening, Reading and Writing exercises from Edexcel past papers from 2018 to 2023 (included) sorted per theme. Included: transcript and answers. Included: in the note under the side, you will see the year of the paper (that way you can plan around the papers you are going to use for MOCKs).