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Mes matières Studio 1
Using studio 1, this lesson covers the following objectives:
1- To learn vocabulary related to school subjects in French.
2- To be able to express opinions in French.
3- To be able to produce a paragraph using the above.
Homework and differentiated activities are included. I recommend to print worksheets directly from the PPT slide.
Au collège en France
This lesson covers the whole unit 4 module 2 of studio 1 textbook. It covers the following objectives:
1- To know vocabulary related to school day/facilities.
2- To understand how to use “we” in the present tense.
3- To be able to write a paragraph about your school day.
Clear starters and activities with stretch and challenge tasks available.
Les pays-J'habite
Using studio 1 or Expo 2, this lesson covers the following objectives:
1- To learn vocabulary related to countries in French
2- To be able to use "in" as "I live in" in French.
3- To be able to insert the above in a paragraph.
Stretch and challenge tasks, worksheets and lesson plan are included.
As-tu des frères et soeurs?
Full lesson to cover the topic "as-tu des frères et soeurs?". with the following objectives:
1- To know siblings vocab in French.
2- To understand how to use « j’ai »/ «je n’ai pas de »/« il a » in French.
3- To be able to produce sentences telling how many siblings you have using connectives and negatives.
Stretch and challenge tasks are included as well as learning objectives. Two types of lesson are available. I recommend to print worksheets directly from the PPT slide.
Opinions - j'adore
Full lesson to cover a KS3 lesson about opinions. Would fit to studio 1 or expo 1 lessons. The objectives are:
1- To know the school subjects in French.
2- To understand how to use the opinions.
3- To be able to produce sentences telling your opinion about different subjects.
Stretch and challenge tasks are included as well as learning objectives. I recommend to print worksheets directly from the PPT slide.
Dans mon sac
Full lesson with stretch and challenge tasks to cover the unit.
The learning objectives are:
1- To know school bag items in French.
2- To understand how to use "j'ai"/"je n'ai pas de" in French.
3- To be able to say/write what I have in my bag in a paragraph.
I recommend to print worksheets directly from the PPT slide.
Instructions en français
Full lesson about instructions in French.
1- To know items related to instructions in French.
2- To understand basic verbs related to instructions in French.
3- To be able to produce sentences giving instructions in a classroom and telling comments how my work.
Stretch and challenge tasks are included. I recommend to print worksheets directly from the PPT slide.
En mi dormitorio
This file contains the whole lesson of "en mi dormitorio". The objectives covered are:
To be able to decribe what is in the bedroom.
To be able to use preposition to locate items in the bedroom.
Quel âge as-tu? Access Studio
Full lesson about the topic “quel âge as-tu?”. This lesson covers also the unit 2 of Access Studio textbook.
The objectives are:
1- To know numbers in French from 1 to 20 .
2- To understand how to use « j’ai » in French.
3- To be able to produce sentences telling your age.
The lesson is with animations. Stretch and challenge tasks are included. I recommend to print worksheets directly from the PPT slide.
Mon autoportrait Studio 1
This lesson is about the module 1 unit 1 of Studio 1 book. The lesson covers the following objectives:
To know vocabulary related to activities/hobbies.
To understand how to use opinions and regular -er verbs.
To be able to write a paragraph about likes and dislikes.
Perdu dans le parc d'attractions Studio 1
This lesson covers the whole unit 2 module 4 of Studio 1 text book. It covers the following objectives:
1- To know vocabulary related to a theme park.
2- To understand how to give directions.
3- To be able to produce a piece of writing about giving directions in a theme park.
Colours and pets/Spanish primary school lesson
This lesson is good to cover the topic colours and pets in a primary school from year 1 to year 6. It contains a worksheet where students can show the progress made through the lesson.
J'ai cours! Studio 1
This lesson covers the whole unit 3 module 2 of studio 1 textbook. It covers the following objectives:
1- To know numbers and vocab related to the time.
2- To understand how to say the time in French.
3- To be able to describe a timetable by using the time.
Clear starters and activities with stretch and challenge tasks available.