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Microsoft FORMS - Listening and Reading Assessments for Viva 1, 2 and 2 second edition Spanish

Microsoft FORMS - Listening and Reading Assessments for Viva 1, 2 and 2 second edition Spanish

List of links to duplicate in Microsoft FORMS. All LISTENING and READING end of module assessments in digital version to get them marked automatically (except for the tasks where they must type, these you will have to revise yourself). I use this to save hours of pointless marking/ticking. In my school students have laptops, so they do their assessment on paper, but then have a few minutes at the end of the lesson to transfer their results to their Microsoft Form. Afterwards, I just revise the tasks where they had to write and decide if they deserve the point or not. Then, the marking is done! Here you have an example: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ShareFormPage.aspx?id=YfET2k0H10ymLDUy9VlZjBH_PuB_dHRLqpZfZzgMhrNUN0NMRkgwRTMxTEdNSThOWlJERjNVSUNaUi4u&sharetoken=9fJun0fIYA45aGVQWVHK&wdLOR=c59272EF6-8B44-4FAC-9D6F-A527B5F9A291