A great game for sorting representations for the numbers 1, 2 and 3. Children should count the objects or subitise the images and sort them based on their numeric value.
Display posters for the four operations to show different vocabulary that could be used. Great for displays and for discussions regarding word problem wording.
Practice your Phase 4 tricky words by playing this roll and read game.
Roll the dice and read the corresponding tricky word.
Links to Letters and Sounds Phonics programme.
Differentiated addition dominoes.
Count the spots on each side of the domino to finish the number sentence. Then, count the spots to solve.
A simple addition activity for EYFS/ KS1. Perfect for continuous provision with real dominoes or an adult led activity in class.
Year 2 maths activity mats practicing different areas of mathematics.
Addition and subtraction
Missing numbers
Number bonds to 10
Units of measure
Counting in 2’s and 10’s
Each mat is differentiated 3 ways.
Read the words and put a peg on the correct one. Great fine motor skills practice whilst reading CVC words.
Matches Letters and Sounds Phase 2 words but perfect for any Phonics SSP practicing reading.
Practice sounding out and blending CVC words with this fun activity. Blend the words and match with the corresponding pictures. Great for developing those early blending skills or for phonics interventions.
A great bundle for developing scissor skills and fine motor skills.
Begin by developing cutting simple lines with our 2D shape animal activities.
Develop by creating scenes by cutting out more intricate shapes such as dinosaurs and leaves.
A great morning task or intervention activity for children working on Phase 3 skills.
Phoneme frames
I Spy
Read and spell
Caption reading
Word reading
Alien and real words
Display cards to show the vocabulary used for different topics. Great for working walls and word problem work.
Position and direction
ELG maths activity mats. Great for practicing skills or assessing where the children are at ready for the EYFS profile.
Can be done individually or part of adult-led maths provision.
Roll and Read game for learning and practicing tricky words.
Learn and practice your tricky words by rolling the dice and reading the corresponding tricky words.
Links with UK Letters and Sounds phonics programme