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MrG2246's Shop

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Hi! Welcome to my TES Shop. I've taught many children in KS2 and created these resources somewhere along the way - I hope you find them useful for your classes!




Hi! Welcome to my TES Shop. I've taught many children in KS2 and created these resources somewhere along the way - I hope you find them useful for your classes!
Grid Multiplication - Mastery Questions (3x, 4x & 8x)

Grid Multiplication - Mastery Questions (3x, 4x & 8x)

This resource is aimed at a Year 3 class studying Grid Multiplication. Children are completing fluency and reasoning questions before moving onto worded problems. The worksheets are differentiated 3 ways for HA, MA and LA children. This resource is intended to follow on from one of my other resources covering 3x and 4x. (link: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/grid-multiplication-mastery-questions-3x-and-4x-12046956) The Learning Objectives covered by this resource are: I can use the grid method to multiply by 3 and 4. I can use the grid method to multiply by 3, 4 and 8. Answers are included.
Year 5 Fractions Bundle

Year 5 Fractions Bundle

14 Resources
These are a collection of my Fractions resources. I have used all of these resources with a Year 5 class. The resources could also be used in KS2 as revision activities, for example in Y6. They follow the mastery approach and follow fluency, reasoning and problem solving. Resources cover: Adding & Subtracting Comparing Fractions Equivalent Fractions Improper Fractions & Mixed Numbers Homework sheets Multiplying fractions by a whole number Some of the sheets include answers and differentiation for HA, MA and LA pupils. This bundle is a great bargain over purchasing the resources individually.
Comparing Fractions Word Problems

Comparing Fractions Word Problems

A worksheet of word problems for Comparing Fractions. Both docx and pdf file provided. Aimed at a Year 5 class but could also be used in Year 6 for revision. Answers included.
Multiplying 2 digit by 1 digit numbers

Multiplying 2 digit by 1 digit numbers

This resource is aimed at KS2 studying the formal method of multiplication. Children will be multiplying 2 digit numbers by 1 digit numbers. There are no fluency activities in this worksheet as this activity is solely based on reasoning and problem solving questions. The activity is differentiated 3 ways and consists of reasoning and problem solving questions, for example missing numbers, odd one out and then worded problem (including multi-step problems). Includes answers!
Identifying features of a setting description - Taj Mahal

Identifying features of a setting description - Taj Mahal

A lesson on identifying features of a setting description. This lesson is Lesson 1 in my 2-week unit where children are writing their own setting description. This was taught as a standalone unit. Aimed at a Year 4/5 class. In this lesson, children are reading a setting description of the Taj Mahal and then using coloured pencils/highlighters to annotate the passage and find the grammatical features within the text). The text contains alliteration, expanded noun phrases, similies, adverbs, prepositions and relative clauses. Learning Objective: To be able to understand the features of a good setting description. There is no lesson plan included, only the activities and presentation. This is so that you can adapt the lesson and plan using your own schools format. The example setting description for the Taj Mahal (and used in this lesson bundle) is available for free download here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12460446
Identifying and Using Prepositions - Taj Mahal

Identifying and Using Prepositions - Taj Mahal

Lesson 2 in the setting description unit, where children are learning to write a setting description. Lesson contains; Discussion about preposition Preposition song linked on YouTube Identifying prepositions in sentences - whole class and individual Writing sentences that describe the Taj Mahal independently Completing a worksheet where children identify the preposition and prepositional phrases, add prepositions to sentences and then write their own sentences. Differentiated worksheet for the task included and powerpoint presentation. Both are pptx and docx files so you can easily adapt. Used with a Year 4 class.
Column Addition Interview Lesson Y3/4

Column Addition Interview Lesson Y3/4

A short lesson I used for an interview based on Column Addition with a mixed Year 3 and 4 class. This lesson is probably suitable for a 30 minute slot. Learning Objective: To be able to use the column method of addition. Included in this lesson: Notebook file 3 way differentiated activity in docx and pdf format (pdf worksheets available here free: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12088888) Human number line starter activity Lesson plan Extension task Super extension task (This is an nrich activity, I did not create this) Answer sheet There are only 6 questions on each worksheet, but each differentiated pathway (Bronze, Silver, Gold) has its own extension activities. Alternatively, if the Bronze children finish their worksheet then they could choose a Silver one. Children self-assess which level is right for them (with this being an interview lesson this is the only way unless you can get the info beforehand) so be aware the children may not have self assessed correctly and may require the sheet swapping during the lesson.
Describing our Senses - Taj Mahal

Describing our Senses - Taj Mahal

Lesson 5 in the writing unit where children are learning to write a setting description - used with a Year 4/5 class. In this lesson, children explore their different senses and then write sentences inspired by their senses to describe the setting of the Taj Mahal. The activity is differentiated 4 ways. Lesson flow; Recap with a partner - what is an adjective/synonym etc Learn about our senses Watch a video of the Taj Mahal Class discussion about the video Shared writing about our senses Independent work where children are writing their own descriptions
Using exciting adjectives - Taj Mahal

Using exciting adjectives - Taj Mahal

Lesson 3 in the writing unit where children are learning to write a setting description. This lesson focuses on using exciting adjectives and vocabulary to describe the setting. Children are also challenged to use a simile if they have learned about this previously. Aimed at a Year 4/5 class. Activity is differentiated 4 ways, for LA, MA and HA Y4 children and then Y5 children. Lesson contains; Recap features of a good setting description Using the adjective ‘big’ as a boring example and up-levelling this as class using synoyms and looking these up in a thesaurus Recap of our setting - The Taj Mahal Brainstorm in small groups to create synonyms, using thesaurses to help Whole class writing using the brainstormed words to create a descriptive and exciting sentence Peer-assessment of the class written sentence Independent work, children are using the differentiated worksheets to improve the provided sentences and then write their own.
Making Toast - Instructions & Relative Clauses

Making Toast - Instructions & Relative Clauses

A short lesson/activity based around instructions and relative clauses on How to Make Toast. The children are asked to add more information and description to the basic instructions, using fronted adverbials of time, relative clauses and relative pronouns. Taught in Year 4/5 - the children loved making actual toast (and eating it too!). A silly teacher demonstration of making toast taking their instructions literally goes down a treat Differentiated 4 ways and easy edit word documents so you can adjust for your own class. Could be used as a full lesson or revision activity! Learning Objective: To be able to use a relative clause beginning with; this, that or where.
Identifying features of a diary entry

Identifying features of a diary entry

Aimed at Year 5 - this lesson is to teach children the grammatical features of a diary entry and then includes an activity where children are locating these features within a text. Included in this pack is; Notebook presentation explaining the features A list of features for children to refer back to if needed after the lesson Differentiated key templates - children to use colours to complete the key and then identify the features on the text via highlighting/underlining etc Please note I have not provided the example diary entry as this would normally be specific to the current topic or theme of the class/unit.
Equivalent Fractions Recap Worksheet

Equivalent Fractions Recap Worksheet

Used as part of an observed lesson with Year 5 and 6 that received outstanding feedback, this worksheet was used as a revision task for recapping equivalent fractions. Children use bar models to find equivalent fractions, write their own equivalent fractions, complete reasoning questions such as odd one out and missing numbers, before completing problem solving questions involving equivalent fractions. The worksheets are differentiated 3 ways and also include answers. Worksheets include docx and pdf formats, whilst answers are pdf only.
Equivalent Fractions Worksheet

Equivalent Fractions Worksheet

In this activity, children are completing questions on equivalent fractions. Includes; Fluency questions with pie charts Reasoning (odd one out, completing the missing numbers) Finding equivalent fractions Problem solving with worded problems The sheets are differentiated 3 ways and include answers. Used with a Year 5 class. Includes pdf and docx for worksheet. Answers are pdf only.
Identifying and using Parenthesis - Kensuke's Kingdom

Identifying and using Parenthesis - Kensuke's Kingdom

A lesson and activity on identifying and using parenthesis, themed to a diary writing unit based around the book Kensuke’s Kingdom. Ideal to fit as part of a book unit or as a revision session. Ideal for a Year 5 or Year 6 class. The whole class use the same activity sheet with differentiation inside the paragraph and based on finding and using parenthesis, with just brackets, and then moving onto using commas and dashes. I found the higher ability children found most of the parenthesis in the paragraph within the given time. Children need 2 coloured pencils for the activity - one colour to highlight any parenthesis they think they have found (before learning about it) and another to highlight parenthesis after learning about it (and during whole class feedback). There is also links to a song and the BBC Supermovers clip to ensure an active lesson. Powerpoint and word document included so you can edit for your use case.
Adding & Subtracting Fractions Worksheet  Day 2 Y5

Adding & Subtracting Fractions Worksheet Day 2 Y5

This activity is aimed at a Year 5 class, who are studying adding and subtracting fractions. It is differentiated for the HA, MA and LA children. All worksheets are aimed at the mastery approach, with fluency, reasoning and worded problems. I have used these with a Year 5 class. This is worksheet day 2 of 2 as I spread adding and subtracting over a few days. Children are also encouraged to simplify and convert improper fractions to mixed numbers where possible Day 1 worksheets available here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12046732 Answers are included. Learning Obejctive: To be able can add and subtract fractions.
Kensuke's Kingdom Example Diary Entries

Kensuke's Kingdom Example Diary Entries

A couple of diary entries that could be used to identify features of diary entries or as a what a good one looks like. They are written from Michael’s point of view from the book Kensuke’s Kingdom. You could also use the diaries as part of an ‘around the world’ topic. There are 2 diary entries: the first was written as a whole class writing activity; the second was written as a good example that the children could then use to highlight good aspects and things to improve on. I’ve used these with a Year 4 and 5 class. I have also uploaded a editable version so that you can adapt/change if you wish to do so. If you found this resource useful or if you have any questions please email me at: mrg2246 (at) outlook.com
Year 6 SPAG Guide / Cheat Sheet

Year 6 SPAG Guide / Cheat Sheet

Initially designed for home learning, this SPAG guide covers the Year 6/KS2 SPAG objectives. This was designed for use during lockdown for children to refer to whilst writing at home but has since been adapted for use in the classroom as a learning journal type of resource (hence the 2 versions of this below, both included). The guide is similar to the Year 4 version but also includes the objectives for Year 5 and 6. There are 2 variations: Homelearning/revision/parent guide based A useful tool for children to use whilst writing at home, including links to bitesize and songs where appropriate. Classbased - essentially the same as the home version except I have removed the links to online resources. I used these in learning journals or stuck in the back of literacy books for children to refer to, so I felt it looked neater if the links were removed. Year 4/5 mixed class version: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-12637388 Year 4 version: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12297946
Beowulf - Features of a story opening

Beowulf - Features of a story opening

A lesson aimed at Year 4 where children are learning about identifying the features of a story opening, themed to the story of Beowulf. Used as part of the first writing unit for Y4 in September. Children should already have learned about a noun, adjective, expanded noun phrase and prepositions to be able to identify these within the text. Differentiated by support in class and HA children to receive a blank grid on their worksheet/locate their own features and then improve the sentences/vocab as a challenge. Includes pptx and worksheets/example story as docx and pdf formats.
Beowulf Example Story Opening Year 4

Beowulf Example Story Opening Year 4

Used within a Year 4 writing unit, where children were retelling the story of Beowulf. This is an example story opening for the children’s Beowulf recount, used to show children a model and the grammatical features that were expected. Full lesson where children are identifying features of the story opening available here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-13119752
Beowulf Writing Resources

Beowulf Writing Resources

9 Resources
A collection of resources used in a Year 4 class where children are writing a recount and/or Newspaper Report themed to the story of Beowulf by Michael Morpurgo.